Hunter had the opportunity to strut his stuff and be a child model for milk
milk on the rocks NYC is a new fashion brand that’s just reached the fair shores of Singapore. If there’s one word for me to choose to sum up the brand, it’s edgy. We get cute lil baby clothes everywhere in Singapore, but there’s actually not many edgy/cool ones. These guys incorporate hip prints and lots of textures into their clothing, which makes the brand really unique. And man, does Hunter look different in his sexy lil fitted clothes! 😉 I suppose just as well since he was modelling a ‘cool’ clothing line and not a cutesy one!
The popup store will be at Forum Mall’s atrium from 1-10 October. They will then be available at a multi-brand boutique called ‘NotTooBig’ at Forum, opening in November!

See the grey long-sleeve tee on the top-right? It is SO CUTE. The ‘drawbridge’ actually unzips around like a lil pouch, and there’s a knight on a horse print on the inside! ARGH TOO CUTE GONNA FAINT. I think that’s a unisex tee and I bet Hunter (who has taken after me and loooooves fiddling with stuff) would love playing around with the zipper whenever he wears that tee. I’m also a fan of the navy coat and reckon it’d be awesome when travelling to cooler climates. It’d look super chic paired with skinny black jeans!
My girl friend Delphine and her two cutie-pie kids were also part of the photoshoot, and were great pals until they decided to have a fight over the tricycle there. Ahem.

The children took turns doing the photoshoot.. and they all surprisingly held it together really well for the 2-3 hour long photoshoot. Very impressed! I thought at least one kid would have a meltdown, but all went well and they enjoyed themselves. That said, you should’ve seen the things us adults resort to in order to get a child’s attention for the camera… lots of singing, dancing, and random jumping around like our pants were on fire 😉 Well, whatever it takes…
And Hunter being Hunter, was all smiles and cheery during dressing up time… but then put on his famous trademark pensive stare once the camera was on him. Eh.

I was really drawn to the industrial-vintage style of the decor and ambience of the photoshoot. The vintage luggage was awesome! It was later used to put babies in there among the clothes.

A tricycle was there, which Hunter immediately claimed as his. I don’t know what the name/brand of this is, but it’s a very lovely quality bike that quite a hit. I like the ride-on board behind – great idea for 2 kids!

The funny thing is, after seeing Hunter in slim-fit clothing, I actually thought he looked so ‘normal’ back in his usual clothing (see below). I dress him with fairly baggy clothing, and now I realise he does look quite good in more fitted stuff like in the pics above. What do you reckon?

We took a couple of ‘behind the scenes’ shots in the dressing room.. which was more like a play area with toys everywhere to keep the kids occupied.

And then someone had the bright idea to get us mummies to be in front of the camera ourselves, since we’re usually stuck behind the lens taking the photos! So here we are… tired at the end of the day, after the photoshoot.

If you want to kit your kid out in cool clothing, check out the milk on the rocks NYC popup store at Forum Mall’s atrium from 1-10 October. They will then be available at a multi-brand boutique called ‘NotTooBig’ at Forum, opening in November!
Hunter is such a beautiful child. And I think I prefer the baggier look too.
Aww thank you! I do like the skinny pants on him.. gotta get him a pair now 😉
He looks gd in BOTH types of clothings because he is born with model looks! 😀
Aww thank you iris!
Oh cool! Photoshoot! I personally prefer Hunter in the baggy-type of clothes. Just my opinion. 🙂
May I ask how did you come across this opportunity for Hunter to be a model? I’m toying around with this idea for Sammy and wonder how people go about doing it / what it all entails.
Hehe he does wear baggy clothes most of the time, so I think I’m a bit bored of the style now!
Hunter got ‘recruited’ via a friend of a friend, but I’d imagine you could bring him to an agency for headshots and to put his name down in their books??
Its actually very European (Parisian) to wear perfectly fitted clothing. ‘More is less’ is their mantra 🙂 I have been buying MilkOnTheRocks clothing for my son for 3 seasons now and they wash SO WELL (he wears them for playschool every day) so they are literally washed to death and they never go out of shape because they are individually ribbed and made according to Japanese specifications.
Yeah it’s true, I always see Parisians – adults and children – in fitted clothes. Don’t really get why adult males do it though, that’s not my thing 😉
I actually prefer him in his regular clothes!
Hehe I’m so used to him in regular clothes I think, so now I like him in all this fitted gear!
I reckon he looks good in both types of clothes 😉
Haha that’s nice of you Shree!
The clothes are really cute!!! And wow! Hunter makes a good model! (not all models smile anyway!) 😛
Well, I guess he can channel the Blue Steel look 😉