Ferrets, Uncategorized Protected: MY SICK ‘LIL FERRET 29 April 2009

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hope she gets better. My little Gwen wasn’t so lucky. she was 7, and apparently she had cancer, so when i took her to the vet, they said that the best thing for her was to put her down. Imagine walking to the vet with a pet carrier and then leaving with an empty one. I send Star good thoughts, and know she’ll pull through cause she’s young ferret.

That is so sad 🙁 it’s what i was worried about too.. that it’s something terminal and I get told right there that she has to be put down.. i can’t imagine how you would have felt 🙁

I don’t think you should blame yourself for this…you did what you thought was right based on the information you had. I’m sure she’ll be fine…especially since she has such a caring owner looking after her.

hope she gets better. My little Gwen wasn’t so lucky. she was 7, and apparently she had cancer, so when i took her to the vet, they said that the best thing for her was to put her down. Imagine walking to the vet with a pet carrier and then leaving with an empty one. I send Star good thoughts, and know she’ll pull through cause she’s young ferret.

That is so sad 🙁 it’s what i was worried about too.. that it’s something terminal and I get told right there that she has to be put down.. i can’t imagine how you would have felt 🙁

I don’t think you should blame yourself for this…you did what you thought was right based on the information you had. I’m sure she’ll be fine…especially since she has such a caring owner looking after her.

omg poor little ferrit.

You wouldn’t believe, my budgie has gastritis too! He can barely breath!!!! When he flies, he falls over and has a fit trying to catch his breath. This also really saddens me a lot, but he is at least eating and drinking, I have to force medicate him orally every couple of hours too!

I hope your pet gets better! 🙁 it sucks when this happens…

no honey, its not you’re fault… as pet owners we do the best we can with the info we have… if we had different information we would do thing differently. if we dont, we dont.

the best you can do ever is give you’re pet a great wonderful happy life and know that living with you has always been so much better than if someone else took them home… you know? and it has been, hasnt it?

could someone love her more? cared for her better since you’ve had her? lots of people don’t even take their pets to the vet… breaks my heart…

so no, you havent done the wrong thing.. you’ve done all you could do since you’ve had her. if she doesnt get well I’ll be so sad for you and her and chris and her ferret buddy… ive lost pets. its the saddest thing…

my little icon… noodle, is gone now. she was a sweet little girl. and i was in sort of a situation like you I guess.. thinking i would have should have could have… faster. she died of something that she was being treated for… only i wasnt fast enough. she was too weak by the time she was treated.. but how can you ‘go there’ you know? if you could have you would have… you love her, you’ve loved her… you are doing a great job being her ferret nurse… give yourself a break 🙂 just love and care for her and be kinder to yourself. your doing a wonderful job caring for her… if she makes it it will be because she was so well cared for by you her entire life… and if she doesnt there was clearly nothing else you could do.

give her a kiss from me

That’s hon, that’s really nice of you..

I just wish she would get better. i’m exhausted from trying to send get-well vibes to her, but it’s not working 🙁

Noodle is the cuuuutest name 🙂

I’m glad she made it! That’s scary but hopefully will work out for the best (and by best I mean Star jumping around like crazy again!).

at least it’s a sign Star is getting stronger if she’s trying to fight off the meds
so sorry about the situation, hope Star gets better really quick!! And don’t be so hard on yourself, you were there the whole time caring for her

oh Bev, I’m so sorry you have to deal with this.. I can’t imagine having to go through something like that with Sydney (my beloved cat). I hope Star is getting better soon *HUGS*

omg poor little ferrit.

You wouldn’t believe, my budgie has gastritis too! He can barely breath!!!! When he flies, he falls over and has a fit trying to catch his breath. This also really saddens me a lot, but he is at least eating and drinking, I have to force medicate him orally every couple of hours too!

I hope your pet gets better! 🙁 it sucks when this happens…

Oh dear 🙁 Don’t put the blame on yourself. It’s not your fault!

I hope Star feels better soon.

*BIG HUGS* to you!

no honey, its not you’re fault… as pet owners we do the best we can with the info we have… if we had different information we would do thing differently. if we dont, we dont.

the best you can do ever is give you’re pet a great wonderful happy life and know that living with you has always been so much better than if someone else took them home… you know? and it has been, hasnt it?

could someone love her more? cared for her better since you’ve had her? lots of people don’t even take their pets to the vet… breaks my heart…

so no, you havent done the wrong thing.. you’ve done all you could do since you’ve had her. if she doesnt get well I’ll be so sad for you and her and chris and her ferret buddy… ive lost pets. its the saddest thing…

my little icon… noodle, is gone now. she was a sweet little girl. and i was in sort of a situation like you I guess.. thinking i would have should have could have… faster. she died of something that she was being treated for… only i wasnt fast enough. she was too weak by the time she was treated.. but how can you ‘go there’ you know? if you could have you would have… you love her, you’ve loved her… you are doing a great job being her ferret nurse… give yourself a break 🙂 just love and care for her and be kinder to yourself. your doing a wonderful job caring for her… if she makes it it will be because she was so well cared for by you her entire life… and if she doesnt there was clearly nothing else you could do.

give her a kiss from me

That’s hon, that’s really nice of you..

I just wish she would get better. i’m exhausted from trying to send get-well vibes to her, but it’s not working 🙁

Noodle is the cuuuutest name 🙂

It’s good that she made it through the night. Don’t blame yourself. It wasn’t your fault. You have done the best you possibly can. Hopefully she gets better soon. Hang in there.

I’m glad she made it! That’s scary but hopefully will work out for the best (and by best I mean Star jumping around like crazy again!).

I remember your posts about it.. that was awful 🙁 I really hope I don’t have to make that decision too, I don’t think I can handle it 🙁

at least it’s a sign Star is getting stronger if she’s trying to fight off the meds
so sorry about the situation, hope Star gets better really quick!! And don’t be so hard on yourself, you were there the whole time caring for her

oh Bev, I’m so sorry you have to deal with this.. I can’t imagine having to go through something like that with Sydney (my beloved cat). I hope Star is getting better soon *HUGS*

Oh dear 🙁 Don’t put the blame on yourself. It’s not your fault!

I hope Star feels better soon.

*BIG HUGS* to you!

It’s good that she made it through the night. Don’t blame yourself. It wasn’t your fault. You have done the best you possibly can. Hopefully she gets better soon. Hang in there.

I remember your posts about it.. that was awful 🙁 I really hope I don’t have to make that decision too, I don’t think I can handle it 🙁