
Firstly, a big thank you for all your messages over the past few days! Normally I like to reply to comments since I reckon it’s polite to respond to people that make the effort to write.. but as you can imagine, things have been absolutely crrraaaazy the past 6 days, so I haven’t had much of a chance to get online – let alone clear emails or blog.
The first thing I wanted to blog was Hunter’s birth story, since I want a record of it and want to write it all down before I forget. So here we go…. though I must warn, don’t read on if you’re squeamish 😉
Hunter’s Birth Story – summary:
It was the perfect and most imperfect birth, all at the same time. I went through everything – both a Natural birth (labour/pushing)… AND a Cesarean! Dammit 😉
5 hour labour (drug free)
2.5 hours pushing (drug free)
Emergency cesarean (epidural)
Hunter’s Birth Story – details:
I woke up at around 5:00AM on 25 January… feeling a bit ‘off’. Restless, I went outside to go surf the internet. The moment I sat on the couch, I felt some fluid in-between my legs. I jumped up and ran towards the bathroom, and along the way I gushed all over the floor! A bit shocked, I stood there for a minute, trying to figure out what to do. I honestly thought I’d peed myself 😛
Woke Chris up and told him, and by then I was feeling weird in my belly, but it was mild, so I resisted his insistence we go to the hospital ASAP, wanting to go later “if my stomach feels worse”. But he wouldn’t listen and called for a cab whilst I had a shower and freshened up. By then, I was feeling these stomach cramps around 3 minutes apart, and they were the intensity of a food poisoning.
Got to the hospital and the doc checked me – 100% effaced and 5cm dilated! Chris and I gawped. I was officially in Active Labour but wasn’t feeling terribly intense contractions.. just stuff that was over if I breathed through, like a period cramp.
After awhile, they intensified to around bad period cramps. Then a little later, Chris asked “Is she in Transition yet?” which is the stage where you dilate to 8-10cm and women vomit and feel queasy. Turns out I was 9cm dilated and already past Transition without feeling that phase – very weird.
Moments later, I was declared fully 10cm dilated and ready to PUSH! This was 5 hours after the first contraction I felt, which we were unprepared for as first-time mums usually go through 10+ hours of labour. So we kept asking the doctor “Are you SURE??”, *lol*!!!! They were amazed I went through it so quickly and easily with no drugs (yayyyyyy), but before we could be complacent, things went downhill real quick.
I progressed to the Pushing phase, which needs no explanation. It was overwhelming, that urge to PUSH! I actually couldn’t physically not push, my whole body would convulse and involuntarily do it. Baby’s head was at -1 station, which is very low in my pelvis, so everyone thought this would be a super-easy phase just like my labour. Ohhhhhh how WRONG we all were!!
His head measured over 11+cm across, and my pelvis was 10cm. And he would/could NOT come down.. no matter how hard I pushed. I pushed so hard that my whole body shook, I gave it my EVERYTHING. For…… 2.5 hours, drug free. It was completely insane. And yes, this was painful – purely because I was pushing his head against my pelvis, repeatedly, for 2.5 hours. And there was zero progress the entire time, no matter what I did 🙁 We decided after 2.5 hours that I needed an emergency Cesarean .
By now, my whole body would convulse with each contraction and I’d be pushing, unable to control the urge. It was BAD because when they tried to administer the Epidural, my body would shake so hard during contractions I heard the staff murmur in worry (have to be super-still since they’re fiddling around with your spine). But finally it kicked in and Chris was by my side and they started.
It is bloody terrifying, feeling your insides being gutted like a fish, as they open you up in layers. And because a Cesarean was NOT part of our birth plan, we were totally unprepared and I had no idea what to expect (I didn’t even bother reading any material about it). But 20mins later, HUNTER WAS BORN!!!
Hunter came into the world immediately pink-faced and pink-bellied.. and the staff all gasped with “OMG he is so big and fat!” whilst Chris and I stared at him in wonder. I’ve seen birth pics and the newborns are all wrinkled and grey.. but Hunter was pink and all fatty and big. So weird!! I stared at him in shock, thinking “Cripes, I gave birth to a one-month old.”
I lost 9KG (hurray!!!) with his birth, so I have 5kg weight loss to go before I reach my pre-pregnancy weight. Hunter is 4.22KG, a bit of a whopper. No wonder I looked so ginormous and would feel more/stronger kicks than normal! His head was elongated and had swollen ridges from my manic pushing, but he was PERFECT. For some reason, he came out very wide-eyed and would just watch people. In his first 2 mins of life, he looked wide-eyed at Chris and the doc checking him over – so cute!
The benefit of having such a big baby is that he’s hella robust. Takes away the fear of handling a fragile newborn because his head doesn’t really loll around (he likes to raise it and look around) and he’s always wide-eyed observing people.
I’m awed and humbled at how a human body can create a perfectly formed human being in 9 months. It’s a pretty incredible feeling, looking at him, and finally seeing him after all these months. And HOW I LOVE HIM SO!!! 🙂
PS. Chris wanted to write in his own birth story too. So check the COMMENTS section below if you wanna read 🙂
Our first family portrait 🙂

With the doctor that delivered Hunter
Me and my lil sugar dumpling
Video of Hunter when he was 10 minutes old!
I’ve been AWOL from LJ for a while and so am only just catching up.
Hunter is BEAUTIFUL! And he really does not look like a newborn at all, I think he’s amazing 🙂 And you’re amazing! Your birthing story sounds really scary and I’m so glad you are ok. Really looking forward to seeing more photos and reading more stories 🙂
Thank you hon! Yeah I’m glad he’s robust.. it gives me more confidence 🙂
I’ve been AWOL from LJ for a while and so am only just catching up.
Hunter is BEAUTIFUL! And he really does not look like a newborn at all, I think he’s amazing 🙂 And you’re amazing! Your birthing story sounds really scary and I’m so glad you are ok. Really looking forward to seeing more photos and reading more stories 🙂
Thank you hon! Yeah I’m glad he’s robust.. it gives me more confidence 🙂
Congratulations again – and thanks for sharing both your experiences with the world!
Thanks hon!
Congratulations again – and thanks for sharing both your experiences with the world!
Congratulations again – and thanks for sharing both your experiences with the world!
Thanks hon!
Thanks hon!
“So weird!! I stared at him in shock, thinking “Cripes, I gave birth to a one-month old.” “
Lol! When I gave birth to my baby, I also stared at him in shock, thinking, “Huh? I gave birth to a purple baby”.
Congrats again. I love to hear about people’s labour. I’m glad Hunter is so robust!
Hahahha! So cute 😛
And I never used to be interested in birth stories – now I love em 😛
“So weird!! I stared at him in shock, thinking “Cripes, I gave birth to a one-month old.” “
Lol! When I gave birth to my baby, I also stared at him in shock, thinking, “Huh? I gave birth to a purple baby”.
Congrats again. I love to hear about people’s labour. I’m glad Hunter is so robust!
