
Oh how time flies…. it’s been 2 months since I gave birth?! Hunter has changed so much in just the past 4-5 weeks since my last Notes update. He’s really becoming a little boy now, with his own personality and desires. It’s absolutely incredible seeing a baby grow, especially in the first few months when development is so rapid it’s quite astonishing. We love having him π
- Does mini-pushups during tummy time – just 2 weeks ago when we started tummy time, Hunter would scowl and fuss. Now, he’s perfectly fine being on his belly and lifts up his shoulders and head. It’s freakin’ cute, especially when we put a mirror in front of him – he loves looking and smiling and cooing at himself, the vain-pot!!
Doing tummy time
- Discovered his hands and grasps/bats objects – about 3 weeks ago, Hunter suddenly realised he has hands! Since then, his favourite activity is to grasp his hands together (like he’s praying, LOL) and he wrings them together frantically if he’s feeling upset. He also loves to STUFF his fists or thumb into his mouth to suck, as he’s also drooling like crazy since the past week, argh!! And if he manages to get a hold of his burp cloth, bib, etc, it immediately gets stuffed into his mouth for a good ‘ol chew as well. He’s also taken a liking to batting at the hanging toys in his play gym to make them move and rattle, but unable to grasp/hold them yet.
- Talks to us and laughs – Hunter loves attention π He’s in his element when he has face-time with either of us, or any one that pays him attention to be honest! He’ll watch them and smile and coo. We coo back, and he coos again in return.. it’s like a coo-conversation in baby language! In the past few days, he’s also learning to laugh. A baby belly laugh is hilarious to watch!!!!
Generating a baby belly laugh
- Self-soothes and clocks in about 5-7 hour stretches of sleep at night – Thank goodness for this! But since there’s no such thing as a proper routine/schedule at this age, I expect it to change from day to day. The fortunate thing is that during the day and night, he’s able to self-soothe and settle himself to sleep – a HUGE benefit for Chris and I so we don’t have to carry/be with him 24/7. It’s really funny watching him put himself to sleep – the heavy eyelids that go *blink blink* and drooping more and more, the yawn, and then the big siiiggghhh as he falls asleep. During the day, we do carry him so he falls asleep (he’s usually so zonked he goes down within 1 minute) then we transfer him to his rocker, and if he then wakes he can fall asleep again by himself *whew*. After his nighttime feeds, I just pop him immediately back in his crib and he falls asleep by himself because he’s so sleepy *double whew*. The only problem is his incredible gas issues. He GRUNTS like a trucker and scrabbles around frantically every night between 5-7AM, so loudly that it wakes me up even though he’s asleep himself – arghhh. Started giving him ‘gripe water’ at night and suddenly he seems heaps better, so we’ll see if that keeps up.
- Exclusively breastfeeding – We’ve come a full circle and now I’m back to breastfeeding directly (ie. not pumping into bottles). I NEVER thought I would EVER say this… but breastfeeding is easy and painless! OMG!!!! Can you believe I can actually say this sentence, especially when I was in tears and agony mere weeks ago? Unbelievably, my body has learned and it doesn’t hurt at all, and I’m now part of the glorious group of women that can whack their baby onto the breast and feed them anywhere, anytime. I am so so so grateful this is now possible that it makes me feel all teary when I think about it. I still have a ridiculously massive over-production of milk, so hoping that will settle in the next few weeks. He is so bizzarely efficient at breastfeeding he takes just 5 minutes (!!!!) at each feed – and only at one breast per feed (I assume because there’s so much milk) which he completely drains within that 5 mins. Glorious for me (especially at night time) but I was worried he wasn’t getting enough.. but turns out it’s definitely not the case due to the next point…
- 95th percentile Height, 95th percentile Weight – Clocking in on the high end during his doc checkups, at 60-something cm height (forgot the exact number!) and over 6KG weight. The height is a good thing, but I’m iffy about the weight. But the doctor insists it’s not an issue until past 2 years old, and it’s impossible for a directly breastfed baby to be ‘overweight’.. so I’m trying to stress less. He eats like a mofo!!! Very very greedy ‘lil boy…
- Back to pre-pregnancy weight, and pre-pregnancy skinny jeans – OK this is about me π I actually fit back into my skinny jeans.. which is a source of endless glee and fascination for me π Hey, I’m only human! I’m back to my original weight but my body looks different, which is why it’s quite strange. I’ve gone up 3 cup sizes (!) and still have a potty belly, so have no idea how I’m back to my original weight. Oh well, not gonna complain!
Umm have you seen THIS baby?! I don’t think you or Hunter have anything to stress about!
That’s just….. freaky!
Umm have you seen THIS baby?! I don’t think you or Hunter have anything to stress about!
That’s just….. freaky!
wouah, you are very lucky if he can already sleep for 5-7 hours in a row.
He loves attention just like his mum hehe
He is so cute and so lively! Lots of awake time!
hugs and kisses to Hunter!
Haha yes, he’s the happiest when he has TONS of attention π Can’t wait for him to meet Arthur!
wouah, you are very lucky if he can already sleep for 5-7 hours in a row.
He loves attention just like his mum hehe
He is so cute and so lively! Lots of awake time!
hugs and kisses to Hunter!
Haha yes, he’s the happiest when he has TONS of attention π Can’t wait for him to meet Arthur!
Hunter is such a dream baby! Sleeping such long stretches, very lucky you!!!
