JUST BEER! 11 June 2009 in Friends, Parties, Uncategorized

Went to the JustBeer party over the weekend. We were blessed with clear skies and sunny weather, but man it was HOT! It’s like Singapore’s heat – warm plus humid. Fortunately that’s only at midday, and by late afternoon it really cools down. However,...

MESA MANIFESTO 10 June 2009 in Food reviews - Shanghai, Uncategorized

Mesa Manifesto 748 Julu Lu Shanghai, China PRICE: ????? RATING: **** A bunch of us hit up Mesa Manifesto for a swanky Friday night dinner and drinks. It’s owned by an Australian, but is a Western restaurant (the only Australian thing about it was...

DRINKS @ BULLDOG 9 June 2009 in Friends, Uncategorized

We headed off to Bulldog for some dinner and drinks. Someone had managed to convince ’em to give us 1-for-1 hotdogs which I was pretty excited about. Sadly, the hotdogs left…. much to be desired. They actually came out looking fantastic – a big...

Protected: 3 THINGS IN A GUY 8 June 2009 in Meme quizzes, Uncategorized

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VOLUNTEERING @ HUIXIN INFANT ORPHANAGE 7 June 2009 in Charity, Uncategorized

Volunteered at the Huixin Infant Orphanage, which houses “over 110 children with mental and physical disabilities”. They were such adorable little kids! Very loving but, sadly, a bit starved for affection and attention. We played with them for most of the day, just interacting...