A couple of people have asked how best to keep track of my blog’s updates, now that I’m off LiveJournal.
There are 3
- Bookmark https://beverlys.net/blog (or press CTRL-D on your keyboard to do it)
- Copy & paste my RSS feed into your RSS reader
- Pop in your email address under the “Subscribe” area to the right to get instant updates
And that’s it. Easy-peasy 🙂
Welcome to your own domain 🙂 I’ve been off livejournal for a long time…
Tracy (popcornfeet from livejournal)
Ooh hullo hullo! Yeah I’m the last one, it feels like lol. Better late than never I guess 😛
now that makes it easier to read your entries..but are you going to restrict it like you use to in LJ?
Yeah I will do Password-protected entries here and there, if you use the Contact form at the very top I’ll send it to you!