Hunter had his first
The doctor was a lovely lady that was gentle and professional, and very knowledgeable. She gave me a great sense of security when she asked all the ‘right’ questions and really seemed to thoroughly know the ins and outs of baby development at various ages.
Hunter had his 6 month vaccination and got the all-clear for his development. The GOOD news? He is “off the charts” for Height now! Actually, he is in the 95th percentile according to USA baby charts (which we’d been using in China).. but turns out Singapore uses a different charts for their babies and according to their charts, Hunter’s off the scale for height. Of course, this doesn’t immediately translate into him being the tallest human in Singapore when he grows up π But what it does mean is that he is very likely to be above-average in height as an adult – which is WONDERFUL news for me, because I’m always attracted to tall guys specifically because I want to have tall children, teehee! Mission accomplished. He’s in the 95th percentile for Weight which is okay- still within normal range, whew. The doc was surprised at how easily he could hold his weight, but my gut feel is that he will be a “late walker” due to his heftiness.
The BAD news? It’s actually pretty bad: he was diagnosed with Tongue-tie. You can do an online search for it if you really want to know.. but it happens from time to time in infants. I was completely floored when she checked and announced “Oh, he has tongue-tie”.
Remember when I had a HORRIFIC time breastfeeding the whole first 2 months? I knew something was wrong because the pain I had was above-and-beyond normal for sure (and I know I’m no chicken, since I could handle labour/pushing and surgery recovery drug-free). In fact, I spent days and hours obsessively surfing the net in those 2 months, desperately trying to find a reason or explanation as to why I was going through hell. And I DID narrow it down to Tongue-tie and I ASKED THE DOCTOR ABOUT IT when we were in China! I specifically asked him to check, and his reply was “It’s too early to tell, but you can check again when he’s a few years old.” There is limited (English-speaking) quality health care in China and even less so of specialists, so I had no one else to turn to and just suffered my way through…
On top of that I was thinking his speech was a little ‘off’ because whilst he can be quite vocal, he just makes a few noises and never babbled vowels, as babies his age should be doing by now. And the reason is his Tongue-tie, which prevents him from doing so, the poor chickie π
Oh how I regret not INSISTING! At that time, I was a new Mum, afraid and just feeling quite lost with all the pain.. so I just sucked it up and plodded on with breastfeeding. The doctor here was quite shocked I stuck with it.. as most women just give up due to the pain of a baby with Tongue-tie. But back then, it wasn’t an option for me to just ‘quit’ breastfeeding, as it was the ONLY option for me as I refused anything else.. so I guess when it comes down to it, you just do what you gotta do.
Now I realise that it’s true when a parent knows their child the best.
And I also realise the sacrifices a mother can and is willing to make for her child….
At Olive Tree clinic

2 days later, we went to a specialist doctor at Gleneagles Hospital for the proper assessment and day surgery. Hunter had “moderate tongue-tie” and the doc said that it actually can be diagnosed at 1 week of age. I am so angry Hunter never was, despite me SPECIFICALLY calling it out π The problem with leaving it til so late (ie. now when he’s 5 months old) is that the older and stronger they get, the harder it is to hold them down for the procedure. So he was on the border-line case where if we had left it for another month, the doc would’ve needed him under General Aesthetic, which isn’t great.
The procedure is simple, but horrific for us (as family) to watch. The nurse holds him down in a vice-grip, which of course he didn’t like so he started crying π Then the doc holds his mouth open and puts in a sort of pincers – to pinch the frenulum for 10 seconds.
10. longest. seconds. of. my. life.
I was told to “Look into his eyes” the whole time, so he had some comfort.. but after about 2 seconds I couldn’t handle it and hid behind Chris, propping myself up on him and trying not to have a nervous break down. When I peeked around, I could see Hunter locking eyes with Chris, all frightened and crying, with all this stuff stuck into his mouth π Really awful.
After 10 seconds, the doc reached in with medical scissors and snipped it. THAT part I didn’t watch, or would’ve puked for sure. Even Chris said he was close to it π And then a bit of gauze was quickly stuffed into Hunter’s mouth and Chris held it there for a few mins until the blood stopped.
My heart was… dunno how to describe it. All lurching and squeezed and weird. I think it broke into a million pieces, seeing those tears and hearing those pathetic lil wails. And I had to breastfeed him immediately afterwards, as breastmilk helps soothe. It was one of the most stressful breastfeeding episodes ever.
Stemming the cut to stop the bloodflow

After that, it was back home. By then, he was actually over it and happy and fine. I think I had a much more difficult time than he did π He was a little glum and had a lot of trouble falling asleep that night (1.5 hours of inconsolable and frantic crying) though. Now he’s OK and eagerly practicising movements and noises with his “new” tongue. I pray that his speech development has not been affected and pray that all will be fine now with no infection/complications.
Sigh. My heart still feels all weird when I think about this. And I feel so guilty we didn’t get it diagnosed and fixed much earlier. But I am so grateful he seems to be OK now.
Cuddles to sleep at home

Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Oh poor baby, I’ve never even heard of tongue tie! Whew, he’s okay now
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Thank you, he’s so much better after the procedure – very glad it was caught!
