I used to look at women in senior positions and/or climbing the career ladder quit their jobs and end up looking messy and running after a toddler and think “What a fall from grace.” Now, I FULLY understand and support their decision.
When Hunter was born, everything to do with career and work went right out the window, and 100% of my focus was on Hunter. In the past few months, I can’t fathom being apart from him during the day. Miss out on all his milestones? My heart would break. Not being able to inhale his yummy baby smell 24/7? Out of the question.
After 7 years at eBay spanning across Australia and China, I felt my time was up and it was time to move on. I am, proudly, a stay-at-home mum. I used to think there was something a little sad, a little ‘I’ve given up’ about that title. Now, I relish in that status. Will I go back to work? Most likely, one day. But not yet.
And so, it’s onto the most challenging and most rewarding job in the world for me…. being a SAHM π
Oh what good times we’ve had!

But now I wake up to something even BETTER every morning
Please don’t take offence to this as it is meant in the nicest way possible, but I am a little disappointed in this decision. I am sure it was made in the best interest of your family, but I was looking forward to seeing how you would juggle both motherhood and career. I thought of all people, you would be able to. Good luck with it all though π
Lots of people mentioned that to me, so you’re not alone. Right now, this is the best for our family, specifically because 1) we don’t have access to (good) child care for such a young infant here in Shanghai, so I have to stay home to look after him in the short term, and 2) we’re moving to Singapore in a few weeks.
So because of those 2 reasons, it makes it much easier to take time-off from my career. It won’t be forever, I’ll go back, just not sure when!
Please don’t take offence to this as it is meant in the nicest way possible, but I am a little disappointed in this decision. I am sure it was made in the best interest of your family, but I was looking forward to seeing how you would juggle both motherhood and career. I thought of all people, you would be able to. Good luck with it all though π
Lots of people mentioned that to me, so you’re not alone. Right now, this is the best for our family, specifically because 1) we don’t have access to (good) child care for such a young infant here in Shanghai, so I have to stay home to look after him in the short term, and 2) we’re moving to Singapore in a few weeks.
So because of those 2 reasons, it makes it much easier to take time-off from my career. It won’t be forever, I’ll go back, just not sure when!
Best job in the world! Proud of you!
Heh I agree.. it’s difficult but rewarding!
congrats π
Thanks hon!
Best job in the world! Proud of you!
Heh I agree.. it’s difficult but rewarding!
hi, long time viewer, first time poster… well maybe not first time. But wow, bold move. Whatever made you headstrong moving up the corporate ladder’s surely made you understand that you’ve committed to the right decision for you.
I only wish that I’d be in a position to be able to survive on one income, whenever I have a little one, but that seems extremely unlikely. It’s funny though, I’m not on any amazing income, but looking at demographic statistics, there are families who manage to survive on my income… I think as a young couple, you do tend to bury yourself in debt which one person alone can’t service. Especially with Sydney property prices I guess…
Re: wow…..
It’s definitely painful going from double to single income, especially since we intend to buy property this year. But.. we’ll survive!
congrats π
Thanks hon!
hi, long time viewer, first time poster… well maybe not first time. But wow, bold move. Whatever made you headstrong moving up the corporate ladder’s surely made you understand that you’ve committed to the right decision for you.
I only wish that I’d be in a position to be able to survive on one income, whenever I have a little one, but that seems extremely unlikely. It’s funny though, I’m not on any amazing income, but looking at demographic statistics, there are families who manage to survive on my income… I think as a young couple, you do tend to bury yourself in debt which one person alone can’t service. Especially with Sydney property prices I guess…
Re: wow…..
It’s definitely painful going from double to single income, especially since we intend to buy property this year. But.. we’ll survive!
welcome home! I’m sure ur parents are extremely glad that you are back home!
Enjoy the moments with Hunter! I’m sure u’ll look back in the future and be glad that u did so! π
Thanks hon! We’re excited about the move.. and it’ll be good to able to settle us all in too since I won’t be working
i believe you can either be a GREAT mother or a GREAT employee. you can’t be GREAT at both. you can be average, or a little bit better than average if you do both but not as good as you can be if you concentrate on one. not that it makes a difference, but i think you made the right decision.
Re: jaidjo
Yeah right now I definitely cannot concentrate on both, that’s out of the question. Maybe later, once it all settles down, I’ll reconsider.. but for now, we’re all happy!
