The kids entertainment group Hi-5
Hunter and his 2 girl friends were fortunate to get an invitation and BOY did they have fun! It was held in an outdoor area at MBS, which I’d actually wished I had known about.. as I dressed Hunter up in long sleeves/pants so he was sweltering, d’oh. I was in a flimsy dress, but was sweltering too since I’m pregnant and Singapore’s heat and humidity at this time of the year is brutal.
It didn’t prevent the kids from having fun though! There was time to run around and enjoy ourselves before the press conference, and they made full use of it, running amok and having the time of their life ๐

The bistro served up a killer (and much needed)ย iced latte for mummies and freshly-squeezed orange juice for the bubs. Very much appreciated, and it gave the kids a chance to play around in there as well.

It was announced that Hi-5 (previously owned by Nine Network Australia and Southern Star Entertainment) were acquired by Asiasons, aย Singapore-listed private equity group. Presumably this means more penetration into the Asia markets, which is great news for us!ย Datuk Jared Lim said a few words, and I was amazed that he was so successful for someone so young (and good looking, LOL).

Hi-5 then came on for their performance, and all the kids had a fab time dancing on the mat. Hunter was among the youngest and was pretty awestruck with it all since they were right in front of him and it was pretty loud. He really enjoyed it though, and was absolutely fascinated the whole time.
Only thing was that he insisted on sitting on my lap, so I was the only adult there on the mat with the kids!!

And…. ummm..ย Tim from Hi-5 is super good-looking. JUST SAYIN’!!!!! He’s the brunette guy below. Agree?

At the end, the invited kids had an opportunity to take photos with Hi-5 and the key stakeholders. Ron Tan, one of the directors, carried Hunter for the photos and I was pretty surprised that Hunter didn’t mind it at all and looked quite comfortable. He normally will NOT let strangers carry him.. so I always think highly of the people that he allows to carry him ๐

I really like how vibrant the Hi-5 cast were, and they do some really catchy songs that are great for kids. I’m now considering getting a DVD or 2 to play for Hunter at home ๐
With the change in ownership of Hi-5, will they be changing the cast as well?
Will Tim stay, do you know? ๐
Nope, will be the same! Thankfully…. LOL
Hunter does have really long eyelashes ๐ so cute!
Yeah.. lucky boy.. wish I did too!!
LOL are you sure you aren’t getting the DVDs for yourself? Kidding haha. I don’t really see Tim’s appeal.. maybe he’s better in motion.
Hunter’s cheeks and lashes are sooo adorable!
Haha! Yeah I thought he was pretty cute.. that nice wholesome look I suppose ๐
I am pretty glued to Hi-5 at times:)
hahah I will be from now on!