HOLIDAYS, Racha Phuket BABYMOON AT RACHA 4 March 2012

Well, we’re off on our Babymoon! We decided on The Racha, which came recommended by a girl friend that stayed there for her honeymoon, and another girl friend that went for her wedding anniversary. So we figure, we can’t go wrong if 2 separate parties have been there and loved it!

It’ll also be my first time apart from Hunter. The longest I’ve been separated from him is a couple of hours. Can we say SEPARATION ANXIETY?????? More on my part, I think πŸ˜‰ He’ll be staying with my parents whom he’s really familiar with, so it’s unlikely he’ll wig out. We’re lucky to have them around, as they’re the ONLY people here I’d trust with my son, because for sure he’ll go mental if he’s realised Chris and I have disappeared and there’s no one looking after him that he’s familiar with – he’s pretty clingy like that. Except, my poor parents have to deal with a young child 24/7 for a couple of days.. because I won’t get him back until Wed next week!

So that’s 4 whole nights separated from him.. I try not to think about it because it feels like my heart will fall out otherwise. I seriously don’t know how people have the courage and stamina manage to go away on extended holidays without their young babies (many of them way younger than Hunter is), and for holidays spanning a WEEK or more! Between the full-time breastfeeding and my desire to be around him 24/7 to make sure everything is going perfectly, it wasn’t til now that we can go away alone, and it’s only for a handful of days. I honestly don’t think my heart could’ve handled been apart from Hunter any earlier..

This also marks our FIRST holiday without baby. Man, the possibilities!!!! We’ll get to loll around doing nothing, and not have our entire lives revolve around Hunter. I won’t even know what to do with myself πŸ˜‰ It also marks our LAST holiday without baby(ies)Β for a very long time.. because there’s no way we can leave 2 young children with my parents whilst we take off – nor would we ever do something like that! So, from now on after this, it will be a family-of-four holiday for us πŸ™‚

But, for now, it’ll be sun, surf, and beach for the next few days.. I CAN’T WAIT πŸ˜€


Let’s Chat!

Let's Chat!

Hello, stumbled your blog and you have a little beautiful family πŸ™‚ Yes. Racha is beautiful beach by far. We had our wedding ceremony and honeymoon in Racha. Hope you enjoyed Racha too.

Hahahaa…Bev! Going to such a lovely and relaxin’ place like that, very soon we’ll have the 3rd Chris-&-Bev junior!!!! Have fun there with the lil one inside! Enjoy to the fullest! I miss Hunter!!!!

have a wonderful holiday. i can only imagine, what it is like without that adorable bub for 4 whole days! but i agree, it would probably be a tad difficult to go away like this with TWO young bubs in the future… =]