EUROTRIP: LONGCHAMP LIMITED EDITION EIFFEL TOWER BAG!... 5 September 2010 in France, Longchamp, Uncategorized

And so….. France came to an end. It was one helluva gastronomic holiday! We had a fantastic time and I really enjoyed the trip. I was amazed at how well the French know, cook, and appreciate their food. The weather was lovely (though quite...

EUROTRIP: CASSIS in France, Uncategorized

Annoyed with our failure of a trip to Saint Tropez, Chris was adamant we go to the nearby seaside town of Cassis, which was one of the recommended must-go places by our French friends. Cassis is actually an ancient fishing port by the ocean,...

EUROTRIP: SAINT TROPEZ, WHAT A WASH OUT! 4 September 2010 in France, Uncategorized

Everyone’s heard of Saint Tropez, the French Riviera seaside playground of the rich and famous. We are neither, but I was keen to check it out anyway 😛 We thought it’d be a fabulous idea to mingle with the *ahem* upper crust of society...

EUROTRIP: CRUISING AROUND THE CALANQUES 3 September 2010 in France, Uncategorized

Whilst in Marseilles, we just had to go on a cruise around the Calanques, since the weather was totally perfect and the sea a sparkling jeweled turquoise. The Calanques are deep narrow inlets of water in the high rocky white-coloured cliffs along the coast...


Bouillabaisse. This is a Provençal dish that is famous and synonymous with the South of France.. in particular Marseilles as that’s where it’s said to originate. It’s a fish stew that is made with fresh local fish, shellfish, vegetables and Provençal herbs and spices....