I understand how you feel as I was exactly the same when I had my son. Initially I was only going to take the 1 year maternity leave but then decided not to go back to work. I just couldn’t put my child in long day care. My son is now 4 and I’m still a sahm! Best decision I ever made! I won’t be going back to work until he starts formal schooling. π
HOw fortunate you are that you can do that! It’s a big relief to hear that you still think it was the best decision π
welcome home! I’m sure ur parents are extremely glad that you are back home!
Enjoy the moments with Hunter! I’m sure u’ll look back in the future and be glad that u did so! π
Thanks hon! We’re excited about the move.. and it’ll be good to able to settle us all in too since I won’t be working
Hunter is just mad adorable! noone will blame you for wanting to spend more time with such a darling. =)
Hehe well I figure best to enjoy his adorable years esp before he turns into a crazy teenager π
i believe you can either be a GREAT mother or a GREAT employee. you can’t be GREAT at both. you can be average, or a little bit better than average if you do both but not as good as you can be if you concentrate on one. not that it makes a difference, but i think you made the right decision.
Re: jaidjo
Yeah right now I definitely cannot concentrate on both, that’s out of the question. Maybe later, once it all settles down, I’ll reconsider.. but for now, we’re all happy!
I understand how you feel as I was exactly the same when I had my son. Initially I was only going to take the 1 year maternity leave but then decided not to go back to work. I just couldn’t put my child in long day care. My son is now 4 and I’m still a sahm! Best decision I ever made! I won’t be going back to work until he starts formal schooling. π
HOw fortunate you are that you can do that! It’s a big relief to hear that you still think it was the best decision π
What a big step! I’m many milestones behind you still, cos right now it’s still career career career, but I can still tell that Hunter is incredibly lucky to have a mother at home all the time, and how lucky that you get to spend all your time with your boy!
PS I misread your post title as “BEING A SHAM”. Hhahahahaa.
LOL Chris said the *exact* same thing π
Hunter is just mad adorable! noone will blame you for wanting to spend more time with such a darling. =)
Hehe well I figure best to enjoy his adorable years esp before he turns into a crazy teenager π
Hi, from your posts you are a great mum. I don’t have kids myself but my sister was a career girl who gave up work to raise her little ones, they grow up quickly and she didn’t want to miss out on anything. I think you are making a great decision, Hunter is a cutie pie! Good luck with the move back to Singapore, I live in Sydney and if I had to pick another country to live in it would be Singapore, best food and shopping! Stefanie
Ohhh I adore Sydney, I miss it so much π Sydney and Singapore and San Francisco are my top 3 cities to live in, they’re fairly similar imho!
Congrats on your decision! It is courageous and noble, and to Chris too for providing for his family. You are lucky, but it also takes courage and a good sense of self to be able to be a SAHM. Thanks for being an inspiration!
– Grace
Re: congrats!
Thanks Grace! I hope it will all work out π
One lucky little man
Your Son is one lucky little man to have you as his Mother. My Wife did the same thing many years ago, she never regretted making that decision not to work.
Re: One lucky little man
That’s wonderful your wife could do that, and so good to hear she made the right choice π
What a big step! I’m many milestones behind you still, cos right now it’s still career career career, but I can still tell that Hunter is incredibly lucky to have a mother at home all the time, and how lucky that you get to spend all your time with your boy!
PS I misread your post title as “BEING A SHAM”. Hhahahahaa.
LOL Chris said the *exact* same thing π
Totally know where you’re coming from. I stopped working when I had my little man. Only started part time work again when he was almost 2. Plenty of time for all that career stuff. Babies aren’t babies for long…they grow up sooo quickly! Enjoy your time with Hunter! π
I love your arrangement.. you’re fortunate you could do that! And yeah, I see Hunter grow so quickly already and it’s only been 3 months!
I think it’d be FUN to be a SAHM! Looking forward to all the entries about life as a sahm! And I doubt you’d “feel the pinch” living on just on your hubby’s income–based on your entries–he seems like a successful papa who can keep all of you (or more!) comfortable! Also, you and your husband have probably already discussed this but have you thought about part-time work? I know some new mothers who do that, just to stay stimulated and keep up their skills. But I doubt there’s such a thing as “part-time manager” anyway! Or perhaps working remotely/at home, since you’re in I.T.? Anyway, I’m sure you’ll enjoy your “newest” position!
Re: part-time
I def will consider parttime in future.. but I hear complaints that you get paid part time yet think about work like a full time person. Doh!
