HOMECOOKED PORK & ONION OMELETTE 2 August 2007 in FOOD, My recipes, Uncategorized

Just a simple homecooked dish.. Pork & Onion Omelette. I think it’s quite traditional, or at least traditional in my family 😛 Very very simple, but tasty and satisfying. Cooked it up for dinner in 5 mins flat. W00t! No recipe ‘cos I’ve put...

*SNIFF* in Uncategorized

I cut mah foot 🙁 *snuffles*

MEATBALL & PEANUT CONGEE 1 August 2007 in FOOD, My recipes, Uncategorized

Cooked up a really traditional Chinese dish last night… Meatball & Braised Peanut Congee! I’m not sure what dialect (or whatever it’s called?) it is.. either Teochew or Cantonese I think. I made it in the whizzbang rice cooker that Mum and Dad bought...