PRENATAL CLASS 14 December 2010 in Pregnancy, Uncategorized

This is what our baby looks like inside me at the moment! We had our prenatal class which was super informative and actually really interesting. I really liked hearing all the advice, tips and hints from a medical point of view. It gives me...

BRAWL ON THE BUND 13 December 2010 in Parties, Uncategorized

(pic from SmartShanghai) And so Brawl on the Bund rocked round again over the weekend. In June, we attended as well and had a lovely time, and so decided to go again. Also, my Aussie girl friend was competing as one of the boxers!...

BLISS AT GODIVA 12 December 2010 in FOOD, Uncategorized

Godiva’s chocolate fondue… no better way to warm up for Shanghai’s fast-approaching winter 🙂

BABY LOVE 10 December 2010 in Pregnancy, Uncategorized

Yesterday I received a lovely surprise gift – a Baby Love book! It’s a really thick book, thicker than the Bible in fact, LOL. It’s ranked Australia’s bestselling babycare book, and contains advice on baby’s first year and what to expect/do. Chris is reading...

PREGNANCY WEEK 30 – 33 9 December 2010 in Pregnancy, Uncategorized

size of an squash Week 30 (10 – 16 November): Found out at my doctor’s appointment this week I’ve gained almost exactly 10KG so far. She said it’s actually a fairly normal weight gain, so that’s a huge relief *wipes brow*. My goal for...