Hi, from your posts you are a great mum. I don’t have kids myself but my sister was a career girl who gave up work to raise her little ones, they grow up quickly and she didn’t want to miss out on anything. I think you are making a great decision, Hunter is a cutie pie! Good luck with the move back to Singapore, I live in Sydney and if I had to pick another country to live in it would be Singapore, best food and shopping! Stefanie
Ohhh I adore Sydney, I miss it so much π Sydney and Singapore and San Francisco are my top 3 cities to live in, they’re fairly similar imho!
Congrats on your decision! It is courageous and noble, and to Chris too for providing for his family. You are lucky, but it also takes courage and a good sense of self to be able to be a SAHM. Thanks for being an inspiration!
– Grace
Re: congrats!
Thanks Grace! I hope it will all work out π
One lucky little man
Your Son is one lucky little man to have you as his Mother. My Wife did the same thing many years ago, she never regretted making that decision not to work.
Re: One lucky little man
That’s wonderful your wife could do that, and so good to hear she made the right choice π
Hooray!!! π I am in complete support of your decision! When my husband and I start our own family, I hope to be able to be a SAHM as well π
Good for you! Hope you blog lots through your pregnancy/baby π
Thanks for sharing your heart. It can’t be an easy decision, but I believe that your decision to be a SAHM is priceless. You shape the hearts and minds of your children and invest in the future. God bless you in this step!
It may not be forever, but I think the first few months are especially critical and I really want to be here for Hunter:)
have you thought about doing baby sign with hunter? it would allow him to communicate months earlier than he can speak.
Yes I do want to π I think we start when he’s a few months older though, but it looks like a fab idea
I’m starting K on baby sign soon. They say best to wait till 6m when babies can sit up n are more responsive. Also, check what language the baby signs are in – a mom said she learnt in American sign language n sone signs are different from BSL (British sign language). Aussie SL might differ too.
Enjoy being a sahm! You’re so lucky that chris makes enough to support the whole family n he supports your decision! I’m still contemplating when (if ever) to go back work. I don’t want to miss out her milestones! So torn.
Q: will you be getting a domestic help when you go back sg then?
Yeah I think 6m sounds about right.. when they have better coordination and hand control.
I’m not fussed about the different versions, just want the one that’s easiest, heh!
We want a housekeeper, dont want a live-in.. feel too weird cos we’re not used to it π
I think this project, Momoir, might interest you, Beverly – seems to be a natural fit given all your years blogging and now your new status as a mom:
Thank you for sharing that link!
Totally know where you’re coming from. I stopped working when I had my little man. Only started part time work again when he was almost 2. Plenty of time for all that career stuff. Babies aren’t babies for long…they grow up sooo quickly! Enjoy your time with Hunter! π
I love your arrangement.. you’re fortunate you could do that! And yeah, I see Hunter grow so quickly already and it’s only been 3 months!
I think it’d be FUN to be a SAHM! Looking forward to all the entries about life as a sahm! And I doubt you’d “feel the pinch” living on just on your hubby’s income–based on your entries–he seems like a successful papa who can keep all of you (or more!) comfortable! Also, you and your husband have probably already discussed this but have you thought about part-time work? I know some new mothers who do that, just to stay stimulated and keep up their skills. But I doubt there’s such a thing as “part-time manager” anyway! Or perhaps working remotely/at home, since you’re in I.T.? Anyway, I’m sure you’ll enjoy your “newest” position!
Re: part-time
I def will consider parttime in future.. but I hear complaints that you get paid part time yet think about work like a full time person. Doh!
I was somewhat expecting you to announce that you’ve decided to be SAHM – I mean, how can you not given how absolutely adorable Hunter is!?
I guess Canadians are pretty lucky that our maternity leave is 1 year (apparently 2 years in Quebec) – so mom’s get to spend a whole year with their baby, enjoying the first with year of their baby’s years with them and not a nanny. Oh, with the one year mat leave – 65% of your salary paid for by the government, and if you’re lucky and is working with an amazing company have the 35% topped off by your employer.
I say you move to Canada and enjoy the benefits of being a MOM here π
I am so jealous of your maternity leave benefits. I’m in USA, and I have 7 weeks paid which are basically my vacation and sick days. I can have up to 3 months unpaid maternity leave. Really sucks…
Same here in England – a year mat leave is standard, I know a few mums who choose to only take 6 months because of finances and everyone thinks that’s so unusual! Personally I’ve spent over 10 years studying and working to get where I am and can’t imagine throwing it all away, but who knows how you’ll feel until it actually happens!
I didn’t study for 10yrs but just a year ago I would NEVER have thought I’d give it all up, but look at me now π Then again, I probably won’t be a SAHM forever, I will go back to work. just dunno when!
