Spruce 320 Tanglin Road Singapore PRICE: $$$ RATING: Met up for a quick brunch with at Spruce – this was in Singapore in August when we were getting married, but I can’t remember if this happened just before or just after the wedding. Man,...
Imperial Treasure ONEº 15 MARINA CLUB 11 Cove Drive, Sentosa Cove Singapore PRICE: $$$$$ RATING: My aunt took us all out for dinner as a post-wedding celebration and also for one of my aunt’s birthday. The location of choice was in Sentosa’s ONE°15 Marina...
It was wee ‘lil Elliot’s 1st birthday, which perfectly fell on 20/09/2009! What an awesome date to have a first birthday. The little rockstar was Mr Happy for the day, inline with the party theme of Mr Men and Little Miss. Too cute! It’s...
Whilst shopping in the new Ion Orchard in Singapore, I made a beeline for the Louis Vuitton boutique, which is huge. Absurdly, we had to queue to get in. It was jammed packed with people inside, like there was some sort of mega sale...
Decided to bake some cookies – both for us and also for my colleagues at work. It always surprises me that people are SO into my homebaked goodies.. I’d always thought locals would like their own Chinese desserts but nup, everyone is totally Westernised...