Errr well he is, for now! But babies do change from day to day and week to week.. so I guess we’re only good until he hits his next growth spurt, dohhh
u lost the weight so fast! u are amazing..being able to shift the weight.
My baby is just past 2 weeks and still waking up at night to feed. She also takes a much longer time to feed compared to your 5 minutes. I’m so envious.:P
I am also back to my pre pregnancy weight but stomach needs toning. However we are supposed to refrain from exercise so waiting for at least 4 weeks before I embark on walking as I am still in confinement period.
I have no idea how to breastfeed without a pillow. How on earth do mothers feed with no pillows?
Hunter took yonks to feed at the start too! Don’t worry, I read that as they get older, they get more and more efficient and suck way faster/more π
Congrats on going back to pre-preggo weight, that’s super impressive! My belly needs toning too but I haven’t exercised, oops π
I don’t use a pillow – I find it too cumbersome :X I just sit down and hold him in my arms and that works, heh
Haha thanks hon! I think it’ll be nice to reflect on all these monthly Notes years from now π
Hunter looks soooo much like you in the first pic! Cutee!! =)
Aww thank you!
OK, I officially “hate” you for points 4 & 7!
My 12-week-old is still waking up every four hours. And I am still a Teletubby! I am so depressed about looking like Homer Simpson in my skinny jeans that I am going to polish off a whole pack of double-coated Tim Tam’s…
Seriously though, good job! Even though I have the mother’s disease of thinking my baby is the bestest in the world, I cannot in all honesty deny that Hunter is one seriously cute baby.
God bless!
4 hr stretches is super good, I’d be super happy with that too! The downside about Hunter lasting longer is that my boobs can’t take it and I end up having to wake him up to feed….. lol
I think EVERYONE reckons their baby is the best, teehee!! Do you have a blog so I can read too? π
Hunter is such a dream baby! Sleeping such long stretches, very lucky you!!!
Errr well he is, for now! But babies do change from day to day and week to week.. so I guess we’re only good until he hits his next growth spurt, dohhh
u lost the weight so fast! u are amazing..being able to shift the weight.
definitely dont worry about his weight! i was a ginormous fat baby and wound up a natural beanpole π and of course bf-ing is correlated with lower obesity rates in later life
Hehe that is good to know! Chris said he was a fat baby too and now he’s not so whew π
Would love to see a video of Hunter’s little baby laugh!
I’ll try and take one! Keep forgetting π
My baby is just past 2 weeks and still waking up at night to feed. She also takes a much longer time to feed compared to your 5 minutes. I’m so envious.:P
I am also back to my pre pregnancy weight but stomach needs toning. However we are supposed to refrain from exercise so waiting for at least 4 weeks before I embark on walking as I am still in confinement period.
I have no idea how to breastfeed without a pillow. How on earth do mothers feed with no pillows?
Hunter took yonks to feed at the start too! Don’t worry, I read that as they get older, they get more and more efficient and suck way faster/more π
Congrats on going back to pre-preggo weight, that’s super impressive! My belly needs toning too but I haven’t exercised, oops π
I don’t use a pillow – I find it too cumbersome :X I just sit down and hold him in my arms and that works, heh
mini chris
I really think so.. a lil Asian version of Chris π
Haha thanks hon! I think it’ll be nice to reflect on all these monthly Notes years from now π
Hunter looks soooo much like you in the first pic! Cutee!! =)
Aww thank you!
OK, I officially “hate” you for points 4 & 7!
My 12-week-old is still waking up every four hours. And I am still a Teletubby! I am so depressed about looking like Homer Simpson in my skinny jeans that I am going to polish off a whole pack of double-coated Tim Tam’s…
Seriously though, good job! Even though I have the mother’s disease of thinking my baby is the bestest in the world, I cannot in all honesty deny that Hunter is one seriously cute baby.
God bless!
4 hr stretches is super good, I’d be super happy with that too! The downside about Hunter lasting longer is that my boobs can’t take it and I end up having to wake him up to feed….. lol
I think EVERYONE reckons their baby is the best, teehee!! Do you have a blog so I can read too? π
definitely dont worry about his weight! i was a ginormous fat baby and wound up a natural beanpole π and of course bf-ing is correlated with lower obesity rates in later life
Hehe that is good to know! Chris said he was a fat baby too and now he’s not so whew π
Would love to see a video of Hunter’s little baby laugh!
I’ll try and take one! Keep forgetting π
mini chris
I really think so.. a lil Asian version of Chris π
Happy Baby
The wife and I just love that smile, he is a happy baby. That’s because he has wonderful parents.
Re: Happy Baby
Thanks Ron, we’re just loving him π
Happy 2 months!!! hehe I think I have said this million times, but Hunter is SOO CUTE!! π
Aww thanks!!
Aww, he’s really growing fast! Love his smile, and love reading your notes! Hehe. π
how time flies huh? So weird to think I was pregnant 2 yrs ago!
Hunter is really adorable! Love his eyes π
They’re my fave feature of him too, hee!
Happy Baby
The wife and I just love that smile, he is a happy baby. That’s because he has wonderful parents.
Re: Happy Baby
Thanks Ron, we’re just loving him π
Happy 2 months!!! hehe I think I have said this million times, but Hunter is SOO CUTE!! π
Aww thanks!!
Aww, he’s really growing fast! Love his smile, and love reading your notes! Hehe. π
how time flies huh? So weird to think I was pregnant 2 yrs ago!
Hunter is really adorable! Love his eyes π
They’re my fave feature of him too, hee!