“So weird!! I stared at him in shock, thinking “Cripes, I gave birth to a one-month old.” “
Lol! When I gave birth to my baby, I also stared at him in shock, thinking, “Huh? I gave birth to a purple baby”.
Congrats again. I love to hear about people’s labour. I’m glad Hunter is so robust!
Hahahha! So cute 😛
And I never used to be interested in birth stories – now I love em 😛
Hahahha! So cute 😛
And I never used to be interested in birth stories – now I love em 😛
Thanks for sharing the birth story. Both of you are so brave. Congratulations and Hunter is gorgeous. Wishing you a speedy recovery. hugs.
Thanks sweetie – recovering quickly, thankfully.. can’t wait to be back to normal though!
Im the one who birthed on same day as candice;) , a day after you.
Hunter can fill up his newborn onesie nicely! My gal still looks teeny in them:)
Ooo CONGRATS!! How fun that our kids are almost the same age 🙂
Thanks for sharing the birth story. Both of you are so brave. Congratulations and Hunter is gorgeous. Wishing you a speedy recovery. hugs.
Thanks sweetie – recovering quickly, thankfully.. can’t wait to be back to normal though!
Thanks sweetie – recovering quickly, thankfully.. can’t wait to be back to normal though!
Im the one who birthed on same day as candice;) , a day after you.
Hunter can fill up his newborn onesie nicely! My gal still looks teeny in them:)
Ooo CONGRATS!! How fun that our kids are almost the same age 🙂
Ooo CONGRATS!! How fun that our kids are almost the same age 🙂
Nice to read your accounts – the both of you. It’s weird and educational in a way to see it from the perspective of the parents when on the other side of the fence, you just want to get both mom and baby out of that labour room / OT as safe as possible.
Glad it all went well!! 🙂
It will be a good record for us to reflect on many years from now. It was a craaaazy day, but so happy we have him!
OMG he is adorable, so want to cuddle him!
I checked back into my archives and Arthur was Hunter’s birth size at like 7-8 weeks!!! (ok he was born early) but your “I gave birth to a 1 month old” made me laugh. Hope he still fits into the outfit Auntie TL and Uncle Manu sent him 😉
Thanks for sharing the story!
Well done!
Miss you
We’re aiming to be in Sydney over Christmas/NY, so will see ya then!
So funny Arthur was almost 2months when he was 4+kg.. hee. I remember how little and cute he was when he was first born though!
The outfit def still fits him thankfully.. he is cuuuuute in it 😀
Now that’s one big bubba! 🙂 So glad it all went well. It must have been pretty scary having not prepared for the c-section. Nice to read about Chris’s version of events too!
Yeah :S in retrospect I wish I’d read up more about it, but I was so convinced I’d have a natural birth!
Nice to read your accounts – the both of you. It’s weird and educational in a way to see it from the perspective of the parents when on the other side of the fence, you just want to get both mom and baby out of that labour room / OT as safe as possible.
Glad it all went well!! 🙂
It will be a good record for us to reflect on many years from now. It was a craaaazy day, but so happy we have him!
It will be a good record for us to reflect on many years from now. It was a craaaazy day, but so happy we have him!
OMG he is adorable, so want to cuddle him!
I checked back into my archives and Arthur was Hunter’s birth size at like 7-8 weeks!!! (ok he was born early) but your “I gave birth to a 1 month old” made me laugh. Hope he still fits into the outfit Auntie TL and Uncle Manu sent him 😉
Thanks for sharing the story!
Well done!
Miss you
We’re aiming to be in Sydney over Christmas/NY, so will see ya then!
So funny Arthur was almost 2months when he was 4+kg.. hee. I remember how little and cute he was when he was first born though!
The outfit def still fits him thankfully.. he is cuuuuute in it 😀
We’re aiming to be in Sydney over Christmas/NY, so will see ya then!
So funny Arthur was almost 2months when he was 4+kg.. hee. I remember how little and cute he was when he was first born though!
The outfit def still fits him thankfully.. he is cuuuuute in it 😀
Now that’s one big bubba! 🙂 So glad it all went well. It must have been pretty scary having not prepared for the c-section. Nice to read about Chris’s version of events too!
Yeah :S in retrospect I wish I’d read up more about it, but I was so convinced I’d have a natural birth!
Yeah :S in retrospect I wish I’d read up more about it, but I was so convinced I’d have a natural birth!
my eyes were as big as saucers when i saw hunter. he’s so precious!!
and YES, my mama-hormones went into instant overdrive. ♥
Hehe well you have your cuties as well!
You look amazing for someone who just gave birth!
Aww thanks heaps. A bit of sleep can do wonders!
Oh my your labour sounds a bit like mine – terribly terribly quick! I took my time getting to the hospital cos everyone says it takes hours and hours right?!
Nearly gave birth in the car!!!
But congraaats he looks like a mighty robust baby indeed!
You’re lucky!! I think it’s great to have a fast labour.. I dont think I have the patience to wait for 24 hrs 😉
Thanks for sharing
Hey Bev and Chris
You two are amazing!!!!
Bev- you’re such a strong and brave woman! Wow. 2.5hrs of pushing without medication, I’m totally speechless! Thank God that both Mummy and son are healthy and safe!!! Hunter’s beautiful and you look awesome for someone who’s just been through labour recently!
Chris – Thanks for sharing your story! I’m definitely going to make my hubby read this post!!! Get him mentally prepared too! hahaha.
Re: Thanks for sharing
Aww thanks so much hon! It was a wiiiild ride, but so happy we have our lil boy now 🙂
Aw, what a perfect birth story — I’m so glad you had Chris share his side of things!
It’ll be nice to read again years from now 🙂
And maybe it’ll be your turn soon… teehee!
He’s absolutely perfect. Congratulations to you & Chris!
Thanks sweetie!
omg CONGRATULATIONS BEV!!!!!!!!!! i forget about lj for a bit and you have a baby boy!! <3 he is absolutely gorgeous. he didn't even have the wrinkly newborn look, he just came out looking ADORABLY PERFECT!
Hehe thanks hon! Yeah he wasn’t wrinkly which was a bit weird 😛
Bev! You did a great job!! 🙂 Look at Hunter, he is so cute and tiny (well or big? hehe) when you hold him in your arm!!
Hehe yeah he’s big but he’s healthy, so yay!
my eyes were as big as saucers when i saw hunter. he’s so precious!!
and YES, my mama-hormones went into instant overdrive. ♥
Hehe well you have your cuties as well!
Hehe well you have your cuties as well!
You look amazing for someone who just gave birth!
Aww thanks heaps. A bit of sleep can do wonders!
Aww thanks heaps. A bit of sleep can do wonders!
Oh my your labour sounds a bit like mine – terribly terribly quick! I took my time getting to the hospital cos everyone says it takes hours and hours right?!
Nearly gave birth in the car!!!
But congraaats he looks like a mighty robust baby indeed!
You’re lucky!! I think it’s great to have a fast labour.. I dont think I have the patience to wait for 24 hrs 😉
You’re lucky!! I think it’s great to have a fast labour.. I dont think I have the patience to wait for 24 hrs 😉
Thanks for sharing
Hey Bev and Chris
You two are amazing!!!!
