It was my Uncle
The grand masterplan we had was to nap Hunter super late, at 4-6PM. He was soooo zonked by the time we allowed him to nap! But he handled it like a boss, and woke up cheery and happy. He was very well-behaved and cheery through the whole dinner, though he was starting to go a little laughing-hysterical near the end. We were actually quite surprised and relieved that he could handle such a late night… as he ended up sleeping at 11PM – gak!!
Carter we actually figured would be just fine with the super-late night. After all, he’s only a baby and we expected he’ll take an extra nap in the evening, and then be OK.
He was pretty good through the whole evening, and even in the car ride home. The problem was once we stepped through the door. When he saw his home, he went mental. It’s like he knew it was waaaay past his bedtime, but his sanity was held intact because he was distracted by the dinner party. But once he got home, it was like something clicked in his head and he was like “I’M HOME AND I’M SOOOO UPSET IT’S PAST MY BEDTIME AND I JUST DUNNO WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF ANYMORE ARGHHHH!!!!”
He had the most epic meltdown I have ever seen. Through his bath time, and so much so that he couldn’t even take my boob because he was too hysterical and out of his mind. No amount of calming or doing anything would distract him. In the end, Chris turned on YouTube and put an Elmo song on, and that got his attention. After he calmed down a bit, he did a boob feed greedily and knocked out cold.
But it was just terrible trying to get him to calm down, he was flailing everywhere and ranting and screaming like he was possessed. I reckon Hunter is old enough to understand that he’s at a party and so will be sleeping late, and can hold his sanity together. But Carter is just too young, and too regimented with his schedule (yes, we are baby-schedule nazis, I will admit. But our reward is that we get really freakin’ awesome babies that can sleep well! So it’s worth it!).
For this reason, we will reaaaalllllyyyyyy reconsider attending a night-party with the kids again. Maybe for a direct family member’s wedding or something, but definitely not for a random night out!
Man…. I really went on a crazy storytime up above.

lol, the daughters have clearly been relegated!
Same as me!