eBay, Uncategorized THE ‘EBAY OPEN’ COMPETITION 24 April 2009

Kickin’ ass

The eBay Open is a huge staff competition – we form global teams and compete both internally amongst ourselves for prizes, as well as externally with other teams to win the grand prizes. It’s HELLA fun!!

So I got picked to be Team Captain – covering the countries China, Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Phillippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. WHEW!!! We are, by far, the team covering the most number of countries… and proudly boast the most # of members at 111. w00t!! Had to beg, cajole and force people to join…. so everyone’s probably scared to see my face now 😉

We, however, are at a pretty dismal #32 out of 46 teams.. because I now realise our large size is also our biggest handicap. For every single person that doesn’t pull their own weight in the competition, it really drags our team average down. In fact, we’ll be right up the top if I cut off the non-active team members. Grrrr! The other big handicap is that we’re all international-based, so that means it’s harder for us to buy+sell than it is for, say, the American team. So now my next role is hassling (errr… *cough*.. I mean encouraging) everyone to get active!

It’s pretty time consuming both organising it all, captaining the team, and cheerleading everyone… but lots of fun 🙂 Now keep your fingers crossed for us!!

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