I have discovered my semi-twin.
We easily fool random shoppers that come over to check out our kids that they are actually twins. Muahahahaaaa…
What dya reckon? 😛

Remember when Hunter failed miserably at putting his pacifier into his mouth? Well, he does it easily now when we give it to him – finally 😉 This was the first time he did it, taken last week. Last part is the funniest!
Not twin! Doppelgänger! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doppelgänger)
Lol, he is so freaking cute, Bev! I love watching him grow up!
True, that’s a better word!
Ummm UNCANNY, Beverly!!! Are you not freaked out by all the coincidences?!
Quite weird right, LOL!
forgot to add that’s the cutest baby video
what’s the baby gurl’s name
Aww thanks!
Her name is Ellie 🙂
Does this mean I could have two grandchildren???!!! twins they both look adorable. Hunter has such a happy smile.
At least you’ll know what your next grandchild is likely to look like, if we have a daughter 😉
they really look so alike!! Too cute, I wanna kidnap both of them home! Heh.
Not when both of em start yelling at the same time lol!
It’s true! They look so similar… 😀
Pretty cool huh!
cut from the same cloth, definitely!! they’re adorable. how cute would it be if they got married and had babies looking exactly like themselves?!
Ohh I wish hahaha. Then the whole family would look so cute together!
Been reading your blog for some time.. can’t help but wanna comment that they are so alike!
why not let them put on the same outfit and snap a photo?
OMG you’re right Justina.. we should get a unisexy outfit and put them both in it. Haha!
Definitely semi-twins. I love it. xo
heh thanks Kumi. It’s pretty rare to find another baby that looks so similar, so we’re rather tickled 😉
The resemblance is uncanny, right down to their cute bald heads 🙂 Will be interesting to see how their looks change as they grow older (and have more hair)!
They have the same hair colour too, but really light so they look bald in photos, doh!
Will be fun to see when they’re, say, 5 yrs old 😛
The cheeks, the hair, the eyes, it really is amazing how much they are alike.
It will be fascinating if you keep in touch with the family to see how they grow up. I hope they get along.
At the moment they just whack at each other heh. I think it’ll be awhile before they can interact..!
IGUALES!!!! but H is my fav!!!! 😀
Buuuut Mariella.. you are biased 😛
OMG! double the cuteness, double the hubby cheeks! ahh! they are a match made in adorable heaven! 🙂
Hunter’s facial expressions are priceless. The face he made at the end of the video, when his pacifier popped out was very WTF! LOL!
Hehe yeah poor dear.. after allllll that effort too 😉
Do I smell a potential matchmaking opportunity in the air? Hehe 🙂 These two are such cuties!
And I am SO impressed that Hunter can put the pacifier in his own mouth! We are leaving Enoch to his own pacifier, which could be his thumb or big toe depending on his mood haha.
LOL we can already predict what their kids will look like 😉
Enoch is soooo freakin’ cute sucking his toes though, haha!
this is too cute!
U finally meet your parallel self from another parallel universe; same goes to hunter…
have you tried gettingthem together in a photo with their heads side by side and they’re having their arms around each other’s neck? lol
Will have to wait til they’re a bit older.. i think it’ll be adorable to take a pic of them walking holding hands 😛
Gosh! They really do look like each other! Even their style looks similar!! Hahaha
Heh I hadn’t noticed that til you pointed it out!
Cute cute cuteeeee!!!!! 😀
Haha thanks Cindy!
that is insane!!!
So funny eh, not often you find someone that looks just like you!
ohmygoodness… at first (before i read the post) i thought you had photoshopped the picture! :O
LOLLLL we were lucky were looking in same directions when we took the pics 😉
Awww Both so LOVELY !! <333
Hee thanks Linda!
WOW!!! That’s crazy! Double the cuteness!!!
I can’t wait to take pics of them as toddlers together, haha!
they look really cute together!
Aww thanks Tiffany!
All I see are cheeks! They’re so cute!
They both have really chubby cheeks, I think that’s part of the reason why they look similar 😉
I did a double take upon seeing that picture! TWINS INDEED! :p I said it once and I’ll say it again – twins rule!!! HAHA!
LOL ya biased nutter 😛
totally like twins! And yay! He’s wearing the tee from
Meeeee 🙂 🙂
Yes but it’s slowly becoming a crop-top on him.. muahahaaa
Oh my! They DO LOOK alike, lol. What a cute coincidence on their bdays etc 😀
They might become best buddies for life too!
Yeah quite fun that our bdays are a day apart, and our kids’ bdays are a few days apart 😛
They can really pass off as twins.
Yeah, so similar huh? Or, at least, siblings!
That’s so cool that you found his twin!
Out of all the mixed babies I know, she looks the most similar to Hunter. V weird!
🙂 hmmm lost twin?
Good thing we’re both the mums, so we don’t get suspicious… LMAO
i think it be really neat to have pictures of them through the months.. lets see how they both turn out 🙂
Oh. My. God that is FREAKY!! They even have the same hair colour! It’ll be interesting to see if they will look similar as they get older. You’ll gave to take some comparison photos every few weeks….and share with us! 🙂
Yes exact same hair colour and amount too, haha!! Mixed babies tend to change quite a bit as they get older, so yeah, will be fun to see how they go..
wow, twin indeed!
What will be interesting is if either of us have a 2nd child of the opposite gender.. and if they’ll look like the other person’s kid 😉
Hi, this is my first comment on your blog (after a few weeks of stalking), but I can’t help but to let you know how cute your baby is! And yes, his friend certainly looks like his twin 🙂
Thanks for your note, it’s really nice of you 🙂
And OMG I’m so envious you live in Belgium…. can we trade places??
amazing! Does she look like you? Pic of her pls!
I don’t think so, which is the weird thing! She’s here: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=545972209
she could look like your older sister
OMG. I’d be fooled too if I didn’t already know!
I’d have been fooled too if I wasn’t sure that I just birthed one child, LOL!
Hunter and his semi-twin look so cute together! And, that video is hilarious, especially after trying so hard to put the pacifier into his mouth!
Yeah LOL poor thing. He can do it now, but still quite clumsily!
Wow… The babies really look very similar, especially in the bottom right photo.
They’re about the same size too!
So alike!!!
We had great fun telling people they were twins 😉
OMGOSH!! they do look very much alike!
I reckon even more so now, compared to when we all went out together 2 months ago or so!
They do really look very alike!!
So weird they look so much alike, when him and Elliot don’t look very much alike, and they’re cousins!