JESSE RESTAURANT 9 June 2010 in Food reviews - Shanghai, Uncategorized

Jesse Restaurant Unit 4, Bldg 9, Lane 169 Taicang Lu Xintiandi Shanghai, China PRICE: ???? RATING: I’ve heard about Jesse Restaurant from many people and many websites. They’re a highly rated and popular Shanghainese restaurant that’s frequented both by expats and locals. We finally...

FOMO 3 June 2010 in Food reviews - Shanghai, Uncategorized

Fomo 172 Huaihai Zhong Lu ????172? Shanghai, China PRICE: ?? RATING: My review for Fomo was published in the recent City Weekend magazine, so I am just copying and pasting it here 🙂 It was a pleasure to review them as I’d been there...

USA: KIRK’S STEAKBURGERS 27 May 2010 in Food reviews - USA, San Jose, Uncategorized

I wasn’t actually going to make any more USA-related posts.. since it’s just not the same without photos! But I think THIS one deserves a post on it’s own. Two words: Kirk’s Steakburgers. Apart from In-n-Out, my other favourite burger joint (helloooo Animal-style burger...

I GOT THE MUNCHIES! 12 May 2010 in Food reviews - Shanghai, Uncategorized

Munchies 974 Wuding Lu (???974?) Shanghai, China PRICE: ?? RATING:   I got the Munchies!!  I always seem to be delcaring that phrase… so it seemed pretty apt that I should check out Munchies, an American diner in Shanghai that I’ve been eyeing for...

HAMILTON HOUSE 10 May 2010 in Food reviews - Shanghai, Uncategorized

Hamilton House 137 Fuzhou Lu (???137?) The Bund Shanghai, China PRICE: ???? RATING: I’ve been to Hamilton House around 2-3 times for lunch, but never for dinner. It seems much more enjoyable in bright daylight, with it’s lofty ceilings, clean white decor and airy...