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
Hi Beverly, I’ve been following your LJ for quite a while now, I especially love your travel and baby posts! I remember visiting your old website, if I remember correctly it was blue with an ocean theme, and it was featured on CNN or something like that. That was such a long time ago π
Hunter is a cute adorable happy baby and his pictures make me smile! I’m glad he’s all better now! π
I’d like to read more of your entries, I added you, hope you don’t mind. π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
Thank you hon, it’s so nice of you! I added ya too π
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
omg! how traumatic!! i think you’re such a brave and intuitive mum! I dun think I would ever have guessed the condition… oh dear.. now i’m paranoid on whether my gal have any hidden condition that we do not know of.
Does your PD have a long queue at her clinic? I afraid of switching PD due to my gal’s premature condition.. but I do wanna change a PD sometime down the road as our current one is not that assuring..
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
It’s just crazy how stuff can be wrong and it’s not noticed.. sigh… Well, I guess it’s just how life is, can never know anything for sure!
We’ve been twice to Dr Tan and haven’t had to wait… she’s excellent π
wow thank you for sharing your stories with such bravery and honesty bev.xx
you are a wonderful mother and i’m glad hunter is better now.
That’s really nice of you.. thank you π I’m glad he’s fine now too!
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
Reading this broke my heart (the operation part). I can imagine how it must have been for you. Kudos to you, Beverly, for sticking with breastfeeding and for being so strong for Hunter. Am glad he’s doing so great now. He’s such a lovely boy, and he’s blessed to have you and Chris as his loving parents π
aww that is a scary thing for a mother to go through, glad he’s okay now. Come to think of it I think my friend had this, and she’s like my age! Yikes. I remember back in highschool she wanted to get her tongue pierced but she couldn’t pull her tongue out as far as the rest of us and I always wondered why.
Great things to learn your page π
Yeah it sounds about right! Hers must be a mild case though.. cos in moderate/severe cases, speech is affected π
Sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope Hunter is all better now π
It was so sad to watch.. I am really glad he’s fine now!
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
Awww poor Hunter π I hope he feels better soon!!! I’m sorry the three of you had to go through that!
Awww poor Hunter π I hope he feels better soon!!! I’m sorry the three of you had to go through that!
Awww poor Hunter π I hope he feels better soon!!! I’m sorry the three of you had to go through that!
Awww poor Hunter π I hope he feels better soon!!! I’m sorry the three of you had to go through that!
Awww poor Hunter π I hope he feels better soon!!! I’m sorry the three of you had to go through that!
Awww poor Hunter π I hope he feels better soon!!! I’m sorry the three of you had to go through that!
Awww poor Hunter π I hope he feels better soon!!! I’m sorry the three of you had to go through that!
Awww poor Hunter π I hope he feels better soon!!! I’m sorry the three of you had to go through that!
Awww poor Hunter π I hope he feels better soon!!! I’m sorry the three of you had to go through that!
Awww poor Hunter π I hope he feels better soon!!! I’m sorry the three of you had to go through that!
Awww poor Hunter π I hope he feels better soon!!! I’m sorry the three of you had to go through that!
Awww poor Hunter π I hope he feels better soon!!! I’m sorry the three of you had to go through that!
Awww poor Hunter π I hope he feels better soon!!! I’m sorry the three of you had to go through that!
Awww poor Hunter π I hope he feels better soon!!! I’m sorry the three of you had to go through that!
Awww poor Hunter π I hope he feels better soon!!! I’m sorry the three of you had to go through that!
Awww poor Hunter π I hope he feels better soon!!! I’m sorry the three of you had to go through that!
Awww poor Hunter π I hope he feels better soon!!! I’m sorry the three of you had to go through that!
Awww poor Hunter π I hope he feels better soon!!! I’m sorry the three of you had to go through that!
Awww poor Hunter π I hope he feels better soon!!! I’m sorry the three of you had to go through that!
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
You tried your best and yes! Mothers sometimes do know best. Great respect for riding through the pain and poor H had to go through the pain – poor munchkin! Anyway, wishing him a speedy recovery and no more tears π
It kills me to see him cry like that.. I wouldn’t wish it on any parent! He did get loads of attention and cuddles afterwards tho.. heh
That’s incredibly frustrating that the dr in China was wrong. Sorry that Hunter (and you and Chris) had to go through that, but glad that Hunter seems to be doing OK! :o)
I wish they were trained to do the tongue-tie check early on in China.. but I guess they weren’t π But yes, the point is that he’s ok now!
Watching the surgery must have been heartwrenching π
But Hunter sounds like he’s the perfect little trooper and must be feeling better already. Glad that the tongue-tie was properly diagnosed and sorted quickly.
I’m just relieved it’s all over and ok now.. he got lots of extra cuddles from everyone afterwards too. Heh!
Aww, poor thing! I’m glad the surgery is over and hopefully he’ll develop normally. What you said about him recovering makes me think he’s a warrior of a baby, hee! Gets through pain pretty easily, it seems. π
I guess babies have short memories, heh! Just as well…
I had that as a kid as well. It all healed very well and I have no speech impairment. Must be so hard to watch though.
I had that as a kid as well. It all healed very well and I have no speech impairment. Must be so hard to watch though.
I had that as a kid as well. It all healed very well and I have no speech impairment. Must be so hard to watch though.
I had that as a kid as well. It all healed very well and I have no speech impairment. Must be so hard to watch though.
I had that as a kid as well. It all healed very well and I have no speech impairment. Must be so hard to watch though.
