Protected: I MADE THE NEWS! 4 July 2006 in eBay, Uncategorized

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HOMECOOKED MEE GORENG 3 July 2006 in FOOD, My recipes, Uncategorized

Made some Mee Goreng tonight, thanks to ‘s recipe! A bit improvised though, as I had random stuff around the fridge that I wanted to get rid of 😛 It was tasty, but not as super-flavourful as the Makan & Alice’s version, so I’m...

A SHOPPING & FOODIE WEEKEND 2 July 2006 in FASHION, FOOD, Food reviews, Uncategorized

Went with Chris to a Microsoft get-together yesterday. It was fun 🙂 It’s crazy how things change so much in such a short time; it seems like either someone new joins or someone leaves every few months. But it was nice catching up and...

Protected: KRISPY KREME COMPETITION, MACCHIATO 30 June 2006 in FOOD, Food reviews, Uncategorized

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Protected: FUN FACTS in Uncategorized

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