Uncategorized Protected: Dinner with Viv’s mum 4 April 2002

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Planning ahead

Personally there’s nothing wrong by planning ahead – I do it all the time as well. It just helps us stay motivated in our studies I suppose and at lease we are not planning to become “bums” in the future, heh, heh. ;o)

Re: Planning ahead

True πŸ™‚ I guess I just want to have *some* idea of what might happen with my life in the future.. and how I’ll deal with myself when I have kids, etc. So as long as I’m “planning ahead” to be jobless and do nothing all day, I think it’s OK πŸ˜›

Planning ahead

Personally there’s nothing wrong by planning ahead – I do it all the time as well. It just helps us stay motivated in our studies I suppose and at lease we are not planning to become “bums” in the future, heh, heh. ;o)

Re: Planning ahead

True πŸ™‚ I guess I just want to have *some* idea of what might happen with my life in the future.. and how I’ll deal with myself when I have kids, etc. So as long as I’m “planning ahead” to be jobless and do nothing all day, I think it’s OK πŸ˜›