WEDDING CAKE! 15 July 2009 in Uncategorized, Wedding

Wedding cake = DONE! It was basically all thought of, researched, sampled, decided on and purchased by Mum and Dad. Making it very easy for Chris and I because we didn’t have to do anything for it, hee. Thanks Mum and Dad for making...

BIODROGA SKINCARE 14 July 2009 in Shopping, Uncategorized

I went for my first facial spa in Shanghai, at Peony. Shanghai’s the best place to indulge in massages and facials, since it’s cheaper than in Australia. Plus, you get so much more! Loads more attention and lots of care – love it. The...

IDIOT BUS PEOPLE 13 July 2009 in Living in... Shanghai, Uncategorized

My first China injury… *sigh*. What with all the pushing and shoving and hitting, I guess I should consider myself lucky no blood was drawn in the (almost) 6 months that I’ve been living in Shanghai. Until last week. You see, I like taking...

JUICY COUTURE MADNESS 12 July 2009 in FASHION, Juicy Couture, Shopping, Uncategorized

Long photo post ahead… of shopping 😉 Well, kinda narrow-minded shopping, because it’s all Juicy Couture! Recently, for reasons unbeknownst to me, I suddenly shifted my obsessive compulsive personality into…… collecting Juicy Couture charms! And jewellery! I’d seen ’em all selling before but was...

FOMO in Food reviews - Shanghai, Uncategorized

Fomo 172 Huai hai Lu Shanghai, China PRICE: ?? RATING: I’ve been wanting to try out Shanghai’s famous “xiao long xia” (???) for… well, the entire time I’ve been living in Shanghai! And yet we haven’t managed to find the time to do so,...