LOVE IS….. 8 October 2010 in Uncategorized

LOVE IS……. being in your ratty ‘home’ clothes and cuddling on the couch, without a care in the world. Chris came back from his Singapore/Beijing/India business trip earlier this week.. and thankfully we’ve had our week-long public holiday this week, so we’ve spent the...

FOR SALE: WITCHERY, LUISA CLARE, ROOTS 5 October 2010 in FASHION, Uncategorized

Here are 5 much more non-heart-attack-inducing bags, pricewise 🙂 They’re still gorgeous and I really like ’em, but I just have too many handbags and need to send some to better homes! I have priced these at waaay below original retail prices and please...

FOR SALE: LOUIS VUITTON 3 October 2010 in FASHION, Louis Vuitton, Uncategorized

Louis Vuitton Segur epi pochette in red front view back view closeup of clasp removable strap buckle 1 removable strap buckle 2 top of strap bottom of strap closeup of back bottom interior leather tab modelling pic 1 modelling pic 2 modelling pic 3...

FOR SALE: LOUIS VUITTON 1 October 2010 in Louis Vuitton, Uncategorized

Helloooooo week-long public holiday!! It’s China’s national day, hence the celebrations. Chris comes back on Mon, half-way during the holiday.. I guess it’s better than nothing right 😉 I’m pretty packed out over the next 3 days anyway so it’s all good. Just 2...

LJ USERHEADS 30 September 2010 in Uncategorized

I’ve had 7-8 people that have written to me saying they’re at an unfair disadvantage when trying to buy my handbags because of time differences (ie. it’s the middle of the night when I’ve been listing, etc). I hadn’t thought about that before, sorry!...