SAY MOO! 25 June 2007 in Meme quizzes, Uncategorized

MOO were offering 10 free minicards so of course I just had to check it out and create some 😛 Took absolute ages to arrive (a month?!) but they are absolutely freakin’ adorable! They’re really wee and the quality is good – the cards...

Protected: WEDDING @ BULLI 24 June 2007 in Friends, Uncategorized

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CANNED LAUGHTER 22 June 2007 in Charity, Uncategorized

Pretty vanilla cupcakes that a colleague baked! Also, come and support the CanTeen charity by having a night out at Canned Laughter. It’ll be hilarious and it’s all for a good cause 🙂 Give me a buzz if you’ll be there, because I will!...

EBAY LIVE 21 June 2007 in eBay, Uncategorized

Super cute eBay Live stuff that I scored. Wheeeeee!! ‘lil banner thingys! I decided I HAD to have the top one 😉 “doolicious”? Hahaha… Funky eBay Live coin Cheesy! *eyeroll*

Protected: ADELAIDE 20 June 2007 in eBay, Uncategorized

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