Jo, I didn’t know that. When I get married and have a baby, I might just move back! π
Hahaha take me take me!
YES! come to Canada and I will gladly, freely – with bells on – babysit for Hunter! I’m an awesome babysitter and promises to spoil him rotten, I promise! π
yeah! i’m all about recruiting people to come to the ‘great white north’ π
I seriously considered it since the moment Hunter was born and I just thought “how can I possibly leave him??”
I get 4 months paid, and up to 1 year unpaid. I need to move to Canada pronto!!! π
I live in Quebec. 2 years of maternity leave are for teachers and nurses (they leave their job as soon as they know they are pregnant). The rest of us get 1 year, which is pretty good compared to other parts of the world π
I’m sure you’ll be very happy Beverly!
wowee – I live in the wrong country π I had no paid maternity leave with my company so we could only really afford 8-11 weeks leave when we had our 2 kids.. but i don’t regret it. it’s a personal choice based on personal circumstances. i’m still an awesome mum and a great worker, it’s just always going to be hard no matter what you decide.
congrats Bev! sounds like a great decision for your family π
Wow, good on ya, babe!! It’s going to be such a rewarding time ahead, I’m sure. Gave up my job too but it’s been wonderful being able to be there or each and every milestone. Oh oh oh – you’re now the CEO, CKO, CTO and CFO of the home!! Mighty good promotion, I reckon!!
Hahahah so true, go us!!
congrats bev! there is no point of working and climbing up the ladder if you’re going to miss out on what you work for anyway – your family!
True! for now I’m happy to just be home.. and who knows in future I may go back π
Good for you!! In this type of situation, there is no right or wrong way to do it, just following your heart π
I agree, it’s just a personal choice. For now, I want nothing more than to be a SAHM!
are you going to raise him in china or go back
Definitely not in China, we’ll go back to SIngapore
Hi babe,
Been following your blog for a while. It’s good to focus on where your priorites are now and to work on a “job” of a different nature. Am sure with your capabilites, you will have no problems easing into the work force in the future & I have seen many many successful stories of women doing just that.
So I reckon we will now get more recipes from you now that you have time to work on them? *wink* =)
Thanks for the vote of confidence, I’m hoping for exactly that but time will tell!
Hee I hope to cook more but a bit of a headache coordinating cooking and Hunter’s bathtime/bedtime!
Happy for you, Bev! When my mom had my brother and I, she stayed home for a good long while to look after us. I think I was about 9 years old before she decided to go back to work. Anyway, it was great always having her there and I definitely felt lost when she went back to work. I plan on doing the same when I have kids. Such an awesome opportunity. Hunter is so lucky!!!
Re: Yay!
Hi Larae – how lucky you and your brother are that your mum said home for so long! I know it will hurt once I go back to work, but in the meantime I’m going to enjoy Hunter π
in years to come, hunter will really treasure you for witnessing all the moments for growing up with him and showering him with affection. You’ve made the right choice. Some ladies are indeed married to their work but not just to their families.
I hope.. it’s priceless to be able to capture all his milestones esp in his first year π
Hooray!!! π I am in complete support of your decision! When my husband and I start our own family, I hope to be able to be a SAHM as well π
Good for you! Hope you blog lots through your pregnancy/baby π
Thanks for sharing your heart. It can’t be an easy decision, but I believe that your decision to be a SAHM is priceless. You shape the hearts and minds of your children and invest in the future. God bless you in this step!
It may not be forever, but I think the first few months are especially critical and I really want to be here for Hunter:)
Hunter is so blessed to have you around 24/7! π
It will be nice to be around him and see him growing up every day. I wish Chris could do the same though!
have you thought about doing baby sign with hunter? it would allow him to communicate months earlier than he can speak.
Yes I do want to π I think we start when he’s a few months older though, but it looks like a fab idea
I’m starting K on baby sign soon. They say best to wait till 6m when babies can sit up n are more responsive. Also, check what language the baby signs are in – a mom said she learnt in American sign language n sone signs are different from BSL (British sign language). Aussie SL might differ too.
Enjoy being a sahm! You’re so lucky that chris makes enough to support the whole family n he supports your decision! I’m still contemplating when (if ever) to go back work. I don’t want to miss out her milestones! So torn.
Q: will you be getting a domestic help when you go back sg then?
Yeah I think 6m sounds about right.. when they have better coordination and hand control.
I’m not fussed about the different versions, just want the one that’s easiest, heh!
