I’m a HUGE fan of local food in Singapore. I think it ranks up there as my favourite cuisine.. alongside Japanese and French. I only ‘discovered’ the delights of Singaporean local food when I was around 18 yrs old, and it was actually in Australia that I first tasted Singaporean food (unbelievable, right?)
Since then, I’ve obviously had Singaporean food IN Singapore, and I freakin’ ADORE the stuff. Honestly, I could eat it every single day (actually, I think I do) and not get bored. The range is huge, and virtually everything is fantastic.
I like to go to the one at Bukit Timah Markets, which is above the markets and has really friendly folk. Check out the dinner we had the other night!
BBQ chicken wings.. so glossy and plump, yummeh..
How could we NOT order satay?? Grilled to perfection.
Fried chae tow kway (however you spell it?), Chris' favourite food. They do it beautifully crisp here, and you get a really decent portion for just $2
My personal favourite - sambal stingray!! It's better than fish imho, because it's less fishy smelling, more tender meat, and no random bones in the meat. Divine.
And look what my friend made me! It’s the ‘Tie the knot’ gold necklace from Sparklethots. She made it with an extra-thin gold chain which I prefer since I like super-delicate jewellery. The bow is so beautifully crafted and smooth, and sits flat against me. It’s a quiet and subtle piece but oh-so-feminine and delicate. Beautiful. Makes freakin’ fabulous Christmas present for a girl friend or sister, too 🙂
'Tie the knot' gold necklace from Sparklethots
Closer-up version
Hunter's hair is finally growing! With a funny lil curl of hair above his right ear, that I can't quite seem to flatten down 😉
Hunter’s eye lashes are getting spectacular to look at. He’s getting more hair on top!
I guess it’s why he gets mistaken for a girl.. lol. But yeah, he’s slowly growing more and more hair on his head now – yay!
I love the necklace.
It’s so delicate and pretty, I’m adoring it. She does ship internationally if you’re keen!
his lashes!!! to die for!!!
They curl up naturally – how i WISH mine did that!