Ah! Why did I click on that link?!?!? That is just one of those things I’d rather not see/know about…
urrghh….i so didnt wanna know that!
Ah! Why did I click on that link?!?!? That is just one of those things I’d rather not see/know about…
yucks..that’s one piece of info i didn’t need to know..hehe
ewwwwww thats disgusting… how feral 🙁
not surprising is it when we are supposed to have 10 to the power of 10 bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc which naturally live on us everyday (and that’s just on the clean people!) and girls even more so!
but can you imagine if you could hear these things? boring into our eyelash pores… *scrunch* *scrunch* … then eating dead skin *munch* *munch*
hahaha… quite funny actually…
That’s it! I am scared for life now! *lol*
No kidding! I know it’s dumb to be freaked cos we’ve lived with it our whole lives. but just SEEING the bugs up close is just… *shudder*..
urrghh….i so didnt wanna know that!
yucks..that’s one piece of info i didn’t need to know..hehe
ewwwwww thats disgusting… how feral 🙁
not surprising is it when we are supposed to have 10 to the power of 10 bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc which naturally live on us everyday (and that’s just on the clean people!) and girls even more so!
but can you imagine if you could hear these things? boring into our eyelash pores… *scrunch* *scrunch* … then eating dead skin *munch* *munch*
hahaha… quite funny actually…
That’s it! I am scared for life now! *lol*
No kidding! I know it’s dumb to be freaked cos we’ve lived with it our whole lives. but just SEEING the bugs up close is just… *shudder*..
Ah! Why did I click on that link?!?!? That is just one of those things I’d rather not see/know about…
urrghh….i so didnt wanna know that!
Ah! Why did I click on that link?!?!? That is just one of those things I’d rather not see/know about…
yucks..that’s one piece of info i didn’t need to know..hehe
ewwwwww thats disgusting… how feral 🙁
not surprising is it when we are supposed to have 10 to the power of 10 bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc which naturally live on us everyday (and that’s just on the clean people!) and girls even more so!
but can you imagine if you could hear these things? boring into our eyelash pores… *scrunch* *scrunch* … then eating dead skin *munch* *munch*
hahaha… quite funny actually…
That’s it! I am scared for life now! *lol*
No kidding! I know it’s dumb to be freaked cos we’ve lived with it our whole lives. but just SEEING the bugs up close is just… *shudder*..
urrghh….i so didnt wanna know that!
yucks..that’s one piece of info i didn’t need to know..hehe
ewwwwww thats disgusting… how feral 🙁
not surprising is it when we are supposed to have 10 to the power of 10 bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc which naturally live on us everyday (and that’s just on the clean people!) and girls even more so!
but can you imagine if you could hear these things? boring into our eyelash pores… *scrunch* *scrunch* … then eating dead skin *munch* *munch*
hahaha… quite funny actually…
That’s it! I am scared for life now! *lol*
No kidding! I know it’s dumb to be freaked cos we’ve lived with it our whole lives. but just SEEING the bugs up close is just… *shudder*..