HARBIN: FREEZING, MUCH? 2 February 2010 in Harbin, HOLIDAYS, Uncategorized

Harbin is often referred to as “Little Moscow”, as it’s China’s northernmost major city, bordering Russia. We were actually surprised at just how Russian-influenced it was – lots of Russian architecture, food, shops, and even many locals spoke Russian or had inter-race marriages with...

OFF TO HARBIN 30 January 2010 in Harbin, HOLIDAYS, Uncategorized

We’re in Harbin for a 3-day holiday. Hello -30 degree cold!

EBAY SHADOW DAY in Charity, eBay, Uncategorized

There’s a different kind of volunteering out there – that doesn’t involve animals, or disadvantaged people, or children. This kind uses your own business knowledge, to help inspire and encourage young people. And this is what eBay does – corporate volunteering. I’m part of...

EBAY 2010 ANNUAL PARTY 29 January 2010 in eBay, Parties, Uncategorized

If there’s one thing that eBay China does well, it’s throwing a party. Man, these guys go INSANE! It absolutely trumps the eBay-thrown parties in any other countries – by far. China does it super-grand, super-organised, and super-awesome. Think a MASSIVE banquet dinner, an...

LYNN MODERN SHANGHAI CUISINE in Food reviews - Shanghai, Uncategorized

Lynn Modern Shanghai Cuisine 99-1 Xikang Lu Shanghai, China PRICE: ???? RATING: Lynn Modern Shanghai Cuisine (whew, what a mouthful!) is a chic restaurant boasting a fabulous location in the middle of the ritzy part of Jingan. The Art Deco decor boasts a modern...