I had that as a kid as well. It all healed very well and I have no speech impairment. Must be so hard to watch though.
I had that as a kid as well. It all healed very well and I have no speech impairment. Must be so hard to watch though.
I had that as a kid as well. It all healed very well and I have no speech impairment. Must be so hard to watch though.
I had that as a kid as well. It all healed very well and I have no speech impairment. Must be so hard to watch though.
I had that as a kid as well. It all healed very well and I have no speech impairment. Must be so hard to watch though.
I had that as a kid as well. It all healed very well and I have no speech impairment. Must be so hard to watch though.
I had that as a kid as well. It all healed very well and I have no speech impairment. Must be so hard to watch though.
I had that as a kid as well. It all healed very well and I have no speech impairment. Must be so hard to watch though.
I had that as a kid as well. It all healed very well and I have no speech impairment. Must be so hard to watch though.
I had that as a kid as well. It all healed very well and I have no speech impairment. Must be so hard to watch though.
I had that as a kid as well. It all healed very well and I have no speech impairment. Must be so hard to watch though.
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
I had never heard of tounge-tied before. When you first posted it on twitter I googled it and was amazed. I honestly thought it was just a saying when people get their words jumbled and they say, “Oh I’m tounge-tied” Had NO clue it was an actual condition! Now I don’t like that phrase as much…
I’m really glad you guys still caught it relatively early. Hoping things are easier for him here on out. π
I’ve never been a mom but I’ve watched my mom, growing up, constantly fight and question doctors over my sister. (Shes had 7 open heart surgeries the first being when she was days old.) ALWAYS go with your guy, NEVER feel wrong questioning doctors/nurses. They are human and can get stuff wrong. Of course it’s paranoia vs gut instinct but I’m sure you can tell the difference.
It’s not as super-rare condition, so I’m hoping docs have the sense to check early on! I wish they had done so in China π
And your’e right – next time if I feel something’s amiss, I am going to PUSH for an answer!
Poor Hunter. But very lucky he didn’t have to be put under.
I want tall children too! In my case (hubby 6’1 and me 5’1) our pediatrician has told us that our children’s height percentiles till age 5 can indicate how tall they’ll be in the future. Our first son was off the chart like Hunter till he was 4 (at times being off the US charts). He’s 10 now and he’s been around 60-75% since he was 5. I also heard that for a boy, you add 5 inches to moms height and average it with dad’s height to determine future height.
Poor Hunter. But very lucky he didn’t have to be put under.
I want tall children too! In my case (hubby 6’1 and me 5’1) our pediatrician has told us that our children’s height percentiles till age 5 can indicate how tall they’ll be in the future. Our first son was off the chart like Hunter till he was 4 (at times being off the US charts). He’s 10 now and he’s been around 60-75% since he was 5. I also heard that for a boy, you add 5 inches to moms height and average it with dad’s height to determine future height.
Poor Hunter. But very lucky he didn’t have to be put under.
I want tall children too! In my case (hubby 6’1 and me 5’1) our pediatrician has told us that our children’s height percentiles till age 5 can indicate how tall they’ll be in the future. Our first son was off the chart like Hunter till he was 4 (at times being off the US charts). He’s 10 now and he’s been around 60-75% since he was 5. I also heard that for a boy, you add 5 inches to moms height and average it with dad’s height to determine future height.
Poor Hunter. But very lucky he didn’t have to be put under.
I want tall children too! In my case (hubby 6’1 and me 5’1) our pediatrician has told us that our children’s height percentiles till age 5 can indicate how tall they’ll be in the future. Our first son was off the chart like Hunter till he was 4 (at times being off the US charts). He’s 10 now and he’s been around 60-75% since he was 5. I also heard that for a boy, you add 5 inches to moms height and average it with dad’s height to determine future height.
Poor Hunter. But very lucky he didn’t have to be put under.
I want tall children too! In my case (hubby 6’1 and me 5’1) our pediatrician has told us that our children’s height percentiles till age 5 can indicate how tall they’ll be in the future. Our first son was off the chart like Hunter till he was 4 (at times being off the US charts). He’s 10 now and he’s been around 60-75% since he was 5. I also heard that for a boy, you add 5 inches to moms height and average it with dad’s height to determine future height.
Poor Hunter. But very lucky he didn’t have to be put under.
I want tall children too! In my case (hubby 6’1 and me 5’1) our pediatrician has told us that our children’s height percentiles till age 5 can indicate how tall they’ll be in the future. Our first son was off the chart like Hunter till he was 4 (at times being off the US charts). He’s 10 now and he’s been around 60-75% since he was 5. I also heard that for a boy, you add 5 inches to moms height and average it with dad’s height to determine future height.
Poor Hunter. But very lucky he didn’t have to be put under.
I want tall children too! In my case (hubby 6’1 and me 5’1) our pediatrician has told us that our children’s height percentiles till age 5 can indicate how tall they’ll be in the future. Our first son was off the chart like Hunter till he was 4 (at times being off the US charts). He’s 10 now and he’s been around 60-75% since he was 5. I also heard that for a boy, you add 5 inches to moms height and average it with dad’s height to determine future height.
Poor Hunter. But very lucky he didn’t have to be put under.
