FIRST SWIM 4 June 2011 in Hunter, Uncategorized

BUMBO AIN’T FOR JUMBOS 2 June 2011 in Hunter, Uncategorized

Be careful if you have a chubby baby and are thinking of getting the Bumbo seat. Hunter just fit into it when he was smack on 3 months old (in the photo above). Then this week, when he turned 4 months, we tried it...

HUNTER’S BAPTISM 1 June 2011 in Hunter, Uncategorized

First of all, THANKS HEAPS to those of you that recommended all those iPhone apps yesterday – you guys are brilliant! I’ll be downloading ’em and checking it all out for sure 🙂 Idiot me actually nearly lost my brand new iPhone today.. was...

HELLOOO IPHONE! 31 May 2011 in Hunter, Shopping, Uncategorized

Yep, finally finally FINALLY got myself the new iPhone… the white 16GB version. I’ve been eyeing them for years now – ever since they were first released years ago. But I was ‘bound’ to my BlackBerry ‘cos it’s my work phone, so had to...

HELLO FROM SINGAPORE 30 May 2011 in Family, Uncategorized

I’ve gone ONE ENTIRE WEEK without internet access. *quiver* *gulp* *faint* Between organising all our stuff for the removalists last week, daily farewell lunches and dinners, preparing Hunter for our big move to Singapore, actually moving here, going out with Chris’ dad and brother...