Family, Living in... Singapore, Parties, Uncategorized HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY ELLIOT! 29 September 2009

It was wee ‘lil Elliot’s 1st birthday, which perfectly fell on 20/09/2009! What an awesome date to have a first birthday. The little rockstar was Mr Happy for the day, inline with the party theme of Mr Men and Little Miss. Too cute!

It’s astounding how many babies there were around… all about the same age. I also noticed one MAJOR change in me. Normally if I’m around babies/kids, I either ignore them, or actively avoid them. Generally not very into them – they are erratic and messy and kinda gross πŸ˜› But this time, for the first time ever, I reaaalllyyyy liked playing with ’em and cuddling them. Yay, I’m turning maternal!! Wouldn’t say I totally love babies yet (I really only like Elliot, but Chris says I’m biased), but I’m getting there πŸ˜‰

Anyway. So with all the kids running crazily around the place, we spent most of our time…. eating! The food was great, thanks to Merv being around. Awesome fat prawns, beef, luscious German cheese sausages and a killer mashed potato smothered in melted cheese. It was an awesome dinner πŸ™‚

Awesome table layout. Check out that CAKE!

All decked out

Mr Birthday Boy with Dad

He has a strange obsession with chewing on Dad’s collars, ALL the time!!

The outside BBQ area

Merv preparing the luscious prawns. I bought him that apron!
Took bloody ages to find it tho cos I had to buy it in China and it’s legit, haha.

Mr Happy, not looking so happy πŸ˜‰
That’s his trademark sidelong suspicious look!

Cheeeeese. A WHOLE WHEEL of it. Nom nom nom…

The beef

Cooking it up on the BBQ

Gorgeous cake! Sadly, I discovered it was Blackforest. Gross…

Happy Birthday little one!

Mum and Dad doting over Elliot – good, cos that means I don’t have
to produce a baby anytime soon πŸ˜›

A very typical photo of us πŸ˜‰
Hey, at least Chris gets to practice feeding our baby next time!

The girl on the right? She was soooo cute, came up to me and started
cuddling and talking to me, then sat on my lap.


Cheery little Mr Happy

I was given the Little Miss Dotty Tee. I have no idea why.

Let’s Chat!

Let's Chat!

awww, little kids that you’re close to are yes, adorable πŸ™‚ The ones that aren’t so close? LOL! Yes they are harder to get used to cause they are always running around, crying and dripping, right?

But your own, or other ones you love are just charming and adorable, even when they drip. Okay usually. Sometimes when they are all damp its still gross, but ya know, you still love them to pieces. Adorable pics.

awww, little kids that you’re close to are yes, adorable πŸ™‚ The ones that aren’t so close? LOL! Yes they are harder to get used to cause they are always running around, crying and dripping, right?

But your own, or other ones you love are just charming and adorable, even when they drip. Okay usually. Sometimes when they are all damp its still gross, but ya know, you still love them to pieces. Adorable pics.

awww, little kids that you’re close to are yes, adorable πŸ™‚ The ones that aren’t so close? LOL! Yes they are harder to get used to cause they are always running around, crying and dripping, right?

But your own, or other ones you love are just charming and adorable, even when they drip. Okay usually. Sometimes when they are all damp its still gross, but ya know, you still love them to pieces. Adorable pics.