I want tall children too! In my case (hubby 6’1 and me 5’1) our pediatrician has told us that our children’s height percentiles till age 5 can indicate how tall they’ll be in the future. Our first son was off the chart like Hunter till he was 4 (at times being off the US charts). He’s 10 now and he’s been around 60-75% since he was 5. I also heard that for a boy, you add 5 inches to moms height and average it with dad’s height to determine future height.
Poor Hunter. But very lucky he didn’t have to be put under.
I want tall children too! In my case (hubby 6’1 and me 5’1) our pediatrician has told us that our children’s height percentiles till age 5 can indicate how tall they’ll be in the future. Our first son was off the chart like Hunter till he was 4 (at times being off the US charts). He’s 10 now and he’s been around 60-75% since he was 5. I also heard that for a boy, you add 5 inches to moms height and average it with dad’s height to determine future height.
Poor Hunter. But very lucky he didn’t have to be put under.
I want tall children too! In my case (hubby 6’1 and me 5’1) our pediatrician has told us that our children’s height percentiles till age 5 can indicate how tall they’ll be in the future. Our first son was off the chart like Hunter till he was 4 (at times being off the US charts). He’s 10 now and he’s been around 60-75% since he was 5. I also heard that for a boy, you add 5 inches to moms height and average it with dad’s height to determine future height.
Poor Hunter. But very lucky he didn’t have to be put under.
I want tall children too! In my case (hubby 6’1 and me 5’1) our pediatrician has told us that our children’s height percentiles till age 5 can indicate how tall they’ll be in the future. Our first son was off the chart like Hunter till he was 4 (at times being off the US charts). He’s 10 now and he’s been around 60-75% since he was 5. I also heard that for a boy, you add 5 inches to moms height and average it with dad’s height to determine future height.
Poor Hunter. But very lucky he didn’t have to be put under.
I want tall children too! In my case (hubby 6’1 and me 5’1) our pediatrician has told us that our children’s height percentiles till age 5 can indicate how tall they’ll be in the future. Our first son was off the chart like Hunter till he was 4 (at times being off the US charts). He’s 10 now and he’s been around 60-75% since he was 5. I also heard that for a boy, you add 5 inches to moms height and average it with dad’s height to determine future height.
Poor Hunter. But very lucky he didn’t have to be put under.
I want tall children too! In my case (hubby 6’1 and me 5’1) our pediatrician has told us that our children’s height percentiles till age 5 can indicate how tall they’ll be in the future. Our first son was off the chart like Hunter till he was 4 (at times being off the US charts). He’s 10 now and he’s been around 60-75% since he was 5. I also heard that for a boy, you add 5 inches to moms height and average it with dad’s height to determine future height.
Poor Hunter. But very lucky he didn’t have to be put under.
I want tall children too! In my case (hubby 6’1 and me 5’1) our pediatrician has told us that our children’s height percentiles till age 5 can indicate how tall they’ll be in the future. Our first son was off the chart like Hunter till he was 4 (at times being off the US charts). He’s 10 now and he’s been around 60-75% since he was 5. I also heard that for a boy, you add 5 inches to moms height and average it with dad’s height to determine future height.
awww don’t feel guilty! They didn’t freeze him or put him out? Or maybe putting out is too dangerous…Hunter is a little trooper!
nope cos it’s dangerous to put such a young infant under General! So he had to do it all drug free.. eeeeeek
Poor Hunter, so little and had to go through the pain. I was shocked and sad after reading your blog. Don’t worry Beverly, I will include Hunter in my prayers. Take Care !
It was sad watching him having to go through it all drug-free :X
Thank you for your prayers.. he is so much better now π
Awww poor little boy! I was born with a mild case of tongue tie. It hasn’t effected me much, if I start talking really fact I’ll forget how to enunciate and start slurring worse than a normal person, and I can’t stick out my tongue at people when I’m mad! Also, I can’t play certain instruments. I can’t imagine what it would of been like to have a worse case of it.
Awww poor little boy! I was born with a mild case of tongue tie. It hasn’t effected me much, if I start talking really fact I’ll forget how to enunciate and start slurring worse than a normal person, and I can’t stick out my tongue at people when I’m mad! Also, I can’t play certain instruments. I can’t imagine what it would of been like to have a worse case of it.
Awww poor little boy! I was born with a mild case of tongue tie. It hasn’t effected me much, if I start talking really fact I’ll forget how to enunciate and start slurring worse than a normal person, and I can’t stick out my tongue at people when I’m mad! Also, I can’t play certain instruments. I can’t imagine what it would of been like to have a worse case of it.
Awww poor little boy! I was born with a mild case of tongue tie. It hasn’t effected me much, if I start talking really fact I’ll forget how to enunciate and start slurring worse than a normal person, and I can’t stick out my tongue at people when I’m mad! Also, I can’t play certain instruments. I can’t imagine what it would of been like to have a worse case of it.
Awww poor little boy! I was born with a mild case of tongue tie. It hasn’t effected me much, if I start talking really fact I’ll forget how to enunciate and start slurring worse than a normal person, and I can’t stick out my tongue at people when I’m mad! Also, I can’t play certain instruments. I can’t imagine what it would of been like to have a worse case of it.
Awww poor little boy! I was born with a mild case of tongue tie. It hasn’t effected me much, if I start talking really fact I’ll forget how to enunciate and start slurring worse than a normal person, and I can’t stick out my tongue at people when I’m mad! Also, I can’t play certain instruments. I can’t imagine what it would of been like to have a worse case of it.
