PLAYING GAMES 5 May 2011 in Hunter, Uncategorized

I always used to think adults acting like idiots and playing Peekaboo! with babies was so naffy. I mean, aren’t they embarrassed to be behaving like that?! Don’t they realise how silly they sound? Wellllll……. After that, it’s bath time, a quick story and...

BRING ON SUMMER! 4 May 2011 in Friends, Parties, Uncategorized

My girl friend and her husband threw a BBQ party to rock in summer.. which is fast approaching in Shanghai – woohoo!! FINALLY, too, because winter has been dragging on for seemingly ages. Winter is depressing in Shanghai – cold, dreary, rainy. And now...

WAS THAT ALL JUST A BAD DREAM? 2 May 2011 in Hunter, Uncategorized

OK nevermind, forget my last entry… Hunter’s suddenly gone back to clocking in his usual 7-8 hour stretches of sleep for the past few nights now, and napping well during the day. It’s like he heard me bitching him out the other day. I...