Ever since I gave birth to Hunter, over 2 years ago, I’ve done…. errrrmmm… about zero exercise and also had about zero spa sessions. That’s like a double-whammy of NO endorphins!
So it was with great interest when I was introduced to the Anti-oxidant centre, which is a Japanese Ganban-yoku (rock bathing) spa. The concept has been popular in Japan for over a decade, but has only just reached the fair shores of Singapore. It’s popular among the Japanese living here (they have a whole bunch of Japanese customers), but catching on among Singaporeans.
Anyway, I’m a total sucker for anything Japanese.
So this centre was built using natural mineral stones imported from Japan. The far infrared rays and negative-ions from the stone has been shown to “improve blood circulation and sweat your stress, toxins, and calories away.” This means that just sitting in their centre is good for you.
I semi-freaked when I heard that a 45 min session is equivalent to a 5km run, burning approx 500 calories. I was all “SIGN ME UP FOR THIS BABY!!”
And you know what I did during this spa treatment?
Lie down flat on my back and sleep.
But first I was told to go change…

The Ganban-Yoku therapy involves me lying on an anti-oxidant bed that is made of treated ceramic tiles. These special tiles release great amounts of Far Infrared Rays and negative ions (these eliminate free radicals, decrease the rate of oxidation, neutralise harmful bacteria and organic compounds and reduce odours and humidity), which are then absorbed through the skin and the air we breathe in.
And so I was told the benefits of the Far Infrared rays and negative ions from the Ganban-Yoku therapy include:
- Anti-aging (never used to care about this, but now that I am… gulp… ‘middle aged’… I do!)
- Reduced cholesterol levels (mine must be sky high. whoops)
- Improved blood circulation
- Relief of pain and stiffness caused by rheumatism
- Increased immune resistance
- Increased metabolic rates and weight loss (oh YES PLEASE)
- Anti-aging of cells and overall body
- Reduced sugar levels for Diabetic sufferers after multiple treatments
The room is a toasty ~40°C with a humidity of 20% to 40%, less intense than a sauna so you don’t feel as weird afterwards, but the amount of sweat that is emitted from the body during a session is said to be more than what would be emitted during a hot sauna session.
They also do couples room by the way, which is such a nice little treat to do with your guy/girl!

So there I was, lying down soaking in the warmth…. and before I knew it…. ZZZZZZZZZZ!!
Was so comfy and zoned that I was really dazed when I was asked to come out. And I just felt so… tired! It was bizzare. I did feel like I’d gone for a run, that kind of glowing-exhausted feeling? And my calves ached like I’d exercised them. So weird. I was told this is because I do zero exercise (oops) so if you’re an exercise nut then results may vary 😛
I was told that this treatment does promote weight loss over time as well as improve well-being, but is not a substitute for muscle toning like proper exercise does. Darn 😛
But you know what I liked?
It was really soft and glowy afterwards.

Looks like I went to town with the Airbrush tool in the above pic, right? Promise I didn’t. I don’t know how long the radiant effect lasts.. but I’d say a couple of hours? Suppose I’d have to do this regularly for longer-term effects.
Anyway, so there I was resting for around 5-10 mins and admiring my nice skin… when I was asked to select from a range of Enzyme juices, made with anti-oxidant water. They give you two shot glasses, and you can pick your flavours. I picked Mango (holy crap this was amazziiinnnnnggggg) and Lemongrass (so refreshing!). Liked it so much I got a big bottle of Ginger and another of Lemongrass to bring home with me.
I think this was my favourite part of the treatment, haha. The juices were just delicious!

AND, if you’re really keen to create a healthy, disease-free home environment (I guess this would especially appeal to people with young children, especially those with health issues or skin issues like eczema etc), they now stock an Anti-Oxidant Home Building Solution which can be mixed into paint when painting your walls.
How does it work?
The solution is made with organic materials and produces special microbes that form negative ions. And this solution produces a HUGE amount of negative ions! And according to research, “spending extended periods of time in such an environment will strengthen the immune system, reduce allergies, improve respiratory conditions, improve metabolism and reinforce the growth of collagen for an anti-ageing effect. Home owners will be pleased to know the Home Building solution neutralises bad odours from mildew, tobacco and pets and also prevents the formation of mould and fungus. Additionally, cleaning becomes less of a hassle as it creates an anti-static environment, hence preventing dust from sticking to floors, walls and ceilings.”
That all sounds good and all to me, but I want to see TANGIBLE RESULTS.
And for people that are in the same boat as me, they do this really freakin’ impressive raw egg and bread test.
The anti-oxidant effect of the Home Building solution is powerful enough that raw food substances will not rot or decay. Believe it or not, we have:

I am definitely looking to get this Anti-Oxidant Home Building Solution for the walls of our new place. If it can keep a raw egg unspoiled for months (I’m still totally incredulous about this, lol), I’m thinking it would be so good for us and the kids. Maybe I’ll be 100 yrs old and still look the same as now – haha!
If you’re keen to give ’em a try, you can do so for a special trial price of $10 (from $39). Just print out the picture below or quote “BEVERLY” when make your appointment!

Frankly, it’s freakin’ good to be able to just lie down for 45 mins and reap the benefits (far more than a regular spa massage would). Excellent time-out and switch-off from daily life and the kids for me. I actually think it’d be pretty fun to do as a couples date, or to do their Ganban-Yoga with some friends if you fancy some exercise too.
And writing this has me longing to zone out again.. so I am off to bed and pretending that I’m lying down doing Ganban-Yoku therapy 😉
Good night folks!
is there an expiry to the trial price? if i bring my hubby along is it $20? :p
They didn’t mention but I would assume within reason.. like in the next few weeks 🙂
I think you can, just quote my name and ask! I want to drag Chris along too.. haha
haha ok thanks!
Wow.. your skin! It really looks amazing! Now I feel like trying this!
Might be doing it together soon now.. teehee!
this looks good! :p think im gonna give it a try since the trial price is so attractive!
hope it gives my skin the same kind of effect as it did for yours!
It’s so close to you too… envious! Wish I didn’t live so far away.. grr
PS. you can go to Habitat next door before/after 😛