Awww poor little boy! I was born with a mild case of tongue tie. It hasn’t effected me much, if I start talking really fact I’ll forget how to enunciate and start slurring worse than a normal person, and I can’t stick out my tongue at people when I’m mad! Also, I can’t play certain instruments. I can’t imagine what it would of been like to have a worse case of it.
Awww poor little boy! I was born with a mild case of tongue tie. It hasn’t effected me much, if I start talking really fact I’ll forget how to enunciate and start slurring worse than a normal person, and I can’t stick out my tongue at people when I’m mad! Also, I can’t play certain instruments. I can’t imagine what it would of been like to have a worse case of it.
Awww poor little boy! I was born with a mild case of tongue tie. It hasn’t effected me much, if I start talking really fact I’ll forget how to enunciate and start slurring worse than a normal person, and I can’t stick out my tongue at people when I’m mad! Also, I can’t play certain instruments. I can’t imagine what it would of been like to have a worse case of it.
Awww poor little boy! I was born with a mild case of tongue tie. It hasn’t effected me much, if I start talking really fact I’ll forget how to enunciate and start slurring worse than a normal person, and I can’t stick out my tongue at people when I’m mad! Also, I can’t play certain instruments. I can’t imagine what it would of been like to have a worse case of it.
Awww poor little boy! I was born with a mild case of tongue tie. It hasn’t effected me much, if I start talking really fact I’ll forget how to enunciate and start slurring worse than a normal person, and I can’t stick out my tongue at people when I’m mad! Also, I can’t play certain instruments. I can’t imagine what it would of been like to have a worse case of it.
*fast, not fact
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
*fast, not fact
*fast, not fact
*fast, not fact
*fast, not fact
*fast, not fact
*fast, not fact
*fast, not fact
*fast, not fact
*fast, not fact
*fast, not fact
*fast, not fact
Oh man. You’re one immensely strong woman, Bev. I felt my insides cringing up just reading your blog entry. π And then I was filled with awe at “HOW ON EARTH did you manage to breastfeed with tongue-tie???!?!?!?!?!”
Oh man. You’re one immensely strong woman, Bev. I felt my insides cringing up just reading your blog entry. π And then I was filled with awe at “HOW ON EARTH did you manage to breastfeed with tongue-tie???!?!?!?!?!”
Oh man. You’re one immensely strong woman, Bev. I felt my insides cringing up just reading your blog entry. π And then I was filled with awe at “HOW ON EARTH did you manage to breastfeed with tongue-tie???!?!?!?!?!”
Oh man. You’re one immensely strong woman, Bev. I felt my insides cringing up just reading your blog entry. π And then I was filled with awe at “HOW ON EARTH did you manage to breastfeed with tongue-tie???!?!?!?!?!”
Oh man. You’re one immensely strong woman, Bev. I felt my insides cringing up just reading your blog entry. π And then I was filled with awe at “HOW ON EARTH did you manage to breastfeed with tongue-tie???!?!?!?!?!”
Oh man. You’re one immensely strong woman, Bev. I felt my insides cringing up just reading your blog entry. π And then I was filled with awe at “HOW ON EARTH did you manage to breastfeed with tongue-tie???!?!?!?!?!”
Oh man. You’re one immensely strong woman, Bev. I felt my insides cringing up just reading your blog entry. π And then I was filled with awe at “HOW ON EARTH did you manage to breastfeed with tongue-tie???!?!?!?!?!”
Oh man. You’re one immensely strong woman, Bev. I felt my insides cringing up just reading your blog entry. π And then I was filled with awe at “HOW ON EARTH did you manage to breastfeed with tongue-tie???!?!?!?!?!”
Oh man. You’re one immensely strong woman, Bev. I felt my insides cringing up just reading your blog entry. π And then I was filled with awe at “HOW ON EARTH did you manage to breastfeed with tongue-tie???!?!?!?!?!”
Oh man. You’re one immensely strong woman, Bev. I felt my insides cringing up just reading your blog entry. π And then I was filled with awe at “HOW ON EARTH did you manage to breastfeed with tongue-tie???!?!?!?!?!”
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
It’s good to know he’s not gonna
be tongue tied anymore… and the
fact, he didn’t bite your nipples off!
It’s good to know he’s not gonna
be tongue tied anymore… and the
fact, he didn’t bite your nipples off!
It’s good to know he’s not gonna
be tongue tied anymore… and the
fact, he didn’t bite your nipples off!
It’s good to know he’s not gonna
be tongue tied anymore… and the
fact, he didn’t bite your nipples off!
It’s good to know he’s not gonna
be tongue tied anymore… and the
fact, he didn’t bite your nipples off!
It’s good to know he’s not gonna
be tongue tied anymore… and the
fact, he didn’t bite your nipples off!
It’s good to know he’s not gonna
be tongue tied anymore… and the
fact, he didn’t bite your nipples off!
It’s good to know he’s not gonna
be tongue tied anymore… and the
fact, he didn’t bite your nipples off!
It’s good to know he’s not gonna
be tongue tied anymore… and the
fact, he didn’t bite your nipples off!
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Poor Hunter – he looks so very sad and traumatized in that photo. π
Chris is awfully brave to have been the person for Hunter to lock-eyes with. Oliver had a day surgery done when he was about three weeks old (local anesthesia) and I couldn’t bring my cowardly self to watch – my mum had to hold him down instead. I understand totally how you must have felt when you saw your little bub go through that. π
Get well soon, Hunter!!