Bev- you’re such a strong and brave woman! Wow. 2.5hrs of pushing without medication, I’m totally speechless! Thank God that both Mummy and son are healthy and safe!!! Hunter’s beautiful and you look awesome for someone who’s just been through labour recently!
Chris – Thanks for sharing your story! I’m definitely going to make my hubby read this post!!! Get him mentally prepared too! hahaha.
Re: Thanks for sharing
Aww thanks so much hon! It was a wiiiild ride, but so happy we have our lil boy now 🙂
Re: Thanks for sharing
Aww thanks so much hon! It was a wiiiild ride, but so happy we have our lil boy now 🙂
He is so so adorable! This making me so excited!
Cant’ wait to see yours… you’re nearing there very quickly! Hunter is sooo gonna mack on her 😉
ooh i wouldn’t mind her having a cute chup cheng boyfriend 😉
Aw, what a perfect birth story — I’m so glad you had Chris share his side of things!
It’ll be nice to read again years from now 🙂
And maybe it’ll be your turn soon… teehee!
It’ll be nice to read again years from now 🙂
And maybe it’ll be your turn soon… teehee!
Interesting birth story, a touching addition by your hubs!
Suspected surgery when we saw the photo of daddy in a blue gown in the previous post…on the bright side, even though u had to have a c/s, that means you can get a longer maternity leave, yay! (right? i hope!)
Love the last pose of your baby leaning on your chest…reminds me of the first time the staff placed my baby on my chest (i’m also a mum).
Maternity leave is 4 months regardless, doh, wish it was longer 😛
Congrats, Bev and Chris! Can we have more of Hunter’s pics when you guys are free?? He’s soooo cute!
I totally admire you for going drug-free before the emergency surgery. Brave mommy!
I’ve taken sooo many, but still going through them, heh!
Congratulations! He is beautiful, with Chris’ features and your lips!!! And he really is BIG. Most new borns don’t look pink and chubby like him!
That’s what my parents say as well, and I think it’s pretty true!
Aww he’s so adorable (and CHUBBY, my word! Look at those cheeks! Gorgeous)! I’m so glad to hear all is well; that was a really introspective account there. Pregnancy, I will admit, is probably one of my worst fears…for the pain itself, I just wonder if I can ever handle the intensity of it all. But I’m overjoyed you and the family are bouncing and healthy 🙂
Hehe yeah.. the chubbiness totally melts me 😛
Giving birth is def hard work.. but man, the reward is makes it alll worth it 🙂
He is way too cute!
Aww thanks! I think so too, but I may be biased 😉
ohmy Bev!
my heart was actually racing and pounding away as i read both yours and Chris’ accounts of the birth.
i’m so happy for the both of you.
Hunter is gorgeous!
very pink, indeed… but well, you know what they say right? he’s in the pink of health!
It was quite a hair raising day for us.. but all worked out, yay!!
What a lovely birth story! I almost teared! You’ve one helluva woman Bev and congrats to you both! Hunter is just gorgeous! Enjoy motherhood and rest well 🙂
Aww thank you for the vote of support!
Congrats once again and thanks for sharing the story 🙂
He’s soooooo cute!!! Hope to see him when you guys are in town!!!
Yeah! We’re gonna be in SG end of April for easter… see you guys then?
Yes!! I should be in town.
OMG! Congrats again. I’m surprised you have time to write a proper blog post. Reading about it makes me feel wiped out.
We do get downtime when he sleeps, which is good.. and my parents are here helping to look after our day to day stuff – thank goodness for them!
Congrats again to you and Chris! Wow, you are super brave! *squeeze*
And baby Hunter is beautiful 🙂
Thanks hon 🙂 It was all worth it!!
He’s absolutely perfect. Congratulations to you & Chris!
Thanks sweetie!
Thanks sweetie!
omg CONGRATULATIONS BEV!!!!!!!!!! i forget about lj for a bit and you have a baby boy!! <3 he is absolutely gorgeous. he didn't even have the wrinkly newborn look, he just came out looking ADORABLY PERFECT!
Hehe thanks hon! Yeah he wasn’t wrinkly which was a bit weird 😛
Hehe thanks hon! Yeah he wasn’t wrinkly which was a bit weird 😛
This is my first time commenting. Congrats on your little boy – he’s a cutie!
Reading both your and Chris’ birth story made me tear at my desk. It sounded so similar to my son’s birth a year ago – I really wanted a drug-free natural birth but we had to do a c-sec after the labour failed to progress for 24 hours (I was dilated at 5cm for that long!). I guess all that is secondary now that I think about it – he’s healthy and safe and that’s all we ask for!
Rest up and enjoy your little boy, babe 🙂
Ooh I added you too hon. Glad to hear from someone who was in the same boat as me (though 24 hours long.. eek!!). You’re right though, now that it’s over, I’d do it all over again – it was worth it 🙂
Bev! You did a great job!! 🙂 Look at Hunter, he is so cute and tiny (well or big? hehe) when you hold him in your arm!!
Hehe yeah he’s big but he’s healthy, so yay!
Hehe yeah he’s big but he’s healthy, so yay!
Hello Beverly, Congratulations! 🙂 Hunter is absolutely cute!!
Thanks hon! It’s fun being a mum.. fully recommended 😉
I stared at him in shock, thinking “Cripes, I gave birth to a one-month old.”
Ahahaha!!! I thought the same thing when I first saw the photos!
I hope your recovery goes well. Enjoy the hell out of your little guy!
The hospital staff were saying that too, so funny! Ah well, at least it means he’s strong and easier to handle I think.. so I won’t complain :p
Hi Beverly,
Christine passed on your journal to me…(hope you don’t mind) and I absolutely LOVED reading all about your labour. Wowww, talk about getting me mentally prepared for my own:) Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I have 7 weeks to go and I have also been told that my babies head is BIG…measuring at the 97% percentile. Oh dear! he he. You are so brave to go so long and your baby boy is absolutely gorgeous. Hope to meet him one day.
Enjoy this wonderful time in your life Beverly and thanks again for sharing your experience. What a memorable occasion. Take care and will be thinking of you. Angela Lawrence – Hendy (Google) x
Re: Congratulations
Oooooooh CONGRATULATIONS Ange!!! I had no idea you were preggers. So exciting that you’re about to pop too – hope your birth goes really well.. send us photos 😀
What a lovely and touching birth story!
Congrats again, Bev and Chris!
PS. Hunter is sooo cute, I want to kidnap him! 😛
Thank you sweetie! Glad it’s all over and we can enjoy him now 🙂
From Jaidjo
Big baby=big eater=skinny Bev in no time!! 😉 he’s beautiful and perfect.
You did a great job. No drugs till surgery is amazing. Congratulations!!!
Re: From Jaidjo
Hahah I wonder if he’ll be a big kid.. hopefully not though, not sure how to deal with an overweight child!!