We want a housekeeper, dont want a live-in.. feel too weird cos we’re not used to it π
That was a very big step indeed..I hope u maxed out all your maternity benefits.I never saw you going in that direction…
Re: wow
I did, so that was really good, hehe π
I think this project, Momoir, might interest you, Beverly – seems to be a natural fit given all your years blogging and now your new status as a mom:
Thank you for sharing that link!
I totally understand where you are coming from – baby takes priority now!! I decided to take the whole year off work too! π
Funny how priorities can change so quickly.. a year ago it wouldn’t even have crossed my mind!
How awesome you’re taking a year off, I think you made a fab decision. Maybe we can do a playdate when we’re in SG in a month!
Sure, catch you when you are in sg π
Hi dear,
I’ve been following your blog and I think you make a really good mother! π
Ohhh.. thank you!
I totally get where you r coming from, Bev. I wouldn’t miss the milestones for the world. =)
Agree! I get SO delighted when I see him do a tiny leeetle thing new, as it is π
The children come without doubt to first priority. Hunter, you and Chris are lucky being able to have this option, whereas some families may need two or more breadwinners.
Congrats for the decision Bev!
well, we definitely could do with 2 incomes for sure, we’ll feel the pinch going down to one income. But, we’ll make do!
I was somewhat expecting you to announce that you’ve decided to be SAHM – I mean, how can you not given how absolutely adorable Hunter is!?
I guess Canadians are pretty lucky that our maternity leave is 1 year (apparently 2 years in Quebec) – so mom’s get to spend a whole year with their baby, enjoying the first with year of their baby’s years with them and not a nanny. Oh, with the one year mat leave – 65% of your salary paid for by the government, and if you’re lucky and is working with an amazing company have the 35% topped off by your employer.
I say you move to Canada and enjoy the benefits of being a MOM here π
I am so jealous of your maternity leave benefits. I’m in USA, and I have 7 weeks paid which are basically my vacation and sick days. I can have up to 3 months unpaid maternity leave. Really sucks…
Same here in England – a year mat leave is standard, I know a few mums who choose to only take 6 months because of finances and everyone thinks that’s so unusual! Personally I’ve spent over 10 years studying and working to get where I am and can’t imagine throwing it all away, but who knows how you’ll feel until it actually happens!
I didn’t study for 10yrs but just a year ago I would NEVER have thought I’d give it all up, but look at me now π Then again, I probably won’t be a SAHM forever, I will go back to work. just dunno when!
Jo, I didn’t know that. When I get married and have a baby, I might just move back! π
Hahaha take me take me!
YES! come to Canada and I will gladly, freely – with bells on – babysit for Hunter! I’m an awesome babysitter and promises to spoil him rotten, I promise! π
yeah! i’m all about recruiting people to come to the ‘great white north’ π
I seriously considered it since the moment Hunter was born and I just thought “how can I possibly leave him??”
I get 4 months paid, and up to 1 year unpaid. I need to move to Canada pronto!!! π
I live in Quebec. 2 years of maternity leave are for teachers and nurses (they leave their job as soon as they know they are pregnant). The rest of us get 1 year, which is pretty good compared to other parts of the world π
I’m sure you’ll be very happy Beverly!
wowee – I live in the wrong country π I had no paid maternity leave with my company so we could only really afford 8-11 weeks leave when we had our 2 kids.. but i don’t regret it. it’s a personal choice based on personal circumstances. i’m still an awesome mum and a great worker, it’s just always going to be hard no matter what you decide.
congrats Bev! sounds like a great decision for your family π
With those chubba cheeks to look at everyday, how could you not want to stay at home? Those precious years and moments with your son will go just like that (so I’ve heard). Congratulations Beverly, if you are in a position to stay at home, then more power to you.
I can’t wait for that day to come for me – I know without the baby that I want to stay at home. Who knows it might be the opposite… haha!!
Hehe true! He just grows SO quickly right in front of our eyes, that it will be so sad to miss all his milestones.I suppose many women feel that way hence all the SAHM out there π
good on you bev, you’re going to be an amazing mother and you will always have your career to go back to. being a mother is the hardest job in the world.
I hope so! I will go back to work one day.. but until then, I’m hapy!
It’s a real shame that you are giving up your career right now. There are plenty of mothers in the world, but not enough amazing businesswomen to finally crack the glass ceiling. A sad day for feminism!
There are plenty of mothers in the world but not enough amazing mothers who focus on nurturing their children and make sure they too become amazing people. Feminism isn’t being a business woman. Feminism is empowering yourself with love, happiness and making your own decisions in life.