Poor Hunter – he looks so very sad and traumatized in that photo. π
Chris is awfully brave to have been the person for Hunter to lock-eyes with. Oliver had a day surgery done when he was about three weeks old (local anesthesia) and I couldn’t bring my cowardly self to watch – my mum had to hold him down instead. I understand totally how you must have felt when you saw your little bub go through that. π
Get well soon, Hunter!!
Poor Hunter – he looks so very sad and traumatized in that photo. π
Chris is awfully brave to have been the person for Hunter to lock-eyes with. Oliver had a day surgery done when he was about three weeks old (local anesthesia) and I couldn’t bring my cowardly self to watch – my mum had to hold him down instead. I understand totally how you must have felt when you saw your little bub go through that. π
Get well soon, Hunter!!
Poor Hunter – he looks so very sad and traumatized in that photo. π
Chris is awfully brave to have been the person for Hunter to lock-eyes with. Oliver had a day surgery done when he was about three weeks old (local anesthesia) and I couldn’t bring my cowardly self to watch – my mum had to hold him down instead. I understand totally how you must have felt when you saw your little bub go through that. π
Get well soon, Hunter!!
Poor Hunter – he looks so very sad and traumatized in that photo. π
Chris is awfully brave to have been the person for Hunter to lock-eyes with. Oliver had a day surgery done when he was about three weeks old (local anesthesia) and I couldn’t bring my cowardly self to watch – my mum had to hold him down instead. I understand totally how you must have felt when you saw your little bub go through that. π
Get well soon, Hunter!!
Poor Hunter – he looks so very sad and traumatized in that photo. π
Chris is awfully brave to have been the person for Hunter to lock-eyes with. Oliver had a day surgery done when he was about three weeks old (local anesthesia) and I couldn’t bring my cowardly self to watch – my mum had to hold him down instead. I understand totally how you must have felt when you saw your little bub go through that. π
Get well soon, Hunter!!
Poor Hunter – he looks so very sad and traumatized in that photo. π
Chris is awfully brave to have been the person for Hunter to lock-eyes with. Oliver had a day surgery done when he was about three weeks old (local anesthesia) and I couldn’t bring my cowardly self to watch – my mum had to hold him down instead. I understand totally how you must have felt when you saw your little bub go through that. π
Get well soon, Hunter!!
Poor Hunter – he looks so very sad and traumatized in that photo. π
Chris is awfully brave to have been the person for Hunter to lock-eyes with. Oliver had a day surgery done when he was about three weeks old (local anesthesia) and I couldn’t bring my cowardly self to watch – my mum had to hold him down instead. I understand totally how you must have felt when you saw your little bub go through that. π
Get well soon, Hunter!!
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
so glad you guys got it sorted before H. reaches 6 months!
im sure he’ll start talking really quickly!
so glad you guys got it sorted before H. reaches 6 months!
im sure he’ll start talking really quickly!
so glad you guys got it sorted before H. reaches 6 months!
im sure he’ll start talking really quickly!
so glad you guys got it sorted before H. reaches 6 months!
im sure he’ll start talking really quickly!
so glad you guys got it sorted before H. reaches 6 months!
im sure he’ll start talking really quickly!
so glad you guys got it sorted before H. reaches 6 months!
im sure he’ll start talking really quickly!
so glad you guys got it sorted before H. reaches 6 months!
im sure he’ll start talking really quickly!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Awww poor Hunter π I hope he feels better soon!!! I’m sorry the three of you had to go through that!
He seems back to his cheery self.. so I guess all is forgotten π
so proud of Hunter! such a big boy!
that picture of him crying really broke my heart π
and I totally understand why you’d be upset considering YOU diagnosed it when he was only weeks old!! you are an awesome mum and yours and Chris’ cuddles are all he needs to get better.
so proud of Hunter! such a big boy!
that picture of him crying really broke my heart π
and I totally understand why you’d be upset considering YOU diagnosed it when he was only weeks old!! you are an awesome mum and yours and Chris’ cuddles are all he needs to get better.
so proud of Hunter! such a big boy!
that picture of him crying really broke my heart π
and I totally understand why you’d be upset considering YOU diagnosed it when he was only weeks old!! you are an awesome mum and yours and Chris’ cuddles are all he needs to get better.
so proud of Hunter! such a big boy!
that picture of him crying really broke my heart π
and I totally understand why you’d be upset considering YOU diagnosed it when he was only weeks old!! you are an awesome mum and yours and Chris’ cuddles are all he needs to get better.
so proud of Hunter! such a big boy!
that picture of him crying really broke my heart π
and I totally understand why you’d be upset considering YOU diagnosed it when he was only weeks old!! you are an awesome mum and yours and Chris’ cuddles are all he needs to get better.
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
*hugs* Hunter’s so brave.
*hugs* Hunter’s so brave.
*hugs* Hunter’s so brave.
*hugs* Hunter’s so brave.
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
I had that as a kid as well. It all healed very well and I have no speech impairment. Must be so hard to watch though.
Oh I’m so glad to hear about that! And I hope you don’t remember it π
No memory at all and I think I was prob a lil older than Hunter, so dont worry.
Oh bummer.. My heart broke a little when I read about your little man! But he’s a trooper and will be all good in no time!! π
he took it all like a champion.. not so much for me, hah!!
he took it all like a champion.. not so much for me, hah!!
