HUNTER AND BEVERLY SINGING 8 April 2011 in Hunter, Uncategorized

There’s a reason why I’ve never posted a video of me singing – ever. It’s cos I really suck at it. I’m not blessed with a golden voice; so it’s average at best and off-key at worst 😛 But the awesome thing about singing...

CHOCOLATE TOUR AROUND SHANGHAI 7 April 2011 in FOOD, Food reviews, Friends, Uncategorized

There is a group of around 14-15 girls that are the “tai tai” women – that is, women that aren’t working and so are free during the day to hang out, do brunches, cooking classes, coffees, shopping, and generally bum around 😛 And I...

HUNTER TALKING 5 April 2011 in Hunter, Uncategorized

Teehee! So I may have cheated a leeeeetle in my MUM OR DAD post – I picked pics that I knew would swing the vote in my favour 😉 To be fair, most people that have seen Hunter in real life reckon he looks...

MUM OR DAD? in Hunter, Uncategorized

So then, d’ya reckon………………. Hunter looks like ME? Or Hunter looks like CHRIS?

PIXIE THREADS ONESIES 4 April 2011 in Hunter, Uncategorized

The other day, we received a wonderful surprise gift in the mail from my wonderful cousin ameelia and friend budding_corsage. The package included 2 onesies from Pixie Threads – a store where you can personalise your own baby clothes! I *squealed* when I saw...