Protected: 2006 RECAP 1 January 2007 in Meme quizzes, Uncategorized

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!! 31 December 2006 in FOOD, Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!! 😀 Yep, he’s a New Year’s Eve baby.. so everyone celebrates his birthday *lol* Mum got him a Lana Cake. It’s an interesting story – the owner, Violet, bakes the cakes herself, and sells only from one tiny store. Yet, almost...

PINES COUNTRY CLUB in FOOD, Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized

Pine Garden The Pines Country Club Singapore $$$$- 10 of us headed off to Pine Garden at my aunt/uncle’s country club after Church for lunch. It was Yum Cha style, with lots of dishes in the middle of the big table, for all to...

DINNER @ AUNT’S PLACE 30 December 2006 in FOOD, Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized

After that Les Amis luncheon yesterday, I announced loudly, “I’m not gonna eat anything for dinner tonight”. Little did I know that just mere hours later, I would be eating my words. My aunt (dad’s sister) called at around 5pm.. I heard snippets of...

LES AMIS in FOOD, Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized

Les Amis 1 Scotts Road Singapore $$$$$$ Les Amis The bar where we waited before being seated Les Amis is Singapore’s most famous French restaurant, where you can apparently “Mingle with Singaporean tycoons and celebrities at the island’s finest French restaurant.” We are neither,...