BOXING CHICKS 20 April 2010 in Fitness, Friends, Uncategorized

I wasn’t born to exercise. That’s just the straight-up truth. The whole concept of fitness just doesn’t quite appeal to me.. partly because I’m lazy (oops!), and partly because I feel it’s all so useless. You feel like a hamster on a wheel and...

EGGHEAD BAGELS in Food reviews - Shanghai, Uncategorized

Egghead Bagels 455 Shanxi Bei Lu (????455?) near Beijing Xi Lu Shanghai, China PRICE: ?? RATING: I’m a total carb-aholic. I just can’t get enough of pasta, rice, potatoes, etc, and have been known to merrily chow down on 5 bowls of white rice...

HOUSEWARMING PARTY 19 April 2010 in Friends, Parties, Uncategorized

A friend and her boyfriend threw a housewarming party on the weekend. It was a particularly freezing night (seriously, what is wrong with Shanghai’s super-cold/raining weather this entire month and counting? It’s meant to be Spring!), so we welcomed the opportunity to hide indoors...

MYTHOS GREEK RESTAURANT 18 April 2010 in Food reviews - Shanghai, Uncategorized

Mythos The Cool Docks, The Bund Bldg 6, 479 Zhongshan Nan Lu Shanghai, China PRICE: ???? RATING: The interior of Mythos is such a delight – all in white and Grecian blues, and split into a multi-level restaurant complete with fireplace and a roof-top...

50 SIGNATURE BAGS 17 April 2010 in FASHION, Uncategorized

The Los Angeles Times Magazine came up with their list of 50 Signature Bags. It’s an interesting list.. some of which I agree with, and others that made me go “What?!”. Anyway, for you fashionistas here.. here’s the list. I graffiti’d all over it...