Protected: YACHT TRIP AROUND SINGAPORE 4 January 2009 in Family, Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized

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Protected: PERANAKAN CUISINE 3 January 2009 in FOOD, Food reviews, Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized

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WEDDING BANQUET TASTING @ GOODWOOD PARK HOTEL 2 January 2009 in Family, FOOD, Food reviews, Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized, Wedding

So Chris and I had our Wedding Banquet food tasting at Goodwood Park Hotel, where our wedding will be held. Because we booked out the ballroom, we had a complimentary (w00t!) tasting for a bunch of us – just to make sure we would...

Protected: WEDDING BANQUET @ FULLERTON HOTEL in Family, FOOD, Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized

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Protected: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!! 31 December 2008 in Family, FOOD, Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized

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