DOOMP.. DOOMP… DOOMP…. 4 August 2010 in Meme quizzes, Pregnancy, Uncategorized

How two little red lines can change your entire life… This pregnancy announcement almost trumped our engagement announcement in terms of # of comments – I guess you guys are mainly interested in weddings and babies? 😛 So I’m in my 2nd Trimester now.....

AN EPIC POST. 2 August 2010 in Meme quizzes, Pregnancy, Uncategorized

A freakin’ epic video blog, if I do say so myself 😛 (link for China visitors) A very happy announcement 🙂 They say a picture says a thousand words. I figured, a video will say a thousand pictures 😉 The video got flattened when...

WAIT FOR IT…. WAIT FOR ITTTTT…… in Meme quizzes, Uncategorized

I have a freakin’ awesome video to share with you guys.. will post it in a bit, so check back soon and you can watch it. YOU’D BETTER! *waggles finger* 😀

LOTSA QUESTIONS 1 August 2010 in Meme quizzes, Uncategorized

So I guess either I don’t divulge much about myself here on this blog (is this true? do I come across as impersonal?), or people just love asking questions 😉 106 questions and counting… so if you have any more, ask me before I...

XINWANG HONG KONG RESTAURANT 31 July 2010 in Food reviews - Shanghai, Uncategorized

Xinwang 175 Changle Lu (???175?) Shanghai, China PRICE: ?? RATING: For my Hong Kong food fix, I normally hit up Cha’s, famous amongst Hong Kongers and I’ve always loved their food. However, my last 2-3 visits there, I noticed the quality has changed /...