Beautiful pics 🙂 Hunter looks very happy and healthy. Thanks for sharing your birth story! I’m glad that the C-Section went without a hitch 🙂
I’m so glad he’s doing well and thriving.. it’s as much as any mother can hope for 🙂
He is so so adorable! This making me so excited!
Cant’ wait to see yours… you’re nearing there very quickly! Hunter is sooo gonna mack on her 😉
ooh i wouldn’t mind her having a cute chup cheng boyfriend 😉
ooh i wouldn’t mind her having a cute chup cheng boyfriend 😉
Cant’ wait to see yours… you’re nearing there very quickly! Hunter is sooo gonna mack on her 😉
Interesting birth story, a touching addition by your hubs!
Suspected surgery when we saw the photo of daddy in a blue gown in the previous post…on the bright side, even though u had to have a c/s, that means you can get a longer maternity leave, yay! (right? i hope!)
Love the last pose of your baby leaning on your chest…reminds me of the first time the staff placed my baby on my chest (i’m also a mum).
Maternity leave is 4 months regardless, doh, wish it was longer 😛
Maternity leave is 4 months regardless, doh, wish it was longer 😛
Congrats, Bev and Chris! Can we have more of Hunter’s pics when you guys are free?? He’s soooo cute!
I totally admire you for going drug-free before the emergency surgery. Brave mommy!
I’ve taken sooo many, but still going through them, heh!
I’ve taken sooo many, but still going through them, heh!
I loved reading both your stories 🙂 And funny – I looked at Hunter’s pictures and thought he looks like a C-section baby so now I know! I know you were hoping for not…. But I’m glad he’s fabulously fine!
It’s funny you thought that cos he came out with an elongated head and swollen features (like natural birth babies) due to my labour and pushing! But I think if he was pure natural birth, his head would be even more cone-headed, hehe
Congratulations! He is beautiful, with Chris’ features and your lips!!! And he really is BIG. Most new borns don’t look pink and chubby like him!
That’s what my parents say as well, and I think it’s pretty true!
That’s what my parents say as well, and I think it’s pretty true!
Hunter is absolutely beautiful!! and a bigger baby is much easier to look after. My son was 2.7kgs and I found it difficult to hold him in the bath, burp him etc.
In the end it doesn’t matter that the birth wasn’t to plan, most important is that you are OK and Hunter came out safely.
Congratulations again to you and Chris and fingers crossed that Hunter is a good sleeper! 🙂
Awww a lil 2.7kg would be so cute tho! But yeah, I do like the confidence I have with Hunter cos I don’t feel he’s as tiny/fragile.. I’d be too scared to handle him otherwise 😛
Aww he’s so adorable (and CHUBBY, my word! Look at those cheeks! Gorgeous)! I’m so glad to hear all is well; that was a really introspective account there. Pregnancy, I will admit, is probably one of my worst fears…for the pain itself, I just wonder if I can ever handle the intensity of it all. But I’m overjoyed you and the family are bouncing and healthy 🙂
Hehe yeah.. the chubbiness totally melts me 😛
Giving birth is def hard work.. but man, the reward is makes it alll worth it 🙂
Hehe yeah.. the chubbiness totally melts me 😛
Giving birth is def hard work.. but man, the reward is makes it alll worth it 🙂
He is way too cute!
Aww thanks! I think so too, but I may be biased 😉
Aww thanks! I think so too, but I may be biased 😉
ohmy Bev!
my heart was actually racing and pounding away as i read both yours and Chris’ accounts of the birth.
i’m so happy for the both of you.
Hunter is gorgeous!
very pink, indeed… but well, you know what they say right? he’s in the pink of health!
It was quite a hair raising day for us.. but all worked out, yay!!
It was quite a hair raising day for us.. but all worked out, yay!!
Thanks for sharing! So great to hear that it went well.. can’t wait to see more pictures of your beautiful baby boy 🙂
We’re on photo overload teehee… can’t stop spamming my blog with them!
WOW Congratulations! 🙂
You’re so strong and brave. Even after all of that, you look great! 😀
Thanks! Inside I was still feeing sooo sick and tender though.. but fast recovering 🙂
Wow, that’s so amazing, and Hunter is adorable! Congratulations! You’ll be awesome parents. 😀
Thanks! It’s super fun to be a mum 🙂
What a lovely birth story! I almost teared! You’ve one helluva woman Bev and congrats to you both! Hunter is just gorgeous! Enjoy motherhood and rest well 🙂
Aww thank you for the vote of support!
Aww thank you for the vote of support!
oh my! you did so well! congratulations Beverly and Chris! Baby Hunter is absolutely gorgeous!
Aww thank you!
Congrats once again and thanks for sharing the story 🙂
He’s soooooo cute!!! Hope to see him when you guys are in town!!!
Yeah! We’re gonna be in SG end of April for easter… see you guys then?
Yes!! I should be in town.
Yes!! I should be in town.
Yeah! We’re gonna be in SG end of April for easter… see you guys then?
OMG! Congrats again. I’m surprised you have time to write a proper blog post. Reading about it makes me feel wiped out.
We do get downtime when he sleeps, which is good.. and my parents are here helping to look after our day to day stuff – thank goodness for them!
We do get downtime when he sleeps, which is good.. and my parents are here helping to look after our day to day stuff – thank goodness for them!
Congrats again to you and Chris! Wow, you are super brave! *squeeze*
And baby Hunter is beautiful 🙂
Thanks hon 🙂 It was all worth it!!
Thanks hon 🙂 It was all worth it!!
He looks like such a darling!!! Definitely going to be a lady killer when he grows up…Congrats to the both of you!
Clare (of the B saddle bag) 🙂
Nooo he won’t like the ladies, he’ll only like his mum! muahahahhaah
Such a beautiful story, and it’s so nice to hear Chris’ account of the whole birth too, he writes really well! Someday Hunter is going to read this, which makes this story all the more special 🙂
Btw I can already see that Hunter has got both yours and Chris’ good looks! Please get plenty of rest and enjoy motherhood!
xx Tina
Thanks Tina! It will be so funny when Hunter reads this.. wonder what he will think, hehe
Awww what an amazing story!! And man! Chris writes beautifully too!! Congrats and I’m so glad that everyone is healthy and radiant! 😉
He’s not really a blogger so it was quite special to read his account.. and nice to see it from his perspective ‘cos I was so out of it at that time, lol
Great stories. He looks perfect. Rest well as best you can. 🙂
Aww thanks sweetie!
Congrats Bev and Chris, Hunter looked like my son at 2 months old now! So unbelievable cute (just a close second to my baby:P)! Bev, I salute you for being so brave through the whole birth. You made things sound so normal but Chris’ account really added the urgency and reality to the whole birth. The part where you told Chris to go down with the baby caused my eyes to tear. All mothers will do the same, after being exhausted after hours of contractions and pushing. Congrats again for the safe delivery and arrival of Hunter. It is the beginning of a journey that will bring you loads of joy!
Oh LOL! Was your son around 4.2kg at 2months?
