Uncategorized Protected: TEAM BUILDING IDEAS 7 March 2005

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Never Have I Ever

A fun game to play with groups is “Never Have I Ever.” How it works is each person takes a turn saying something that they have never done before (for example, “Never have I ever eaten asparagus,” or “Never have I ever riden a horse.”). Everyone in the group that has done the stated activity gets a point (so everyone that has eaten asparagus or riden a horse would get a point). It can be a fun game and you can find out interesting and funny things about other people.

Re: Never Have I Ever

Isn’t that a drinking game (that deteriorates really quickly)? If you have done whatever it is, the you have to drink a shot.

Erm. back to team building exercises for Bev.

those games never work, it’s kinda cheesey but hey whatever. good luck. you can always do the default, if you could be any animal/fruit/etc what would it be and why? argh…

Cheesy?! Tsskkkk, so pessimistic 😉

Nah they’re pretty good for team building and a bit of fun before our meeting

Winter Survival

I think this one would be good… especially since there is no winter there!


You have just crash landed somewhere in the woods of southern Manitoba or possibly northern Minnesota. It is 11:32 am in mid-January. The small plane in which you were travelling crashed onto a small lake. The pilot and co-pilot were killed. Shortly after the crash, the plane sank completely into the lake with the pilot and co-pilot’s bodies inside. Everyone else on the flight escaped to land dry and without serious injury.

The crash came suddenly before the pilot had time to radio for help or inform anyone of your position. Since your pilot was trying to avoid the storm, you know the plan was considerably off course. The pilot announced shortly before the crash that you were 70 kilometres northwest of a small town that is the nearest known habitation.

You are in a wilderness area made up of many lakes and rivers. The snow depth varies from above the ankles in windswept areas to more than knee deep where it has drifted. The last weather report indicated that the temperature would reach minus 10 degrees Celsius in the daytime and minus 25 degrees at night. There is plenty of dead wood and twigs in the area around the lake. You and the other surviving passengers are dressed in winter clothing appropriate for city wear — suits, pantsuits, street shoes and overcoats. Assume that the number of persons in the group is the same as the number of persons in your group, and that you have agreed to stay together.

While escaping from the plane, your group salvaged 12 items listed below:

* Ball of steel wool
* Newspapers
* Compass
* Hand axe
* Cigarette lighter without fluid
* Loaded .45-calibre pistol
* Waterproof section aerial map
* One 20-by-20-foot piece of heavy-duty canvas
* Extra shirt and pants
* One can of shortening
* One quart of whiskey
* One family-size chocolate bar



Rank the above items according to their importance to your survival, starting with 1 for the most important one and proceeding to 12 for the least important one.

Calculate your final score by adding the absolute difference between your rankings with that of survival experts. For example, if you ranked an item as 2 while the expert ranked it as 5, your score for the particular item is 3 and not minus 3. The lower your final score, the better chance of survival you have.

Click here for the answers.

This is how the survival experts rank the items, with accompanying explanations of their uses:


Cigarette lighter without fluid: to produce sparks to start a fire

Ball of steel wool: to catch the sparks made by the cigarette lighter

Extra shirt and pants: used for added warmth, shelter, signaling, bedding, bandages, string when unraveled, and tinder to make fires

One can of shortening: use the lid for a mirror-like signaling device, use the shortening to protect exposed areas of the body from cold or to eat, melted shorting can be helpful in starting fires

One 20-by-20-foot piece of heavy-duty canvas: to provide shelter

Hand axe

One family-size chocolate bar

Newspapers: stuff into clothing for added insulation, use to start fires

Loaded .45-calibre pistol: use as a signaling device

One quart of whiskey: use to aid in starting a fire

Waterproof section aerial map: dangerous because it may encourage people to seek help
12. Compass: also dangerous because it may encourage people to seek help, use as a signaling device

Re: Winter Survival

Hehe that’s awesome, role playing thinking games are really good. THanks for suggesting!

Never Have I Ever

A fun game to play with groups is “Never Have I Ever.” How it works is each person takes a turn saying something that they have never done before (for example, “Never have I ever eaten asparagus,” or “Never have I ever riden a horse.”). Everyone in the group that has done the stated activity gets a point (so everyone that has eaten asparagus or riden a horse would get a point). It can be a fun game and you can find out interesting and funny things about other people.

Re: Never Have I Ever

Isn’t that a drinking game (that deteriorates really quickly)? If you have done whatever it is, the you have to drink a shot.

Erm. back to team building exercises for Bev.

Picture Talk

put funny objects or photos, or pictures in the middle of the table and get them to choose one that they like, and link it to their personality or character or anything they want to say. You may need to demonstrate, or start the ball rolling so that they know what to do.

for example, a picture of an apple is the one they choose. SO they say, I choose the apple because I’m health conscious, since an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Or I choose the apple because Snow White ate it and still managed to meet her prince charming, so I’m hopeful for my prince charming to come.
Or Gywneth Paltrow’s daughter is called apple, and i like her.

Or if they choose a picture of spiderman, it could be that they hope to be super hero and rescue people, or they may be as shy as him.

Re: Picture Talk

Hey cool! I think I might ask them to *bring* in something that they feel represents them? Like something abstract that they gotta bring in. Saves me the trouble of hunting down stuff to bring 😛

haha yeh i was just about to recommend ‘true true false’ except i personally hate playing it cos’ i can never think of a plausible lie! i remember in high school we used to do a thing (which has a name that ive forgotten!) where everyone has a piece of paper with their name at the top. the pieces of paper go round, and you have to write a message/nice comment about the person on their piece of paper, then at the end everyone has some nice comments to read about themselves that they can stick up on a board when their feeling down.

those games never work, it’s kinda cheesey but hey whatever. good luck. you can always do the default, if you could be any animal/fruit/etc what would it be and why? argh…

Cheesy?! Tsskkkk, so pessimistic 😉

Nah they’re pretty good for team building and a bit of fun before our meeting

HOw about this?

