At the hospital. Waters broke at 5:30am this morning, got to the hospital at 7:30am and was found to be in Active Labour at 5cm dilated. Here we go, wahooooo!!
Hello world. I AM STILL PREGNANT. Today is the 19th of January and technically my “due date”. And whilst I know that 50% of women pop before and 50% after their due date, I was convinced I’d be in the former group…. so only...
My past 2 weeks of maternity leave have been spent with twice-a-day 20min yoga sessions, coupled with cardio (treadmill & elliptical) at the gym 3-4 times a week. It sounds like a lot for a, *ahem*, “heavily pregnant woman” (as I now officially am!)...
size of a honeydew Week 34 (8 – 14 December): I’m a pee monster! I keep having to run to the bathroom every hour or so, and I wake up once (sometimes twice) every night to pee, thanks to little one’s head bonking on...
I thought 2009 was an epic year for us, considering it was the year we moved to Shanghai AND the year we got married. But 2010 has been quite the biggie for us too 😉 If you’d told me, this time last year, that...