And thank you.. it’s nice to join the mummy club.. the best club in the world 🙂
My son is around 6 kg at 2 months old but look like Hunter at birth.
Such a vast difference in appearance from his birth
And yes, breastfeeding is tonnes more difficult than labour.
Aww what a cutie he is! He really plumped out since birth 🙂
congrats !
congrats bev and chris ! such a relief to read that everything turned out fine and hunter’s one healthy and cutesy kiddo. rest well, bev !
Re: congrats !
It was def a huge relief that everything worked out.. so at the end of the day, I’m happy 🙂
ur looking great here babe!
Welcome to the beautiful world Hunter, all of us love u!
A bit of sleep does me wonders, hehe!
Oh wow, Babe! Thanks for sharing your story (and thanks to your Hubby too)! You were AWESOME!
Hunter is extremely adorable! Needless to say, the both of you are great parents to him!
Hope you’re able to get some rest in between feeds, etc.
Take care!
Aww thanks hon! So far the nights are ok cos he sleeps 3-4hrs each time.. fingers crossed he keeps it up 😛
This is my first time commenting. Congrats on your little boy – he’s a cutie!
Reading both your and Chris’ birth story made me tear at my desk. It sounded so similar to my son’s birth a year ago – I really wanted a drug-free natural birth but we had to do a c-sec after the labour failed to progress for 24 hours (I was dilated at 5cm for that long!). I guess all that is secondary now that I think about it – he’s healthy and safe and that’s all we ask for!
Rest up and enjoy your little boy, babe 🙂
Ooh I added you too hon. Glad to hear from someone who was in the same boat as me (though 24 hours long.. eek!!). You’re right though, now that it’s over, I’d do it all over again – it was worth it 🙂
Ooh I added you too hon. Glad to hear from someone who was in the same boat as me (though 24 hours long.. eek!!). You’re right though, now that it’s over, I’d do it all over again – it was worth it 🙂
Great photos! He is so cute! And you and Chris look overjoyed to the moon and back :).
Hehe yeah we are in bliss land atm!
Your Labour story sounded right out of a horror story!! U were so brave to have gone thru without any drugs!!!
The pushing/cesarean was def horrific, but the labour was so good! Ah well.. at least it’s over 😉
Congrats congrats Bev and Chris!!! That was an amazing birth story! I love reading birth stories and yours is one of the best I have read in a long long time. Chris’ version made it even more wonderful. You are so blessed to have him. Enjoy your time with Hunter (he’s gorgeous!!!) Take care and God bless.
Aww I am honoured you think so, thank you! It was difficult with the surgery, but I’m just glad it all worked out 🙂
Hello Beverly, Congratulations! 🙂 Hunter is absolutely cute!!
Thanks hon! It’s fun being a mum.. fully recommended 😉
Thanks hon! It’s fun being a mum.. fully recommended 😉
From Larae
Bev, I actually CRIED reading Chris’ story!!! I can imagine his fear for you and the baby’s health and then the joy he felt when everything turned out alright!
I hope you dont mind that I’ll be forwarding your birth story/blog to my 4 girlfriends who are at this time planning to all get pregnant this year. Your journey has been amazing!!!
Wish you three the best of health,
Re: From Larae
Thanks Larae! I hope your girl friends it helpful.. and wishing them the best in their pregnancies and birth 🙂
All I can say again, Wow! He looks absolutely wonderful and amazed at your lack of drugs during labour.
It was not too bad.. tolerable enough anyway! But, I’m glad it’s all over 😉
congratulations again, you two! so touching to read both of your stories 🙂
how did you pick the name hunter?
that was my first boyfriend’s name 😉
haha what a coincidence! I can’t remember how we thought of it.. but it was the top name that both of us loved 🙂
lovely birth story 🙂 you are one awesome mom, beverly!
Aww thank you so much hon 🙂
You may have heard this for a hundredth time but OMG HE’S BEAUTIFUL!
Congrats daddy & mummy Burgess! 🙂
Aww thanks sweetie, we are totally in love!
you did great babe!! woohoo you go girl!
congratulations on Hunter! he shall be mama’s protector! ;p
Thanks! It’s so nice being a mum… 🙂
Aww so cute!!! It’s nice that you wrote it, this way you have a record of it indeed. Don’t worry about replying to every comments, we all understand it is crazy to have a newborn at home.
Gratz again, you will be amazing parents!
It will be nice to go back and read this many years down the road, and remember what we went through 🙂
Thank you hon!
Oh my god, that kid’s been here before at that size! He is so adorable and fat and cute and everything a baby’s supposed to be. Sorry to hear your labor didn’t go as planned, but at the end, you still got your beautiful gift. Congrats Chris and Bev!
Now stop making me want to have a baby lol
We were astounded with how chubby he was too.. haha. Yeah, have a baby, they are awesome! 😛
Then the nurses asked, “Do you want to stay with your wife, or come down with your baby?” … Well, what do I do?! Stay with my new-born son, to have the first few minutes of his life with me, or stay with my wife who is having complicated, emergency surgery?? I think in it all, Bev said, “Go with him”. And so walking to the end of the bed to where my boy was – ABSOLUTELY avoiding looking at Bev’s stomach – and I first see this beautiful big, pink, active, crying, kicking boy. I can’t stop looking at him. I say goodbye to Bev, tell her that I love her, and leave the room with Hunter on the cart. We get back down to the OB area, and are joined by Bev’s parents, and we spend the next 10 minutes watching him get his tests, etc. My first thought is to call my parents. It’s a damn shame that they first get to hear their first grandson cry on the phone, but they’ll be here before we know it. The test are all perfect.
I have to wait for the next 15 minutes or so, hoping, pleading that Bev is okay. On one hand to have the most joyous occasion to celebrate. On the other hand, the worry that your wife is still in surgery. When she’s wheeled down, and after a couple of perfectly healthy blood-pressure, and heart rate tests, the doc says that Bev is probably okay – my heart breaths it’s firs sigh of relieve since 6am this morning.
All in hindsight, I’m thankful that we made the right choice. Doctor Louie (also the surgeon), said that Hunter’s head was slightly transverse, and way to big. There was no way he would’ve come out (safely) naturally.
Now we have the most perfect son any man could ask for. And I almost feel like it’s hard to know the level of love you feel, until you watch your wife successfully feed and nourish your son… wow. For all father’s to be : you will worry, you will get through it, and absolutely, you will be able to be the man and father your wife and child need you to be.
Awwww 🙂 It’s nice to be able to read the birth story from your perpective! Beverly and Hunter are lucky to have you as their husband/father! Good luck with your journey into fatherhood! 🙂
I think we’re lucky to have him.. very blessed! 🙂
*laughs* Hunter is a big baby indeed! Congratulations Bev and Chris! What a beautiful boy. I am so proud of the both of you. Chris I think you ought to get a pat on your back too – there is so much focus on the mother usually, that people forget to prepare the father.
Aww thanks hon. And yeah, Chris has been amazing. people always tend to forget the father, so it’s not always the easiest for him!
