LA RENAISSANCE DESSERTS 13 July 2007 in FOOD, Food reviews, Meme quizzes, Uncategorized

Went to James Squire pub for drinks, and was fascinated with their brewery. I wonder if they actually use it to brew their beer, or is it just for show? La Renaissance’s cheesecake Fruit tart Mille Feuilles Friendly bird WHAT?! This is ridiculous.. Especially...

TRANSFORMERS & PEPPER LUNCH 12 July 2007 in FOOD, Food reviews, Uncategorized

Gahh!!!!! I have found my favourite movie (right up there alongside Clueless).. it’s TRANSFORMERS. Originally did not intend to watch it in the cinemas, since I didn’t expect it to be a great movie. So after my friends all watched it one-by-one, and kept...

DID YOU KNOW? 11 July 2007 in Uncategorized

Information no one really thought about and might not be aware of. 1. STRANGE BUT TRUE: That the tongue of a whale weighs as much as an elephant. 2. By 2003, the number of people who lived together before marriage was a little over...

GYM BUNNY 10 July 2007 in Fitness, FOOD, Meme quizzes, Uncategorized

I’ve been hitting the gym like a woman possessed. People always say that I have the most obsessive compulsive personality they have ever seen, and I probably have to admit to that 😛 This time however, my latest obsession is EXERCISE!!! Been going around...

Protected: EBAY NEWSLETTER 9 July 2007 in eBay, Uncategorized

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