A girl friend wanted to check out some play groups/schools for her lil girl, who is a couple of months older than Hunter. So Hunter and I went along for the ride, after we all had a lazy lunch.
Bibinogs looked
My friend’s lil one took to it very happily, and was quite at ease. Hunter, on the other hand, was very tentative and suspicious. He was happy when he was playing with just his lil girl friend, but when the ladies tried to interact with him, he showed much displeasure. I suspect he’s not fond of loud/shrill female voices that are very in-his-face.. as he never seems to respond well when ever people try REALLY hard to get him to do so. He’s kind of a gentle giant and needs his own time to explore and get comfortable with situations – by himself.
Of course, this meant he had his bottom-lip tucked in the entire time, and just looked at everything with HUGE eyes.. the whole time clinging onto me.

I have to admit though, it was pretty adorable when they tried to bribe him with yummy snacks, and he looked at the snack curiously but didn’t dare to reach out to grab one. It was only until I said “It’s OK Hunter, you can have a snack” that he reached over and put one in his mouth. It just made me feel like I really mattered in his decision-making process 🙂

So we decided to book our kids in for a proper playgroup there in 2 weeks time. I’m still a bit undecided though, as I think it’s a 70% chance Hunter will be really unimpressed and have a meltdown. Especially if there are other kids there yelling, or if the ladies there are too in-his-face again. But I suppose it doesn’t hurt to try it once, and gives him some good social interaction!
I love Hunter’s chubby cheeks!! 🙂
The first pic is super adorable!!
I’m sure he will be fine! 🙂 just need some time to adjust to the new environment! I really love Hunter’s expression in the first pic! so funny!
*the little girl is really cute too!*
I’m hoping so.. cos it costs about $50 or so for a session – GAH!!!
love Hunter’s last picture… it looked like he gave an unsure “hmmmm?” response to someone.
Yeah, to the ladies singing and dancing! He wasn’t particularly delighted by it 😛