What a lovely write-up Chris 🙂 Congrats once again!
Thank you for sharing your story too, Chris! So so so amazing to hear it from a husband’s perspective too.
Good on Bev for being such a calm, no-fuss, selfless mother. You guys are going to be such fab parents 🙂
Thanks sweetie! You guys will be going through it all in just a few months too… a crazy ride, but so rewarding 🙂
Chris, your post made me tear!
Bev, you’re an absolutely brave, strong and focused woman as Chris describes!
Congratulations once again on the birth of your adorable son!!
Aww thanks! I think Chris was very brave too, and handled it all so well 🙂
Where to start…..
When your wife wakes you up at 5:30am after 40 weeks, and 6 days of pregnancy, and says that she thinks she’s in labor, your brain instantly explodes. I popped up like a rocket, and a million things went through my mind in beautiful organized succession. Get the bag finalized, time the contractions, call the on-call doctor to tell her that we’re coming in, time more contractions, make sure we can get to the hospital before horrid peak-hour traffic, and make sure Bev has water/food to sustain her.
All in all, Bev took the whole labor period really well. Made it look easy even! Around 11am, our Doctor Louie came in, examined Bev and told us that we were already at 9cm… this was when things start to get a bit hairy. The contractions started being irregular, but VERY strong. Bev pushed like no woman could have. If Hunter had been any smaller, she would have shot him clear across the room. With little progress, the doc gave us a very unwelcome deadline; 2 hours without progress, and we call the c-section.
Then the time came… 2 hours (1pm), and Bev was examined to say that she hadn’t made any progress. If anyone could have gotten that baby out – this strong, brave, focused woman could have. So what do you do as a Dad? The doc is handing you the consent form (Bev can’t really sign it), your wife is in pain still having contractions pleading to you saying, “I don’t want this!”. The most difficult signature I’ve ever done. The second I signed it, I felt like everything was out of control. They told Bev to ‘stop’ pushing as best she can, but at this point the contractions are pushing Hunter onto a nerve, and she’s convulsing in pain. All the nurses wiz around her to prepare her for surgery. And I just stand back, asking myself if I’d made the right decision….
We asked the doc if I would be there through it, to help support Bev, and she said that I’d be there through it all. So we wheeled Bev upstairs… and the Chinese nurse told me to wait at the doors! What?! My wife is in there, in pain, about to have a needle poked into her spine, and I have to stand around outside – useless. They told me to come back downstairs, and that we’d go back upstairs when she’s having the surgery. Bev knows I’m not there. None of the Chinese nurses speak any (good) English… So I did the only thing I could think of do: pace the hall, worried as heck. After what seemed like hours, they took me upstairs and got me in the surgical gown thing, and made me wait even more in the corridor. What’s happening? Is she in pain? Is she worried? Does she know where I am? Does Hunter still have a strong heartbeat? Did they bork the epidural? More waiting.. then FINALLY the nurse brings me in, and my heart sinks. For any man that has to go through this, prepare yourself mentally, because I had little idea. The room was full of people, all around Bev who was on the bed with tubes going in, and coming out of everywhere. Monitors galore, and I got to sit at the head of the bed behind the big curtain, and could only talk to Bev. Looking up into the docs glasses, I see nothing but red reflected from the surgery. There were a couple of times when the doc’s voice got a little insistent with the nurses out of panic… good grief that makes your heart sink. And then there’s a FLURRY of activity. The surgeon starts shouting orders, the nurses jump to attention, and the worst thoughts imaginable go through your head. Then we heard it. A good, strong, cry. HE’S ALIVE AND BREATHING! Oh, my word! That moment, still brings tears to my eyes. Bev and I were in that surgery, listening to our boy cry for the very first time after a morning of worry. And bawling our eyes out at how happy we were.
I stared at him in shock, thinking “Cripes, I gave birth to a one-month old.”
Ahahaha!!! I thought the same thing when I first saw the photos!
I hope your recovery goes well. Enjoy the hell out of your little guy!
The hospital staff were saying that too, so funny! Ah well, at least it means he’s strong and easier to handle I think.. so I won’t complain :p
The hospital staff were saying that too, so funny! Ah well, at least it means he’s strong and easier to handle I think.. so I won’t complain :p
Hi Beverly,
Christine passed on your journal to me…(hope you don’t mind) and I absolutely LOVED reading all about your labour. Wowww, talk about getting me mentally prepared for my own:) Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I have 7 weeks to go and I have also been told that my babies head is BIG…measuring at the 97% percentile. Oh dear! he he. You are so brave to go so long and your baby boy is absolutely gorgeous. Hope to meet him one day.
Enjoy this wonderful time in your life Beverly and thanks again for sharing your experience. What a memorable occasion. Take care and will be thinking of you. Angela Lawrence – Hendy (Google) x
Re: Congratulations
Oooooooh CONGRATULATIONS Ange!!! I had no idea you were preggers. So exciting that you’re about to pop too – hope your birth goes really well.. send us photos 😀
Re: Congratulations
Oooooooh CONGRATULATIONS Ange!!! I had no idea you were preggers. So exciting that you’re about to pop too – hope your birth goes really well.. send us photos 😀
What a lovely and touching birth story!
Congrats again, Bev and Chris!
PS. Hunter is sooo cute, I want to kidnap him! 😛
Thank you sweetie! Glad it’s all over and we can enjoy him now 🙂
Thank you sweetie! Glad it’s all over and we can enjoy him now 🙂
From Jaidjo
Big baby=big eater=skinny Bev in no time!! 😉 he’s beautiful and perfect.
You did a great job. No drugs till surgery is amazing. Congratulations!!!
Re: From Jaidjo
Hahah I wonder if he’ll be a big kid.. hopefully not though, not sure how to deal with an overweight child!!
Re: From Jaidjo
Hahah I wonder if he’ll be a big kid.. hopefully not though, not sure how to deal with an overweight child!!
Beautiful pics 🙂 Hunter looks very happy and healthy. Thanks for sharing your birth story! I’m glad that the C-Section went without a hitch 🙂
I’m so glad he’s doing well and thriving.. it’s as much as any mother can hope for 🙂
I’m so glad he’s doing well and thriving.. it’s as much as any mother can hope for 🙂
I loved reading both your stories 🙂 And funny – I looked at Hunter’s pictures and thought he looks like a C-section baby so now I know! I know you were hoping for not…. But I’m glad he’s fabulously fine!
It’s funny you thought that cos he came out with an elongated head and swollen features (like natural birth babies) due to my labour and pushing! But I think if he was pure natural birth, his head would be even more cone-headed, hehe
It’s funny you thought that cos he came out with an elongated head and swollen features (like natural birth babies) due to my labour and pushing! But I think if he was pure natural birth, his head would be even more cone-headed, hehe
Hunter is absolutely beautiful!! and a bigger baby is much easier to look after. My son was 2.7kgs and I found it difficult to hold him in the bath, burp him etc.
