Made myself go cross-eyed, and after loads of swearing and sweating blood later (I fiddled too much with the css and databases, so it crapped out)………………………..
*sprinkles confeeti*
It’s been goodness knows how long since I’ve refreshed the design. Been meaning to, but just found a million and one other things to do instead.
But I did it! Yay! *pats self on back*
Now I’m all set for the next few years… π

I have the same toy guitar too! Just wanna ask something off topic, have you tried out the recording function on the guitar? Does it work?
Yes it does! Not very well though… the quality is a bit poor :X
love the clean look!
Yay thanks Candice! It will last me for a few years I think π
Like it a lot! Nice work!! π
Thanks sweetie! π