I hope that by focusing on being a mum, I will make Hunter proud. Right now, all I care about is him any way, so I know it’s the right decision at this point in my life π
who is feminism and why does she/he matter to Beverly or Hunter? I think there are enough women staying in the workforce after having kids for a salary that will largely go to paying for childcare and compensating with material goods what they’ll miss in memories and quality time. Most people are breaking glass ceilings or finding cures, they’re going through the daily grind of a mundane position and workload. Feminism is doing just fine – nobody is forcing women to do things they don’t want. We have choices and that is the whole point of the feminist movement.
who is feminism and why does she/he matter to Beverly or Hunter? I think there are enough women staying in the workforce after having kids for a salary that will largely go to paying for childcare and compensating with material goods what they’ll miss in memories and quality time. Most people aren’t breaking glass ceilings or finding cures, they’re going through the daily grind of a mundane position and workload. Feminism is doing just fine – nobody is forcing women to do things they don’t want. We have choices and that is the whole point of the feminist movement.
Very well said. Feminism is all about choices, for women AND for men.
Agree with this! Feminism is good for both men and women, because everyone ends up with more choice and more freedom.
If Beverly was forced to work because of having to bend to society’s new ‘feminist ideas’ it would be just as bad as her being forced to stay at home because of ‘traditional ideas.’ Since Beverly is able to decide for herself what she wants to do and speak as an equal with her husband about it, that’s a success for feminism.
Wow, good on ya, babe!! It’s going to be such a rewarding time ahead, I’m sure. Gave up my job too but it’s been wonderful being able to be there or each and every milestone. Oh oh oh – you’re now the CEO, CKO, CTO and CFO of the home!! Mighty good promotion, I reckon!!
Hahahah so true, go us!!
that’s a huge decision you’ve made, considering you were doing really well in Ebay. You’ve my admiration! I wonder if I’m able to do the same in future.
I never thought I’d ever quit my job to look after my baby.. but here I am now π
congrats bev! there is no point of working and climbing up the ladder if you’re going to miss out on what you work for anyway – your family!
True! for now I’m happy to just be home.. and who knows in future I may go back π
Good for you!! In this type of situation, there is no right or wrong way to do it, just following your heart π
I agree, it’s just a personal choice. For now, I want nothing more than to be a SAHM!
you made the right choice. your son needs you more than you could ever know or imagine
Re: grover
I’d like to think so… just wanna be there for him π
Congrats! It takes courage and confidence to let go of a career and be a SAHM. You go babe! Looking forward to read more about your adventures with Hunter.
The 3-4 months at home so far really made me rethink my priorities.. I know we made the right decision π
Will you be staying on in Shanghai then?
We’re moving to Singapore next month π
That’s awesome!
are you going to raise him in china or go back
Definitely not in China, we’ll go back to SIngapore
Hi babe,
Been following your blog for a while. It’s good to focus on where your priorites are now and to work on a “job” of a different nature. Am sure with your capabilites, you will have no problems easing into the work force in the future & I have seen many many successful stories of women doing just that.
So I reckon we will now get more recipes from you now that you have time to work on them? *wink* =)
Thanks for the vote of confidence, I’m hoping for exactly that but time will tell!
Hee I hope to cook more but a bit of a headache coordinating cooking and Hunter’s bathtime/bedtime!
For the past few years that I’ve known you and been reading your blog, you’ve been working for ebay! It feels kinda weird that you’re not going to be there anymore. Buttttt.. being a stay at home mom will definitely be more fulfilling than any other job out there. Good luck and congrats bev π
Yeah I’ve been at eBay for a loooong time so it def feels odd to stop working there. But yep, being with Hunter is infinitely better IMHO π
Happy for you, Bev! When my mom had my brother and I, she stayed home for a good long while to look after us. I think I was about 9 years old before she decided to go back to work. Anyway, it was great always having her there and I definitely felt lost when she went back to work. I plan on doing the same when I have kids. Such an awesome opportunity. Hunter is so lucky!!!
Re: Yay!
Hi Larae – how lucky you and your brother are that your mum said home for so long! I know it will hurt once I go back to work, but in the meantime I’m going to enjoy Hunter π
It’s a big decision to make but glad you seem at peace with your choice. I opted for an extended no-pay leave for 7 months before returning to work and have no regrets about it. If I have more kids, I may considering take a year off work or something. Their baby years are too precious to miss!
That’s wonderful you worked that out with your company! Im with you, about ayear off would be perfect
in years to come, hunter will really treasure you for witnessing all the moments for growing up with him and showering him with affection. You’ve made the right choice. Some ladies are indeed married to their work but not just to their families.