In the end it doesn’t matter that the birth wasn’t to plan, most important is that you are OK and Hunter came out safely.
Congratulations again to you and Chris and fingers crossed that Hunter is a good sleeper! 🙂
Awww a lil 2.7kg would be so cute tho! But yeah, I do like the confidence I have with Hunter cos I don’t feel he’s as tiny/fragile.. I’d be too scared to handle him otherwise 😛
Awww a lil 2.7kg would be so cute tho! But yeah, I do like the confidence I have with Hunter cos I don’t feel he’s as tiny/fragile.. I’d be too scared to handle him otherwise 😛
Thanks for sharing! So great to hear that it went well.. can’t wait to see more pictures of your beautiful baby boy 🙂
We’re on photo overload teehee… can’t stop spamming my blog with them!
We’re on photo overload teehee… can’t stop spamming my blog with them!
WOW Congratulations! 🙂
You’re so strong and brave. Even after all of that, you look great! 😀
Thanks! Inside I was still feeing sooo sick and tender though.. but fast recovering 🙂
Thanks! Inside I was still feeing sooo sick and tender though.. but fast recovering 🙂
Wow, that’s so amazing, and Hunter is adorable! Congratulations! You’ll be awesome parents. 😀
Thanks! It’s super fun to be a mum 🙂
Thanks! It’s super fun to be a mum 🙂
oh my! you did so well! congratulations Beverly and Chris! Baby Hunter is absolutely gorgeous!
Aww thank you!
Aww thank you!
He looks like such a darling!!! Definitely going to be a lady killer when he grows up…Congrats to the both of you!
Clare (of the B saddle bag) 🙂
Nooo he won’t like the ladies, he’ll only like his mum! muahahahhaah
Nooo he won’t like the ladies, he’ll only like his mum! muahahahhaah
Such a beautiful story, and it’s so nice to hear Chris’ account of the whole birth too, he writes really well! Someday Hunter is going to read this, which makes this story all the more special 🙂
Btw I can already see that Hunter has got both yours and Chris’ good looks! Please get plenty of rest and enjoy motherhood!
xx Tina
Thanks Tina! It will be so funny when Hunter reads this.. wonder what he will think, hehe
Thanks Tina! It will be so funny when Hunter reads this.. wonder what he will think, hehe
Awww what an amazing story!! And man! Chris writes beautifully too!! Congrats and I’m so glad that everyone is healthy and radiant! 😉
He’s not really a blogger so it was quite special to read his account.. and nice to see it from his perspective ‘cos I was so out of it at that time, lol
He’s not really a blogger so it was quite special to read his account.. and nice to see it from his perspective ‘cos I was so out of it at that time, lol
Great stories. He looks perfect. Rest well as best you can. 🙂
Aww thanks sweetie!
Aww thanks sweetie!
Congrats Bev and Chris, Hunter looked like my son at 2 months old now! So unbelievable cute (just a close second to my baby:P)! Bev, I salute you for being so brave through the whole birth. You made things sound so normal but Chris’ account really added the urgency and reality to the whole birth. The part where you told Chris to go down with the baby caused my eyes to tear. All mothers will do the same, after being exhausted after hours of contractions and pushing. Congrats again for the safe delivery and arrival of Hunter. It is the beginning of a journey that will bring you loads of joy!
Oh LOL! Was your son around 4.2kg at 2months?
And thank you.. it’s nice to join the mummy club.. the best club in the world 🙂
My son is around 6 kg at 2 months old but look like Hunter at birth.
Such a vast difference in appearance from his birth
And yes, breastfeeding is tonnes more difficult than labour.
Aww what a cutie he is! He really plumped out since birth 🙂
Aww what a cutie he is! He really plumped out since birth 🙂
My son is around 6 kg at 2 months old but look like Hunter at birth.
Such a vast difference in appearance from his birth
And yes, breastfeeding is tonnes more difficult than labour.
Oh LOL! Was your son around 4.2kg at 2months?
And thank you.. it’s nice to join the mummy club.. the best club in the world 🙂
congrats !
congrats bev and chris ! such a relief to read that everything turned out fine and hunter’s one healthy and cutesy kiddo. rest well, bev !
Re: congrats !
It was def a huge relief that everything worked out.. so at the end of the day, I’m happy 🙂
Re: congrats !
It was def a huge relief that everything worked out.. so at the end of the day, I’m happy 🙂
ur looking great here babe!
Welcome to the beautiful world Hunter, all of us love u!
A bit of sleep does me wonders, hehe!
A bit of sleep does me wonders, hehe!
Oh wow, Babe! Thanks for sharing your story (and thanks to your Hubby too)! You were AWESOME!
Hunter is extremely adorable! Needless to say, the both of you are great parents to him!
Hope you’re able to get some rest in between feeds, etc.
Take care!
Aww thanks hon! So far the nights are ok cos he sleeps 3-4hrs each time.. fingers crossed he keeps it up 😛
Aww thanks hon! So far the nights are ok cos he sleeps 3-4hrs each time.. fingers crossed he keeps it up 😛
Great photos! He is so cute! And you and Chris look overjoyed to the moon and back :).
Hehe yeah we are in bliss land atm!
Hehe yeah we are in bliss land atm!
Your Labour story sounded right out of a horror story!! U were so brave to have gone thru without any drugs!!!
The pushing/cesarean was def horrific, but the labour was so good! Ah well.. at least it’s over 😉
The pushing/cesarean was def horrific, but the labour was so good! Ah well.. at least it’s over 😉
Congrats congrats Bev and Chris!!! That was an amazing birth story! I love reading birth stories and yours is one of the best I have read in a long long time. Chris’ version made it even more wonderful. You are so blessed to have him. Enjoy your time with Hunter (he’s gorgeous!!!) Take care and God bless.
Aww I am honoured you think so, thank you! It was difficult with the surgery, but I’m just glad it all worked out 🙂
Aww I am honoured you think so, thank you! It was difficult with the surgery, but I’m just glad it all worked out 🙂
From Larae
Bev, I actually CRIED reading Chris’ story!!! I can imagine his fear for you and the baby’s health and then the joy he felt when everything turned out alright!
I hope you dont mind that I’ll be forwarding your birth story/blog to my 4 girlfriends who are at this time planning to all get pregnant this year. Your journey has been amazing!!!
Wish you three the best of health,
Re: From Larae
Thanks Larae! I hope your girl friends it helpful.. and wishing them the best in their pregnancies and birth 🙂
Re: From Larae
Thanks Larae! I hope your girl friends it helpful.. and wishing them the best in their pregnancies and birth 🙂
All I can say again, Wow! He looks absolutely wonderful and amazed at your lack of drugs during labour.
It was not too bad.. tolerable enough anyway! But, I’m glad it’s all over 😉
congratulations again, you two! so touching to read both of your stories 🙂
how did you pick the name hunter?
that was my first boyfriend’s name 😉
haha what a coincidence! I can’t remember how we thought of it.. but it was the top name that both of us loved 🙂
lovely birth story 🙂 you are one awesome mom, beverly!
