Hunter ALL ABOUT HUNTER 31 December 2011

It’s my Dad’s birthday today!!!! Yep, he is a NYE baby 🙂 We are off celebrating with him this afternoon and tonight so I don’t really have much time to write properly.

But since Chris’ brother is in town with his giant camera and even more giant lens(es), tripod, monopod, etc etc etc… we’ve had the pleasure of having lots of lovely photos taken of our little one 😀 Except people outside think that he is a celebrity baby, because he gets trailed around with cameras and especially a professional photographer 😉 Well, at least Hunter loves the attention!


Video of Hunter with his wooden walker – a Christmas gift!

On his daily morning walk with his Grandpa who's visiting for Christmas/NY


Inspecting more flowers


Mr Cheesy Grin 😉


Not very pleased about... something


Walking time around the house!


He loves his walker 😉


Our family out shopping


Chilling out for a bit with an iPad


Afternoon swim


"Brrrrr, it's kinda cold!"




Let’s Chat!

Let's Chat!

Hunter is getting big, cannot believe he is walking. Y’all have a Happy New Year

Hunter Fans
Ron & Lina

They’re all wonderful pictures, but that last one is just precious.
p.s. Happy birthday to your dad.