Family, Living in... Singapore SUNGEI BULOH WETLAND RESERVE 3 January 2014


We’ve been to the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve twice so far, the first visit being a bit of a washout (it started drizzling). Our second visit was on New Years Day – we thought it’d be fun to wake up early in the morning and do some outdoor activity.


Let me rephrase.

It’s NO fun being woken up in the morning by kids, but we make the most of it, and it IS fun to do an outdoor activity!

So off we packed to the Wetlands! It’s a nature reserve in the north-west of Singapore, and driving there is pretty reminiscent of all our road trips in Australia – shrouded in greenery and quiet. It’s a lovely change from Singapore’s concrete jungle.

Recognised as a stop-over point for migratory birds, Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve covers a HUGE area of 130 hectares and you’ll see various birds, flora, lizards, crabs and lobsters, fish, etc. I hear there are otters and ducks, but we weren’t lucky enough to spot them!




Keeps your ears open and your eyes peeled – we spotted many (large) monitor lizards lounging around on the side of the path, sunning themselves! The various platform lookouts also provide lovely views and are a great way to spot birds flying past. Go on a cool day and the wind is just stunning.






I gotta admit – the area is not great for very young children. I’d say Hunter’s age (2.5 years) is probably the minimum. The reason is:

  1. The walks are all very far. The minimum is 3KM, far too long for a toddler to walk.
  2. The paths are all undeveloped and thus bumpy. So if you’re hoping to pop your baby/toddler in a stroller, be warned, they’re in for a very bumpy ride (and you risk wrecking your stroller wheels)
  3. The sides of the path have no barriers. This means more unstable toddlers, or even very active ones, can very easily trip and roll down the slope on either side and straight into the water!

This is by no fault of the Wetlands. After all, this is a nature trail and it is beautiful in its as-is state. But, it is something to note if you intend to bring young kids.
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Fancy relaxing a bit under cover? There is a small library (air conditioned) there, as well as a museum-type area to read about the flora and fauna in the Wetlands.

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Best of all? A visit to the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve is FREE!! That’s always good in my book 🙂


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