Uncategorized Protected: Clockless 20 December 2002

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The cleaning people should give you the money to replace it. Since it was their fault. If they had watched what they were doing your clock would still be here today. I seen the clock you had in the picture and the handle would had to hit it. But on some vacuum’s the handle doesn’t just swing back. I would have them to replace it, it’s not being mean….they broke it, so they have to buy it! πŸ™‚

Yeah.. you’re right.. I’ll go to the office next week and tell them about it, hopefully they’ll compensate me or buy me a new clock or something. It’s *really* hard not having a clock in here!

The cleaning people should give you the money to replace it. Since it was their fault. If they had watched what they were doing your clock would still be here today. I seen the clock you had in the picture and the handle would had to hit it. But on some vacuum’s the handle doesn’t just swing back. I would have them to replace it, it’s not being mean….they broke it, so they have to buy it! πŸ™‚

Yeah.. you’re right.. I’ll go to the office next week and tell them about it, hopefully they’ll compensate me or buy me a new clock or something. It’s *really* hard not having a clock in here!