Aww thank you so much hon 🙂
You may have heard this for a hundredth time but OMG HE’S BEAUTIFUL!
Congrats daddy & mummy Burgess! 🙂
Aww thanks sweetie, we are totally in love!
you did great babe!! woohoo you go girl!
congratulations on Hunter! he shall be mama’s protector! ;p
Thanks! It’s so nice being a mum… 🙂
Aww so cute!!! It’s nice that you wrote it, this way you have a record of it indeed. Don’t worry about replying to every comments, we all understand it is crazy to have a newborn at home.
Gratz again, you will be amazing parents!
It will be nice to go back and read this many years down the road, and remember what we went through 🙂
Thank you hon!
Oh my god, that kid’s been here before at that size! He is so adorable and fat and cute and everything a baby’s supposed to be. Sorry to hear your labor didn’t go as planned, but at the end, you still got your beautiful gift. Congrats Chris and Bev!
Now stop making me want to have a baby lol
We were astounded with how chubby he was too.. haha. Yeah, have a baby, they are awesome! 😛
Then the nurses asked, “Do you want to stay with your wife, or come down with your baby?” … Well, what do I do?! Stay with my new-born son, to have the first few minutes of his life with me, or stay with my wife who is having complicated, emergency surgery?? I think in it all, Bev said, “Go with him”. And so walking to the end of the bed to where my boy was – ABSOLUTELY avoiding looking at Bev’s stomach – and I first see this beautiful big, pink, active, crying, kicking boy. I can’t stop looking at him. I say goodbye to Bev, tell her that I love her, and leave the room with Hunter on the cart. We get back down to the OB area, and are joined by Bev’s parents, and we spend the next 10 minutes watching him get his tests, etc. My first thought is to call my parents. It’s a damn shame that they first get to hear their first grandson cry on the phone, but they’ll be here before we know it. The test are all perfect.
I have to wait for the next 15 minutes or so, hoping, pleading that Bev is okay. On one hand to have the most joyous occasion to celebrate. On the other hand, the worry that your wife is still in surgery. When she’s wheeled down, and after a couple of perfectly healthy blood-pressure, and heart rate tests, the doc says that Bev is probably okay – my heart breaths it’s firs sigh of relieve since 6am this morning.
All in hindsight, I’m thankful that we made the right choice. Doctor Louie (also the surgeon), said that Hunter’s head was slightly transverse, and way to big. There was no way he would’ve come out (safely) naturally.
Now we have the most perfect son any man could ask for. And I almost feel like it’s hard to know the level of love you feel, until you watch your wife successfully feed and nourish your son… wow. For all father’s to be : you will worry, you will get through it, and absolutely, you will be able to be the man and father your wife and child need you to be.
Awwww 🙂 It’s nice to be able to read the birth story from your perpective! Beverly and Hunter are lucky to have you as their husband/father! Good luck with your journey into fatherhood! 🙂
I think we’re lucky to have him.. very blessed! 🙂
*laughs* Hunter is a big baby indeed! Congratulations Bev and Chris! What a beautiful boy. I am so proud of the both of you. Chris I think you ought to get a pat on your back too – there is so much focus on the mother usually, that people forget to prepare the father.
Aww thanks hon. And yeah, Chris has been amazing. people always tend to forget the father, so it’s not always the easiest for him!
What a lovely write-up Chris 🙂 Congrats once again!
Thank you for sharing your story too, Chris! So so so amazing to hear it from a husband’s perspective too.
Good on Bev for being such a calm, no-fuss, selfless mother. You guys are going to be such fab parents 🙂
Thanks sweetie! You guys will be going through it all in just a few months too… a crazy ride, but so rewarding 🙂
Chris, your post made me tear!
Bev, you’re an absolutely brave, strong and focused woman as Chris describes!
Congratulations once again on the birth of your adorable son!!
Aww thanks! I think Chris was very brave too, and handled it all so well 🙂
Where to start…..
When your wife wakes you up at 5:30am after 40 weeks, and 6 days of pregnancy, and says that she thinks she’s in labor, your brain instantly explodes. I popped up like a rocket, and a million things went through my mind in beautiful organized succession. Get the bag finalized, time the contractions, call the on-call doctor to tell her that we’re coming in, time more contractions, make sure we can get to the hospital before horrid peak-hour traffic, and make sure Bev has water/food to sustain her.
All in all, Bev took the whole labor period really well. Made it look easy even! Around 11am, our Doctor Louie came in, examined Bev and told us that we were already at 9cm… this was when things start to get a bit hairy. The contractions started being irregular, but VERY strong. Bev pushed like no woman could have. If Hunter had been any smaller, she would have shot him clear across the room. With little progress, the doc gave us a very unwelcome deadline; 2 hours without progress, and we call the c-section.
Then the time came… 2 hours (1pm), and Bev was examined to say that she hadn’t made any progress. If anyone could have gotten that baby out – this strong, brave, focused woman could have. So what do you do as a Dad? The doc is handing you the consent form (Bev can’t really sign it), your wife is in pain still having contractions pleading to you saying, “I don’t want this!”. The most difficult signature I’ve ever done. The second I signed it, I felt like everything was out of control. They told Bev to ‘stop’ pushing as best she can, but at this point the contractions are pushing Hunter onto a nerve, and she’s convulsing in pain. All the nurses wiz around her to prepare her for surgery. And I just stand back, asking myself if I’d made the right decision….
We asked the doc if I would be there through it, to help support Bev, and she said that I’d be there through it all. So we wheeled Bev upstairs… and the Chinese nurse told me to wait at the doors! What?! My wife is in there, in pain, about to have a needle poked into her spine, and I have to stand around outside – useless. They told me to come back downstairs, and that we’d go back upstairs when she’s having the surgery. Bev knows I’m not there. None of the Chinese nurses speak any (good) English… So I did the only thing I could think of do: pace the hall, worried as heck. After what seemed like hours, they took me upstairs and got me in the surgical gown thing, and made me wait even more in the corridor. What’s happening? Is she in pain? Is she worried? Does she know where I am? Does Hunter still have a strong heartbeat? Did they bork the epidural? More waiting.. then FINALLY the nurse brings me in, and my heart sinks. For any man that has to go through this, prepare yourself mentally, because I had little idea. The room was full of people, all around Bev who was on the bed with tubes going in, and coming out of everywhere. Monitors galore, and I got to sit at the head of the bed behind the big curtain, and could only talk to Bev. Looking up into the docs glasses, I see nothing but red reflected from the surgery. There were a couple of times when the doc’s voice got a little insistent with the nurses out of panic… good grief that makes your heart sink. And then there’s a FLURRY of activity. The surgeon starts shouting orders, the nurses jump to attention, and the worst thoughts imaginable go through your head. Then we heard it. A good, strong, cry. HE’S ALIVE AND BREATHING! Oh, my word! That moment, still brings tears to my eyes. Bev and I were in that surgery, listening to our boy cry for the very first time after a morning of worry. And bawling our eyes out at how happy we were.