Get everyone to think of three sentences, two are facts and one is a lie.

One by one, they introduce themselves and say their three sentences. The rest of the team has to guess which one is a lie.

I LOVE that idea!! The only thing I’m worried about is that it’s too similar to what we had last week (guess each other’s little-known fact). I really want to do it though.. maybe I will for the company meeting in a few weeks time 🙂

Anonymous encouragement is sometimes the best.

You could try getting everyone’s names on a slip of paper into a hat, then having everybody draw out someone else’s name (like when you get ppl for Secret Santa). Then they write something (nice!!) they admire about that person on the back of the slip of paper and put it back in the hat. When everyone’s done, you read out all the names and nice comments. 🙂

Winter Survival

I think this one would be good… especially since there is no winter there!


You have just crash landed somewhere in the woods of southern Manitoba or possibly northern Minnesota. It is 11:32 am in mid-January. The small plane in which you were travelling crashed onto a small lake. The pilot and co-pilot were killed. Shortly after the crash, the plane sank completely into the lake with the pilot and co-pilot’s bodies inside. Everyone else on the flight escaped to land dry and without serious injury.

The crash came suddenly before the pilot had time to radio for help or inform anyone of your position. Since your pilot was trying to avoid the storm, you know the plan was considerably off course. The pilot announced shortly before the crash that you were 70 kilometres northwest of a small town that is the nearest known habitation.

You are in a wilderness area made up of many lakes and rivers. The snow depth varies from above the ankles in windswept areas to more than knee deep where it has drifted. The last weather report indicated that the temperature would reach minus 10 degrees Celsius in the daytime and minus 25 degrees at night. There is plenty of dead wood and twigs in the area around the lake. You and the other surviving passengers are dressed in winter clothing appropriate for city wear — suits, pantsuits, street shoes and overcoats. Assume that the number of persons in the group is the same as the number of persons in your group, and that you have agreed to stay together.

While escaping from the plane, your group salvaged 12 items listed below:

* Ball of steel wool
* Newspapers
* Compass
* Hand axe
* Cigarette lighter without fluid
* Loaded .45-calibre pistol
* Waterproof section aerial map
* One 20-by-20-foot piece of heavy-duty canvas
* Extra shirt and pants
* One can of shortening
* One quart of whiskey
* One family-size chocolate bar



Rank the above items according to their importance to your survival, starting with 1 for the most important one and proceeding to 12 for the least important one.

Calculate your final score by adding the absolute difference between your rankings with that of survival experts. For example, if you ranked an item as 2 while the expert ranked it as 5, your score for the particular item is 3 and not minus 3. The lower your final score, the better chance of survival you have.

Click here for the answers.

This is how the survival experts rank the items, with accompanying explanations of their uses:


Cigarette lighter without fluid: to produce sparks to start a fire

Ball of steel wool: to catch the sparks made by the cigarette lighter

Extra shirt and pants: used for added warmth, shelter, signaling, bedding, bandages, string when unraveled, and tinder to make fires

One can of shortening: use the lid for a mirror-like signaling device, use the shortening to protect exposed areas of the body from cold or to eat, melted shorting can be helpful in starting fires

One 20-by-20-foot piece of heavy-duty canvas: to provide shelter

Hand axe

One family-size chocolate bar

Newspapers: stuff into clothing for added insulation, use to start fires

Loaded .45-calibre pistol: use as a signaling device

One quart of whiskey: use to aid in starting a fire

Waterproof section aerial map: dangerous because it may encourage people to seek help
12. Compass: also dangerous because it may encourage people to seek help, use as a signaling device

Re: Winter Survival

Hehe that’s awesome, role playing thinking games are really good. THanks for suggesting!

Picture Talk

put funny objects or photos, or pictures in the middle of the table and get them to choose one that they like, and link it to their personality or character or anything they want to say. You may need to demonstrate, or start the ball rolling so that they know what to do.

for example, a picture of an apple is the one they choose. SO they say, I choose the apple because I’m health conscious, since an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Or I choose the apple because Snow White ate it and still managed to meet her prince charming, so I’m hopeful for my prince charming to come.
Or Gywneth Paltrow’s daughter is called apple, and i like her.

Or if they choose a picture of spiderman, it could be that they hope to be super hero and rescue people, or they may be as shy as him.

Re: Picture Talk

Hey cool! I think I might ask them to *bring* in something that they feel represents them? Like something abstract that they gotta bring in. Saves me the trouble of hunting down stuff to bring 😛

haha yeh i was just about to recommend ‘true true false’ except i personally hate playing it cos’ i can never think of a plausible lie! i remember in high school we used to do a thing (which has a name that ive forgotten!) where everyone has a piece of paper with their name at the top. the pieces of paper go round, and you have to write a message/nice comment about the person on their piece of paper, then at the end everyone has some nice comments to read about themselves that they can stick up on a board when their feeling down.

HOw about this?

Get everyone to think of three sentences, two are facts and one is a lie.

One by one, they introduce themselves and say their three sentences. The rest of the team has to guess which one is a lie.

I LOVE that idea!! The only thing I’m worried about is that it’s too similar to what we had last week (guess each other’s little-known fact). I really want to do it though.. maybe I will for the company meeting in a few weeks time 🙂

Anonymous encouragement is sometimes the best.

You could try getting everyone’s names on a slip of paper into a hat, then having everybody draw out someone else’s name (like when you get ppl for Secret Santa). Then they write something (nice!!) they admire about that person on the back of the slip of paper and put it back in the hat. When everyone’s done, you read out all the names and nice comments. 🙂