FOOD, My recipes, Uncategorized HOMECOOKED SEAFOOD PASTA & BAKED SALMON 11 September 2006

Cooked dinner at home on Saturday and Sunday night.
Seafood both nights, because fresh seafood is always yum.

Fresh bread, extra virgin olive oil, Dukka

Fresh seafood

Fresh seafood pasta with homemade marinara sauce

Baked salmon with avocado and roasted vegetables and spinach & feta scone

Let’s Chat!

Let's Chat!

We don’t eat nearly enough seafood as we should! Must try and have it at least twice a week πŸ˜›

Ive only just recently discovered Dukka.. must.. get…. more…..

We don’t eat nearly enough seafood as we should! Must try and have it at least twice a week πŸ˜›

Ive only just recently discovered Dukka.. must.. get…. more…..