Poor Hunter. But very lucky he didn’t have to be put under.
I want tall children too! In my case (hubby 6’1 and me 5’1) our pediatrician has told us that our children’s height percentiles till age 5 can indicate how tall they’ll be in the future. Our first son was off the chart like Hunter till he was 4 (at times being off the US charts). He’s 10 now and he’s been around 60-75% since he was 5. I also heard that for a boy, you add 5 inches to moms height and average it with dad’s height to determine future height.
Ouch…. I cringed as I read the whole procedure! Thank goodness it’s all over now. **HUGS**
It’s painful to see your (very) young child go through something like that :X Very grateful he is OK now!
Awww poor little boy! I was born with a mild case of tongue tie. It hasn’t effected me much, if I start talking really fact I’ll forget how to enunciate and start slurring worse than a normal person, and I can’t stick out my tongue at people when I’m mad! Also, I can’t play certain instruments. I can’t imagine what it would of been like to have a worse case of it.
*fast, not fact
Thanks for sharing your experience. You’re fortunate that it hasn’t really affected you. I guess it depends on the severity! Hunter’s was “moderate” so he has a good chance of pronunciation issues.. so I guess we had to do it. At least it’s all over now…… wheww
We see the same doc too. π Amelia had tongue-tie as well. And we prob went to the same doctor to get the procedure done – Dr Cheah? Everything is ok. She’s now 2 and while not the most advanced in speech, she has no problems sticking her tongue out and getting herself understood. :p
Oh wow, what a small world. And yes, same doc!
I’m praying he has no delayed speech development but I suppose only time will tell… Thank God Amelia is doing well π
Aaww, poor boy. I feel the pain even reading about it. Big hugs to you, momma! Hope he’s recovering well!
He’s doing well now.. whew! I hope you never have to go through stuff like that. You’re so fortunate your lil feeds well π
Oh man. You’re one immensely strong woman, Bev. I felt my insides cringing up just reading your blog entry. π And then I was filled with awe at “HOW ON EARTH did you manage to breastfeed with tongue-tie???!?!?!?!?!”
Now I’m thinking how on earth I did it too.. lol.
Remmeber to get your lil one checked out!
It’s good to know he’s not gonna
be tongue tied anymore… and the
fact, he didn’t bite your nipples off!
Heh at least he has no teeth π But even so, breastfeeding was AWFUL the first 2 months~
Poor Hunter – he looks so very sad and traumatized in that photo. π
Chris is awfully brave to have been the person for Hunter to lock-eyes with. Oliver had a day surgery done when he was about three weeks old (local anesthesia) and I couldn’t bring my cowardly self to watch – my mum had to hold him down instead. I understand totally how you must have felt when you saw your little bub go through that. π
Get well soon, Hunter!!
Yikes.. 3 weeks is so young. I’m with you, I wouldn’t be able to watch, let alone hold him down! :X
so glad you guys got it sorted before H. reaches 6 months!
im sure he’ll start talking really quickly!
Yeah I guess better now than even later!
Oh, wow. That story made ME tear up. I can’t imagine being you and seeing my baby scared and in pain. π
I’m glad he’s okay now.
I was trying hard not to panic cos it’s technically a fairly ‘safe’ procedure.. but man, I nearly fell apart when I heard his cries!
So traumatic. π This entry made me tear up. Reminded me of the procedure Anya had to go through when she was less than 2 months old. I’m glad Hunter’s ok now!!
2 months is sooo young! I think it’s scarier when they’re younger, but on the flip side also safer, as they struggle less :X
Oh man I teared up reading this entry and seeing his sad sad face! π thank God dr tan was quick to discover it! I saw her for tabby once when I just had the gut feel that she was not growing well and she found that she had thrush. π the previous doctors at KKH and the GP could not find anything wrong with her!
His face was just so heart breaking to see π But then he was smiling again about an hour later, so I’m hoping he’s forgotten all about it, heh.
Dr T is excellent, so fortunate she found that out about Tabby!
So are you going back to her again for further vaccinations? Would you still like the contact of Isy’s pd?
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
So are you going back to her again for further vaccinations? Would you still like the contact of Isy’s pd?
So are you going back to her again for further vaccinations? Would you still like the contact of Isy’s pd?
So are you going back to her again for further vaccinations? Would you still like the contact of Isy’s pd?
So are you going back to her again for further vaccinations? Would you still like the contact of Isy’s pd?
So are you going back to her again for further vaccinations? Would you still like the contact of Isy’s pd?
Ooh dear I can imagine how excruciatingly hard it must’ve been for you guys. =( Poor baby. But at least, he’s got it fixed and won’t remember this in the long term. xx
Yes very true, he’s already forgotten about it all I think, lol!
Poor little guy! I’m so glad his new doctor was able to diagnose it. I can’t even imagine how hard it must have been for you and Chris to watch him go through that. Hope he heals nicely and starts his vowel sounds soon.
I guess better late then never right? π
so proud of Hunter! such a big boy!
that picture of him crying really broke my heart π
and I totally understand why you’d be upset considering YOU diagnosed it when he was only weeks old!! you are an awesome mum and yours and Chris’ cuddles are all he needs to get better.
I just regret not pushing the issue now.. ugh! Oh well, live and learn..
