TAIWAN MARKET FOOD PLAZA 25 June 2010 in Food reviews - Shanghai, Uncategorized

Taiwan Market Food Plaza 2789 Yan An West Road Shanghai, China PRICE: ??? RATING: I’m a little unclear as to what exactly this Taiwan Market Food Plaza is.. as there is little information on it online. Thankfully, I have a fellow foodie gal pal...

EXPAT-BLOG.COM BLOG OF THE MONTH in Meme quizzes, Uncategorized

This blog won “blog of the month” in May over at expat-blog.com! You can read my interview here. Thanks expat-blog 🙂

HERMES SIGNATURE SILK SCARF 24 June 2010 in FASHION, Hermes, Uncategorized

Ever since Chris bought me those two Hermes scarves for my birthday, I’ve been eyeing them – a leeetle dangerous since they have about 3520482 various designs and keep coming out with new ones. Thankfully, I haven’t really yearned for any more because I’m...

DININGSECRETARY.COM EVENT AT SIMPLY THAI 23 June 2010 in Food reviews - Shanghai, Uncategorized

Simply Thai Xintiandi North Block, Lane 181 Taicang Lu (???181?) Shanghai, China PRICE: ???? RATING: The very lovely people at diningsecretary.com invited Chris and I for lunch to discuss their new website, potential collaborations, and well, the main purpose was to have a foodie’s...

TANTOU ISLAND: heading home 22 June 2010 in HOLIDAYS, Tantou Island, Uncategorized

We had a really nice time in Tantou Island, despite some of the craziness we experienced. I had a lot of fun making friends with people in my group, they’re a great bunch. They do say adversity brings you together, and it’s true 😉...