I hope.. it’s priceless to be able to capture all his milestones esp in his first year π
lovely π i’m still learning how to manage my time dealing with work and spending time with Erin. it’s tough and i can understand fully where you are coming from. congrats on making this decision!
It’s hard being a mother AND a full time worker.. maybe I can do it one day, but not right now…!
Good for you! I was lucky enough to stay home with my daughter until she was 17 months old, so much longer than most women, but I was heartbroken when I had to go back to work. You are very lucky to be in position to be able to choose when you want to go back to work.
It will be good for you and your little family.
that’s so fortunate of you.. I’m not sure exactly when I plan to get back into the work force but I will eventually..!
Congrats love. I’m facing the same issue and am heading towards being a SAHM too.
I’m sure you’ll make the best decision for you and your family, whatever that is. Shame youre not in SG or we could do play dates!
Are you moving back to SG?
It’s getting harder everyday (thinking about having) to leave her especially now that she is so much more interactive.
We are.. in just a few weeks π
I agree – seeing Hunter progress each day is so fascinating, I just couldn’t bear to miss all that! :X
Oh nice then you’ll have family to help.
The thought of leaving my child to a helper for most of the day makes me wanna poke my eye out with a fork!! I mean a couple of hours say during nap time is fine so that I can have my me time but long stretches!
there’s always pros and cons to be a SAHM or a working mom. i totally understand why you’re staying at home for a very cute son!
I’m happy with the decision.. it’ll be a tough job, but the best one π
Hunter is so blessed to have you around 24/7! π
It will be nice to be around him and see him growing up every day. I wish Chris could do the same though!
That was a very big step indeed..I hope u maxed out all your maternity benefits.I never saw you going in that direction…
Re: wow
I did, so that was really good, hehe π
I totally understand where you are coming from – baby takes priority now!! I decided to take the whole year off work too! π
Funny how priorities can change so quickly.. a year ago it wouldn’t even have crossed my mind!
How awesome you’re taking a year off, I think you made a fab decision. Maybe we can do a playdate when we’re in SG in a month!
Sure, catch you when you are in sg π
Hi dear,
I’ve been following your blog and I think you make a really good mother! π
Ohhh.. thank you!
I totally get where you r coming from, Bev. I wouldn’t miss the milestones for the world. =)
Agree! I get SO delighted when I see him do a tiny leeetle thing new, as it is π
The children come without doubt to first priority. Hunter, you and Chris are lucky being able to have this option, whereas some families may need two or more breadwinners.
Congrats for the decision Bev!
well, we definitely could do with 2 incomes for sure, we’ll feel the pinch going down to one income. But, we’ll make do!
With those chubba cheeks to look at everyday, how could you not want to stay at home? Those precious years and moments with your son will go just like that (so I’ve heard). Congratulations Beverly, if you are in a position to stay at home, then more power to you.
I can’t wait for that day to come for me – I know without the baby that I want to stay at home. Who knows it might be the opposite… haha!!
What can I say except I think this young famliy is exceptional! They’re my grandchildren, of course. They’re beautiful children, very photogenic, great hair and teeth, well not little Molly as she has a wonderful head of hair but still waiting for her teeth. Brandy I think you do a fabulous job of photographing them and I thank you!I’m looking forward to yet another Ashley children photo session later this summer with the other side of the famliy! See you then Grandma GiGi/Ginger Ashley
good on you bev, you’re going to be an amazing mother and you will always have your career to go back to. being a mother is the hardest job in the world.
I hope so! I will go back to work one day.. but until then, I’m hapy!
It’s a real shame that you are giving up your career right now. There are plenty of mothers in the world, but not enough amazing businesswomen to finally crack the glass ceiling. A sad day for feminism!
There are plenty of mothers in the world but not enough amazing mothers who focus on nurturing their children and make sure they too become amazing people. Feminism isn’t being a business woman. Feminism is empowering yourself with love, happiness and making your own decisions in life.
I hope that by focusing on being a mum, I will make Hunter proud. Right now, all I care about is him any way, so I know it’s the right decision at this point in my life π
who is feminism and why does she/he matter to Beverly or Hunter? I think there are enough women staying in the workforce after having kids for a salary that will largely go to paying for childcare and compensating with material goods what they’ll miss in memories and quality time. Most people are breaking glass ceilings or finding cures, they’re going through the daily grind of a mundane position and workload. Feminism is doing just fine – nobody is forcing women to do things they don’t want. We have choices and that is the whole point of the feminist movement.
who is feminism and why does she/he matter to Beverly or Hunter? I think there are enough women staying in the workforce after having kids for a salary that will largely go to paying for childcare and compensating with material goods what they’ll miss in memories and quality time. Most people aren’t breaking glass ceilings or finding cures, they’re going through the daily grind of a mundane position and workload. Feminism is doing just fine – nobody is forcing women to do things they don’t want. We have choices and that is the whole point of the feminist movement.