Hope the lil one feels better
He’s such a lil trooper! I’m sure he will pull thru.
I chanced upon your blog by chance, and I almost feel like a stalker. However, your lil baby was too cute to resist π
Re: Hope the lil one feels better
Aww thank you π
Today he is heaps better, and a happy chappy again. whew!
*hugs* Hunter’s so brave.
Thanks hon π He’s a lil trooper.. acting all fine now!
Your entry made me tear up. =( Cannot imagine the trauma the 3 of u went through that day & the pain you went through with the breast-feeding. You’re sucha trooper!
P/s: SO good to see that smile on Hunter again frm ur twitpic! =)
It’s just meant to be a very simple procedure and I was feeling all faint… scared to think of how I’ll react if it were actual surgery – ack!!
it must have been so heart wrenching to see your little bub having to undergo this, and be fully aware.
just reading your entry had me all squirmish and feeling faint.
i hope little Hunter is recovering well and receiving loads of cuddles for being such a brave boy.
He’s at the bad age where he’s old enough to be aware, which was the painful part π
He is so much better though… whew!
Awwww, poor kid! And yes, you’re right, I think you have awesome parental instincts!
Now I realise it’s true when they say “Mum/Dad know best”…. haha!
Aww, what a sad pic of him crying π Poor baby – hope you feel better soon, H!
Dr T is wonderful, isn’t she? A lot of us share the same paed, I realise!
Oh I didn’t realise you see her too! She’s so lovely π
Oh bummer.. My heart broke a little when I read about your little man! But he’s a trooper and will be all good in no time!! π
he took it all like a champion.. not so much for me, hah!!
Ouch…. I cringed as I read the whole procedure! Thank goodness it’s all over now. **HUGS**
It’s painful to see your (very) young child go through something like that :X Very grateful he is OK now!
We see the same doc too. π Amelia had tongue-tie as well. And we prob went to the same doctor to get the procedure done – Dr Cheah? Everything is ok. She’s now 2 and while not the most advanced in speech, she has no problems sticking her tongue out and getting herself understood. :p
Oh wow, what a small world. And yes, same doc!
I’m praying he has no delayed speech development but I suppose only time will tell… Thank God Amelia is doing well π
Aaww, poor boy. I feel the pain even reading about it. Big hugs to you, momma! Hope he’s recovering well!
He’s doing well now.. whew! I hope you never have to go through stuff like that. You’re so fortunate your lil feeds well π
Oh, wow. That story made ME tear up. I can’t imagine being you and seeing my baby scared and in pain. π
I’m glad he’s okay now.
I was trying hard not to panic cos it’s technically a fairly ‘safe’ procedure.. but man, I nearly fell apart when I heard his cries!
So traumatic. π This entry made me tear up. Reminded me of the procedure Anya had to go through when she was less than 2 months old. I’m glad Hunter’s ok now!!
2 months is sooo young! I think it’s scarier when they’re younger, but on the flip side also safer, as they struggle less :X
Oh man I teared up reading this entry and seeing his sad sad face! π thank God dr tan was quick to discover it! I saw her for tabby once when I just had the gut feel that she was not growing well and she found that she had thrush. π the previous doctors at KKH and the GP could not find anything wrong with her!
His face was just so heart breaking to see π But then he was smiling again about an hour later, so I’m hoping he’s forgotten all about it, heh.
Dr T is excellent, so fortunate she found that out about Tabby!
So are you going back to her again for further vaccinations? Would you still like the contact of Isy’s pd?
Undecided π Can you pls msg me the contact though? I think for v standard stuff we can go with another pd!
Ooh dear I can imagine how excruciatingly hard it must’ve been for you guys. =( Poor baby. But at least, he’s got it fixed and won’t remember this in the long term. xx
Yes very true, he’s already forgotten about it all I think, lol!
Poor little guy! I’m so glad his new doctor was able to diagnose it. I can’t even imagine how hard it must have been for you and Chris to watch him go through that. Hope he heals nicely and starts his vowel sounds soon.
I guess better late then never right? π
Hope the lil one feels better
He’s such a lil trooper! I’m sure he will pull thru.
I chanced upon your blog by chance, and I almost feel like a stalker. However, your lil baby was too cute to resist π
Re: Hope the lil one feels better
Aww thank you π
Today he is heaps better, and a happy chappy again. whew!
Your entry made me tear up. =( Cannot imagine the trauma the 3 of u went through that day & the pain you went through with the breast-feeding. You’re sucha trooper!
P/s: SO good to see that smile on Hunter again frm ur twitpic! =)
It’s just meant to be a very simple procedure and I was feeling all faint… scared to think of how I’ll react if it were actual surgery – ack!!
it must have been so heart wrenching to see your little bub having to undergo this, and be fully aware.
just reading your entry had me all squirmish and feeling faint.
i hope little Hunter is recovering well and receiving loads of cuddles for being such a brave boy.
He’s at the bad age where he’s old enough to be aware, which was the painful part π
He is so much better though… whew!
Awwww, poor kid! And yes, you’re right, I think you have awesome parental instincts!
Now I realise it’s true when they say “Mum/Dad know best”…. haha!
Aww, what a sad pic of him crying π Poor baby – hope you feel better soon, H!
Dr T is wonderful, isn’t she? A lot of us share the same paed, I realise!
Oh I didn’t realise you see her too! She’s so lovely π