Wearing a back-less Alannah Hill dreses.. this is one of the rare photos I actually like of myself! With Mum, at The Ballroom @ Conrad Busy looking after the seating arrangements With my sexy cousin *rowr*! The Ballroom The extensive menu Girls girls girls!...
I’m back! The wedding dinner @ Conrad was a blast.. some of us kicked on ’til late, and because I’m insane, I slept (aka collapsed) for 3 hours then got up the next morning to go to the hotel gym and pool.. because I...
We’re off to the Conrad Hotel! The big wedding dinner is there tonight, and a bunch of us have rooms there so we can stay overnight.. very useful since it kicks on to late 😉 Byeeeeeeeee!!
Had a simple lunch the day before the wedding.. of Economical Rice. I’ve only really recently discovered the delights of Economical Rice – it’s basically somewhere where you get a plate of rice, and you choose little side dishes to go with it. It...
My ‘lil cousin Amanda () is now a married woman!!! Eee.. what a weird thought 😛 Too exhausted to say anything else, and I’ll also wait till she posts her official pics first 🙂