Protected: 3 THINGS IN A GUY 8 June 2009 in Meme quizzes, Uncategorized

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VOLUNTEERING @ HUIXIN INFANT ORPHANAGE 7 June 2009 in Charity, Uncategorized

Volunteered at the Huixin Infant Orphanage, which houses “over 110 children with mental and physical disabilities”. They were such adorable little kids! Very loving but, sadly, a bit starved for affection and attention. We played with them for most of the day, just interacting...

STARBUCKS COFFEE in Uncategorized

I think I drink WAY too much Starbucks coffee. Not because I have any deep love for them, but merely because they’re right in my office building and the most convenient. I walk past it every day to/from the building lifts, so it’s pretty...

BEE & FLOWER CONDITIONER 6 June 2009 in Uncategorized

I was randomly reading about this Bee & Flower brand of hair care. Apparently it’s been around in China for years and years, one of those old school products that many Chinese use. So of course I went hunting for it. Well, I figure...

MY BEGINNERS BAKING CLASS 5 June 2009 in FOOD, Uncategorized

So we had some people over for a mini baking class. Well, it wasn’t really a class, it was just me showing ’em how I bake chocolate chip cookies, nothing professional or anything! We went out for a big dinner first, then played around...