TACOS @ BULLDOG 28 May 2009 in Food reviews - Shanghai, Uncategorized

Bulldog Shanghai 1 Wulumuqi Nan Lu French Concession Shanghai, China PRICE: ??? RATING: ***** If there’s one thing I can’t say “no” to, it’s tacos. We used to make ’em at home all the time in Australia, but haven’t since coming to Shanghai. Which...

DRINKS @ NOVA 27 May 2009 in Friends, Parties, Uncategorized

After our Chinese Cooking Workshop class, a couple of us lingered on and decided to go down the road for a drink. Nova, a French bar/restaurant, was suggested by yours truly, since it’s right outside where I live 😛 It’s a cozy little spot...

CHINESE COOKING WORKSHOP! 26 May 2009 in FOOD, Friends, Uncategorized

10 of us girls decided to organise a cooking night, held by the Chinese Cooking Workshop. It’s a large industrial kitchen with bilingual chefs and assistants – basically catered for expats to get together and learn how to cook Chinese food. IT’S HELLA FUN!...

WHO, ME? 25 May 2009 in Me, Uncategorized

Was standing in the queue at the Post Office, merrily minding my own business, when suddenly I heard a “HEY! (in Chinese) blah blah blah blah” directed at me. “Eh?? Bu Dong. Ying wen?” I said (meaning: I don’t understand. English?) “Blah blah blah……!”,...

LUNCHTIME in FOOD, Uncategorized

A fantastic lunch @ Slice Deli – cumin chicken and mango chutney panini, spinach & pumpkin salad, carrot/orange/celery juice Decided to make strawberry & honey milkshakes – delish!