Protected: 2008 STRATEGY BRAINSTORM OFFSITE 27 August 2007 in eBay, FOOD, Food reviews, Uncategorized

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DAFFODIL DAY 26 August 2007 in Charity, Uncategorized

Was up to my ears in work on Thursday but managed to squeeze in some time to sell merchandise in support of Daffodil Day for the Cancer Council! It was lots of fun and good sales practise 😉 I made around $500, mostly by...

Protected: IT FUND FOR KIDS 2007 24 August 2007 in eBay, Uncategorized

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Protected: TILBURY CELEBRATION 21 August 2007 in Friends, Parties, Uncategorized

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Protected: CHEESE FONDUE 20 August 2007 in FOOD, Friends, Uncategorized

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