Very well said. Feminism is all about choices, for women AND for men.
Agree with this! Feminism is good for both men and women, because everyone ends up with more choice and more freedom.
If Beverly was forced to work because of having to bend to society’s new ‘feminist ideas’ it would be just as bad as her being forced to stay at home because of ‘traditional ideas.’ Since Beverly is able to decide for herself what she wants to do and speak as an equal with her husband about it, that’s a success for feminism.
that’s a huge decision you’ve made, considering you were doing really well in Ebay. You’ve my admiration! I wonder if I’m able to do the same in future.
I never thought I’d ever quit my job to look after my baby.. but here I am now π
you made the right choice. your son needs you more than you could ever know or imagine
Re: grover
I’d like to think so… just wanna be there for him π
Congrats! It takes courage and confidence to let go of a career and be a SAHM. You go babe! Looking forward to read more about your adventures with Hunter.
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Will you be staying on in Shanghai then?
We’re moving to Singapore next month π
That’s awesome!
For the past few years that I’ve known you and been reading your blog, you’ve been working for ebay! It feels kinda weird that you’re not going to be there anymore. Buttttt.. being a stay at home mom will definitely be more fulfilling than any other job out there. Good luck and congrats bev π
Yeah I’ve been at eBay for a loooong time so it def feels odd to stop working there. But yep, being with Hunter is infinitely better IMHO π
It’s a big decision to make but glad you seem at peace with your choice. I opted for an extended no-pay leave for 7 months before returning to work and have no regrets about it. If I have more kids, I may considering take a year off work or something. Their baby years are too precious to miss!
That’s wonderful you worked that out with your company! Im with you, about ayear off would be perfect
lovely π i’m still learning how to manage my time dealing with work and spending time with Erin. it’s tough and i can understand fully where you are coming from. congrats on making this decision!
It’s hard being a mother AND a full time worker.. maybe I can do it one day, but not right now…!
1. I broke my nose the 1st and only time I tried playing beabsall. No, not with a bat but with a ball! I was ~12, living in Iran and there were beabsall try outs. They sent me to the outfield to catch fly balls and someone yelled heads up and when I looked up, there was a beabsall screaming for the bridge of my nose.2. I have had a malignant melanoma, though I REALLY dont consider myself a cancer survivor.3. Ive riding my bicycle from Philadelphia to Washington DC (~250 via the route they mapped), to be benefit AIDS.4. When I first learned about the internet (198x).ha, ha, showing my age.I helped a middle school in Borough Alaska, (claims to be the northern most town in North America) with a project to communicate with middle school on the shores of NJ, to create a massive quilt, built from each students art work, that they then shared and exhibited at their respective schools for many years.5. The most famous person Ive shaken hands with and crossed paths with, in some form and no specific order: President Jimmy Carter, Darryl Strawberry, Mrs. Coretta Scott King, now governor Ed Rendell, Davis Phinney, Chad Lewis, and I have an autographed book of Madeline Albright. And I have many more to meet.
that’s so fortunate of you.. I’m not sure exactly when I plan to get back into the work force but I will eventually..!
on P31, the colors are btaueiful! I can’t wait to redesign mine this summer. Don’t ya just love Prophoto Blogs! You can’t beat their one-time price and outstanding, prompt customer service! Keep the Light & Love in Your Images!Gabrielle
I’m sure you’ll make the best decision for you and your family, whatever that is. Shame youre not in SG or we could do play dates!
Are you moving back to SG?
It’s getting harder everyday (thinking about having) to leave her especially now that she is so much more interactive.
We are.. in just a few weeks π
I agree – seeing Hunter progress each day is so fascinating, I just couldn’t bear to miss all that! :X
Oh nice then you’ll have family to help.
The thought of leaving my child to a helper for most of the day makes me wanna poke my eye out with a fork!! I mean a couple of hours say during nap time is fine so that I can have my me time but long stretches!
there’s always pros and cons to be a SAHM or a working mom. i totally understand why you’re staying at home for a very cute son!
I’m happy with the decision.. it’ll be a tough job, but the best one π