USA: THE GOOD PARTS 26 May 2010 in San Jose, Uncategorized

Things I love about the USA. Well, I should caveat this. It should be more like things I love about California.. specifically San Francisco and San Jose area. The food. Cannot reiterate enough how much I love American food. It’s actually cheaper compared to...

USA: THE BAD PARTS 25 May 2010 in San Jose, Uncategorized

Hello World. Remember me? I’m baaaaacccckk 🙂 So…2 bad things that happened whilst I was in the USA: I put on 2 KG. I suppose the frantic shoving of fabulous American food into my face didn’t help, but I had so little time, and...

OFF TO USA! 15 May 2010 in Living in... USA, Uncategorized

I’m flying off to the USA and will be there until Sunday night next week. It’s been over 2 years since I last went to the States.. I’ve missed it so much!

DRINKS @ COTTONS 14 May 2010 in Friends, Parties, Uncategorized

A whole bunch of us womenfolk descended upon Cotton’s on Anting Lu on Wed night for a girly meet up and Happy Hour drinks. It was quite a sight, about 20 women yakking away in Cotton’s lovely outdoor terrace! I think we must’ve drawn...


I love making potato salads in the warmer months. They’re a satisfying meal and keeps in the fridge for a few days so there’s always something carbolicious to chow down on whenever we’re feeling hungry. Plus, potatoes plus mayonnaise can’t really go wrong! 🙂...